Freedom Refill Method for Canon BCI 3, 5, 6 & CLI 8 & PGI 5 and others


Printer Master
Jan 18, 2011
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I don't know. Every kind of cartridge is different. The pictures show the kits for HP. Here's a good look at one of the HP kits.

The kits are complete for the indicated cartridges and colors, and there's more in the kits than is shown in the pictures you posted. But Canon kits are different. I have no idea if the HP kits would fit Canon.

Here's another brand of clip that I've seen. (Scroll down to the video.)


Print Addict
Apr 14, 2005
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Re: Freedom filling method

I did something like that a few years back.

I never posted the method because after the tests I did, I found it was too messy, time consuming and it could put a lot of strain particularly in non-OEM cartridges. It would also create a lot of foam inside the sponge (I was using silly mixtures of inks back then so this probably isn't an issue with the method).

While the piercing method modifies the cartridge, it is the easiest of everything I tried (and I tried a lot of things just for the fun of it)...

But it's great to see someone did it right and without modifying the cartridge at all! Congratulations, ghwellsjr.


Print Addict
Feb 22, 2010
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Hampshire U.K.
ghwellsjr To clarify your confusion about the Inktec clips and inserts you get 3 clips labelled C/M/Y and 3 grey inserts this is for the colour kit. For the Black Photo you get 1 clip and 1 grey insert, and finally the Black pigment you get 1 clip and 2 inserts 1 Purple and 1 Green.The Green would fit the Canon PGBK (I have just tried one) For your purpose I assume you want to try out its potential the cheapest option would be the Photo Black Kit because the clips and inserts ARE THE SAME AS THE COLOUR ONES[/b but for the Pigment cart you would need the other Kit although the purple inset will be wasted as the HP cart is a different size.

But what are you trying to achieve?. I have tried your method with a BCI-6 and a 20ml syringe and got limited vacuum effect. No doubt the much larger 60ml syringe would be much better. all I seem to do is to suck out the air and some fluid from the Cart getting 2 pulls before travel runs out.



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barfl2 said:
ghwellsjr To clarify your confusion about the Inktec clips and inserts you get 3 clips labelled C/M/Y and 3 grey inserts this is for the colour kit. For the Black Photo you get 1 clip and 1 grey insert, and finally the Black pigment you get 1 clip and 2 inserts 1 Purple and 1 Green.The Green would fit the Canon PGBK (I have just tried one) For your purpose I assume you want to try out its potential the cheapest option would be the Photo Black Kit because the clips and inserts ARE THE SAME AS THE COLOUR ONES[/b but for the Pigment cart you would need the other Kit although the purple inset will be wasted as the HP cart is a different size.

But what are you trying to achieve?. I have tried your method with a BCI-6 and a 20ml syringe and got limited vacuum effect. No doubt the much larger 60ml syringe would be much better. all I seem to do is to suck out the air and some fluid from the Cart getting 2 pulls before travel runs out.


Thanks for the clarification but I just want to confirm one more thing: is the clip for the pigment black ink different from the clip for the dye inks? In other words, are you saying that I would need to buy two kits, a pigment black kit and a dye black kit, just so that I can get a grey and a green insert or do I also need two different clips?

When you tried your experiment, what kind of tape did you put over the air vent hole?

And before you tried to refill, did you do the air tightness test where you pull on the empty syringe plunger and let it back in to see how close it returned to the starting point?

What I would like to achieve now is to know if the seal between the clip/insert and the outlet port on the cartridge is air tight. It's almost impossible to tell if air is leaking in there or if it is leaking in at the tape over the air vent but I have a method to determine this distinction. That is to do the air tightness test under water with a completely dry cartridge. Fill up your sink with water and put the whole apparatus under water and then pull on the plunger and leave it extended. If you see water going into the syringe you know it is coming from the clip seal. If you see it going into the air gap between the sponge and the air vent, then you know the tape is not providing a good seal.

If you find that the clip and tape provide and adequate seal then I think a 60 ml syringe with a 90 degree bend would make a huge difference. If you can confirm that the clip does provide an adequate seal, I will be really tempted to buy one or two kits.


Print Addict
Apr 14, 2005
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After watching the video again I am certain that foaming would only occur if the ink were low quality in that it didn't contain the correct amount of anti-foam additive. Ghwellsjr obviously doesn't have this issue.

Yes, the Freedom method looks great. The advantage of not modifying the cartridge is obvious. And a specialized clip would make it even easier.

When I was attempting my own syringe vacuum refilling experiments, the disadvantage of requiring a lot of force was quite important because I was using a needle. Dangerous stuff. Obviously this isn't an issue with the Freedom refilling. Just take care not to let the plunger go by itself because the cartridge might even fly away (happened to me). However the chance of spilling is much smaller to what it seems because of the vacuum. horror vacui Aristotle said -- there is a good chance the ink would remain on the cartridge and the syringe (again, happened to me).

I wonder if cartridges refilled with the Freedom method would require regular purging. One of the reasons I like the German method is that I stopped purging after I switched to it and I am using the same set of cartridges (2x5) for about 3 years of rather heavy usage without purging. I'll be definitely watching this thread.


Print Addict
Feb 22, 2010
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Hampshire U.K.
ghwellejr confirm all clips are same size only inserts are diifferent size grey colour/photo black,purple small pigment black, and green large pigment black. so to get both inserts you will have to buy a pigment kit and either photo black or colour kit.

I think my tests are leaking through tape, certainly any downward pressure on the syringe bubbles appear under water. tried sticky plastic duct tape and electrical tape so far.
with empty syringe firstpull right back vacuum takes it to the 15ml mark the second to 20ml third hardly moves. I will suspend efforts until I find a large syringe. Tried locally without sucess. The Chemist only keep the small 5/10ml versions.



Printer Master
Jan 18, 2011
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I'll try to have a look at it, but I can't get to it for a couple of days. Maybe Saturday or Monday.


Getting Fingers Dirty
May 7, 2011
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My third attempt to "Freedom Method"

Although I intended to do it by the book, it was not possible as I have not found 60 cc with long tip syringe (btw, it is called catheter tip syringe or in my area Guyon syringe).
Also I have not found suitable rubber hose.

To overcome these I build a holder as in picture below, to secure fit the orange cap on outlet port and the adhesive tape on air maze.


Also I used a 30 cc syringe from a refill kit.

And it worked like a charm.


Some observations:
- it is mandatory to have everything airtight, the plunger in syringe, the connection to outlet port, the air maze.
- at least 30 cc syringe. Tried with 20 cc syringe with mixed results.
- regarding foam, maybe my ink is "foamy", or has a volatile component that boils at low pressure.
- it is easy to overfill (ink in space above sponge, up to air maze, happened to cyan cartridge) so I suppose the method cannot be used for opaque cartridges.

IMHO this method is very good for persons who refill other people cartridges, as there is no need to do anything to cartridge (holes, plugs) and the refilled cartridge is in original state, but not so good for people who refill again and again the same cartridges.

ghwellsjr, congratulations!