CLI-8 Cartridges, How does the chip really monitor ink?


Printing Ninja
Feb 28, 2007
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Vancouver, Washington
The printer police are sleeping now....what model printer...please ?

OK, I guess...MP600 ?
Start next post with three asterisks if yes ;)


Newbie to Printing
Apr 17, 2008
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What i found is this...

Story part one:

1. Installed new original cartrige.
2. Printed UNTIL the low ink warning from the software.
3. Pressed OK and continued to print with the cartrige as i knew it still had quite a few pages in left.
4. Tried to use the chip on a refill cartrige... NO GO... i would not get the full reset prompt.

Story part two:

1. Installed new original cartrige.
2. Printed UNTIL the low ink warning from the software.
3. Took the cartrige out... took the chip out and put it on a refill cartrige.
4. Put the refill cartrige IN... printed... got the low ink warning... pressed ok... printed again... go go... after some time printing it gave me the do you want to reset etc etc... press sec... press again... ETC... DONE
5. Now i use these exact chips... for 10 refills and no errors... sidenote: lights do not come on when printer lid is open... ink level reporting is disabled.


1. Pressing continue to print on a low ink original cartrige DOES something to the chip and if you take it YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO USE IT ON REFILL CARTRIGE TO GET THE "FULL RESET" prompt.
2. Take care NOT TO PUT a chip from a different color on other colors.
3. ONCE you have a set of these "FULLY" RESETED chips... you cand virtually use them again and again... I even thought i could glue them to the printer head and not worry any more.
SIDENOTE... the chip does not monitor the INK LEVEL... it monitors how many times the printhead has fired... it actually has NO ideea of how much ink is left inside.... when i put the refill cartrige with the chip form the almost empty one inside... it reported the ink level on the old cartrige.

lin said:
websnail said:
... we're waiting... :D
Sorry for the delay and being away. It's not hard to guess what's the model for you because I dropped so many hint and hopefully you guess it. Sorry that I still don't feel comfortable in stating in boldly in black and white. But your previous enquiry whether is it that model that you have figured it out, my answer is not a 'No'. So I hope you can read in between the line and get the hint on the model. :)

websnail said:
I think, with all the evidence available that the problem is actually a dirty or faulty chip contact in the actual printhead carriage.. ie: the little metal pins that stick out and connect/contact the chip when the cartridge is installed. You might want to try looking into the carriage and seeing if any are out of alignment or covered in gunk..

It could still be that you have a bad chip batch or that something else has gone awry but overall the simple fact that I have a brand new iP4500 here that works just fine brand new cartridges that have reached empty makes me think this is one of those rare, non-standard problems.
There is no problem with the contact on that problematic CLI8BK chip discussed or on the printhead carriage chip sensor which I mentioned in keastman thread. Bare in mind that it has detected the CLI-8BK chips from my 1st set of cartridges. The printer was able to detected the new CLI-8BK cart which I had recently acquired too. I even clean up the problematic CLI8BK chips of the 2nd set before I posted at keastman's thread . But the result remain that it keep asking me to replace the ink tank without providing me with the accept warranty void option or release the ink level monitoring via the resume/stop button. And in case anyone thinks like Tin Ho who suggested that it could be virus on my computer. The answer is no. No virus. Whether I connect the printer to the computer and even on another machine, the error message will still be show on the 2.5" printer LCD panel.

I like to think that something has gone haywire during the process of read & write to the problematic CLI-8BK chip when it trigger the low ink/empty or something. I will not go about resolving this problematic CLI8BK chip since it's just one chip and wasn't a big problem for me as I could still use my 1st sets of cartridges so the lost is not really significant.

I feel really appreciative you and along with others have taken the time to read & given some thoughts my post on that 1 problematic CLI-8BK from one of the cartridge sets.


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samov said:
4. Tried to use the chip on a refill cartrige... NO GO... i would not get the full reset prompt.


(story #2)
4. Put the refill cartrige IN... printed... got the low ink warning... pressed ok... printed again... go go... after some time printing it gave me the do you want to reset etc etc... press sec... press again... ETC... DONE



1. Pressing continue to print on a low ink original cartrige DOES something to the chip and if you take it YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO USE IT ON REFILL CARTRIGE TO GET THE "FULL RESET" prompt.
I agree with everything else you write but not the above... I would hazard an educated guess that your problem with the first chip was simply more likely related to the transfer to the other cartridge..

The key thing is that you transferred the chip before you reset it and for whatever reason it didn't like your chip (maybe damaged in transfer), the new cartridge, or some other factor... I don't believe that anything is "done" to the chip that stops it from being reset. I do believe that the chip does get written to when the prism in the cartridge detects the spongeless tank is gone but I'm 99.9% sure it doesn't stop resetting from being possible.

Just my opinion but it based on around 15 printers and quite a few cartridge sets :)