Canon Pixma Pro 1 Ink and refill options.

Leonardo Jose Sebba

Printing Apprentice
Oct 17, 2015
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Printer Model
Canon Pixma Pro-1 and Pro-100
if you wish you can continue to use your OEM cartridges indefinitely as I do by refilling them, but in your case from the compatibles you have and transfer the chip over carefully, that way you’ll still have all the bells and whistles..:)

Most printers don’t show the ink monitoring when used on a network simply because when others use the same printer the ink amounts left may be totally inaccurate..

@The Hat can you have a manual of how to recharge? no idea how, I need a help, not meeting or video teaching.

The Hat

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Hi @Leonardo Jose Sebba and welcome, I’m not really sure what exactly you’re looking for so please forgive my ignorance.

Can you give me some more details on your problems, it might help if you use the Google Translator, Portuguese to English.. :)

Leonardo Jose Sebba

Printing Apprentice
Oct 17, 2015
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Printer Model
Canon Pixma Pro-1 and Pro-100
I need a tutorial to fill my cartridge with rechargeable ink. Sorry my english reality sux :(

I have original empty cartridges and want to use OEM inks to put in them, but do not know how to fill, not find any help?


Printing Apprentice
Sep 19, 2015
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Printer Model
Canon pixma pro-1
Hi Hat and Forum,
Had confirmation from pay-pal today that the full value of my purchase has been refunded. Okay, I'm still £60 down on the VAT I had to pay DHL to clear customs, but I do get to keep the carts. I've just got to find a way of using them :)
I'm asking around the wider Alibaba community for a source of chips that are guaranteed to work with the PRO-1 at firmware 2.1x, I'm hoping re-chipping either the non compatibles or refilling and re-chipping my OEM's will work. Any thoughts?
Regards and thanks for your help.

The Hat

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Hi Alastair, glad to hear you got your refund, it’s a pity about the VAT, next time you could try and use China Post, it’s a bit slower but you won’t have to pay the Vat on the post.

Have you tried removing a chip from one of the cartridges and placing it on the OEM cartridge as a test to see if it would be acceptable, just make sure you use like for like.

You can still use the ink from the compatibles in your OEM’s but you’ll have to disable the ink monitoring, it’s a bit wasteful but at least you can still print.

Try using this company for chips, that’s where I got mine from last time out..


Printing Apprentice
Sep 19, 2015
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Printer Model
Canon pixma pro-1
Hi Alastair, glad to hear you got your refund, it’s a pity about the VAT, next time you could try and use China Post, it’s a bit slower but you won’t have to pay the Vat on the post.

Have you tried removing a chip from one of the cartridges and placing it on the OEM cartridge as a test to see if it would be acceptable, just make sure you use like for like.

You can still use the ink from the compatibles in your OEM’s but you’ll have to disable the ink monitoring, it’s a bit wasteful but at least you can still print.

Try using this company for chips, that’s where I got mine from last time out..

Well, I did ask around the Alibaba suppliers for confirmation that the chips will work (or not) with V2.xx of the firmware. I only had one reply:
Dear Alastair Dobell
You have a new message from AliExpress supplier Ron Deng.
Ron Deng: Our chip just suit the printer date of 2014 years.

So he does confirm my thoughts: Canon have changed their firmware and effectively nobbled all the compatibles that were engineered to the old firmware specifications. So Forum members, don't waste your time and money on 'compatibles' for the PRO-1 at version 2.xx unless the supplier is prepared to state in writing that their product will work with your specific version of firmware. Also, please be wary of updating your firmware if you are using compatibles, you may be in for a nasty surprise!
BTW, I am convinced that all the Chinese suppliers of cartridges use only a single source for the all-important chip. This is HYD at the link above posted by Hat.

The Hat

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Hi @Alastair,

It seems you have hit an impasse with the new chips and I reckon the only way to know for sure is to try them out on your own machines firmware.

Let me know by PM which one of your OEM chips now have the big red X and I’ll send you one of my chips to see if it will work on your machine, I reckon it’s worth a try to know for sure.

Running the Pro 1 with the ink monitoring disabled is a nightmare and a terrible waste of good ink..


Printing Apprentice
Sep 19, 2015
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Printer Model
Canon pixma pro-1
Hi Hat,
It has been a few months! I had to wait until my OEM's ran down before further testing. What I did last week was to do as you said, try the OEM with the chip from my Chinese carts. Would you believe it, it worked :)
I have since refilled the OEM with the compatible ink and all systems are go !!
That said, I did have one OEM (the first one I refilled) that leaked after refilling. Nothing too serious, just when I (gently) tipped the cart over with tissue paper over the refilling point it was clear the valve hadn't closed properly. I suspect I might have damaged it with the improvised filling tip I was using. I have now purchased the correct fittings and syringe on-line from at a total cost of less than a fiver (2x 50 mm syringes and 5 tips). But best of all, I have five full sets of Chinese cartridges with working chips and full of ink, all for the cost of the VAT - recall that the supplier refunded the original cost in full. Happy days!
One thing that does bother me, I was convinced it was the chip that was causing the incompatibility, but obviously I was wrong. Physically, the OEM's and the compatibles look very similar, albeit the latter don't have the locating keys to prevent accidental insertion into the wrong slot. Also these Chinese carts don't have any lights, just a piece of opaque plastic that forms a rather pointless dummy lens.Then there is the issue with the offset plastic spigot mentioned in previous posts. But I still don't know what aspect of these carts my printer didn't like. As I said, I was convinced it was the chip, but happy to be proved wrong.
I hope this post helps others struggling with these carts.
Regards .... Alastair

Leonardo Jose Sebba

Printing Apprentice
Oct 17, 2015
Reaction score
Printer Model
Canon Pixma Pro-1 and Pro-100
Hi @Alastair,
I have other cartridges, an Original kit and other Chinese bought in the United States, certainly could inform me a chip that works and reliable ink kit to use? all of us who bought the Canon Pixma Pro-1 want to find a way out and solve this major problem is the high cost of ink. I have another Canon Pixma printer-100 she spends not as fast as with the pro-1. I want to make this filler, if work gives me the links of your purchases, will also buy. this guy the link below, found on Ebay, he sells paints but nothing in relation to reload or even chip that could be used. >>>>>