Ink cartridge chip for canon pixma pro-100


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I'd planned on posting this on the original thread you were discussing here.
... but that topic has gone off on a tangent while this has stayed truer to the topic of cost/development/etc... so I'll cross post to keep on topic (weird of what?!)

jtoolman said:
Come on Websnail, you were able to get a PRO-9500MKII / PG-9 resetter developed!
If I were to guess, the PGI-9 resetter has probably not netted a substantial profit (if any) so if that's true, would that indicate just how wary any of the ARC chip or resetter manufacturers are when it comes to the newest models?

The problem is really quite simple. Not only are new printers coming out with new tech "protecting" the consumables, but they are being purchased in much reduced volumes. When you do the maths, if the market is smaller, people are being a lot tighter with their cash, don't want to risk what is now an expensive investment with non-OEM, etc... All of a sudden the market for things like resetters is even smaller still. So, when you toss in the investment in research, development and new components there is no reason to expect third party manufacturers to go after newer printers in the same way that was evident in the past.

In truth the PGI-9 was a real curve ball but when you have sellers happy to recommend the ARC's over the resetter it's no real surprise there's a reluctance to push development on a new resetter if the sellers are saying "It's too expensive! People won't buy". For myself, I disagree... Eventually refillers get frustrated with a power blip resetting their chip without them realising. When the cart drains without them realising (which on a PGI-9 offers a very real "squeakybum" factor as there's no backup sensor!) the cost of the resetter vs' the cost of a potential fried printhead/printer becomes a whole lot clearer. Others simply realise they prefer the convenience of all cartridges the same instead of a CLI-8 resetter (that needs finessing to reset) and two ARCs...

It's not just the resetter folk either. Ink manufacturers aren't developing inks for newer models either, with very few exceptions.

Now, all of the above would naturally lead you to assume that it's game over for the Pro-100/CLI-42 chipset but it's not. Subject to further testing, manufacture and the all important cost, one is looking likely to be released in the next few months. When it does, I'll be sure to let you all know...

However, if you're talking about the Pro-10's I'd seriously have to question whether it would be worth it... and as for the Pro-1, I think you can safely forget that too. There's simply nobody bothering to even talk about refilling those cartridges/printers (well, except for a lone loon of an Irishman! ;)) so it's not exactly a hot market opportunity now is it.

So, not all bad news but it will be interesting to see, in 5-10 years, if all we've been doing is re-arranging the deck chairs on the titanic of home printing... Time will tell.

The Hat

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websnail said:
However, if you're talking about the Pro-10's I'd seriously have to question whether it would be worth it... and as for the Pro-1, I think you can safely forget that too. There's simply nobody bothering to even talk about refilling those cartridges/printers (well, except for a lone loon of an Irishman! ;)) so it's not exactly a hot market opportunity now is it.

So, not all bad news but it will be interesting to see, in 5-10 years, if all we've been doing is re-arranging the deck chairs on the titanic of home printing... Time will tell.
Websnail is right, the Pro 10 and Pro 1 are dead in the water regards a resetter ever ever being developed for these models.
but in time ARCs just might, maybe, hopefully be made for these two printers with any luck, Fingers X X X. :thumbsup

I am probably the only fool actually bothering to refill my Pro 1 cartridges. :hu

In 5-10 years I need not worry about booking a trip on any deck chair arranging,
Ill be too busy trying to figure out how these darn harps print in duplex.. :frow


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The Hat said:
Ill be too busy trying to figure out how these darn harps print in duplex.. :frow
Ever the optimist!


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The Hat said:
Another thing to watch out for is this new fancy Wi-Fi gimmick that everybody seems to love on their new printer,
without you knowledge it can at any time connect to the relevant website
through your Wi-Fi router and upload whatever the hell it likes, so beware you guys.. :(
Is that just on the pro-1? Is there any evidence of this happening? If so, it would be easy enough to block the ip in a host file, if there's a specific example to share with us!

The Hat

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ozarkcdn said:
The Hat said:
Another thing to watch out for is this new fancy Wi-Fi gimmick that everybody seems to love on their new printer,
without you knowledge it can at any time connect to the relevant website
through your Wi-Fi router and upload whatever the hell it likes, so beware you guys.. :(
Is that just on the pro-1? Is there any evidence of this happening? If so, it would be easy enough to block the ip in a host file, if there's a specific example to share with us!
Its on any Canon Wi-Fi printer that has Wi-Fi enabled, and if you attempt to block it as you have suggested then you will be unable to install any further Canon printers onto your system later.

It needs this direct connection to your computer to commutate with any Canon print drivers
it detects before it will install anything further.

The Pro 1 does not have Wi-Fi capability only USB and Ethernet connection ports..


Newbie to Printing
Aug 22, 2013
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I just noticed a "CLI-42 Chip Resetter for Canon Pro-100" to be available October 21st from octoinkjet...


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Precision colors has had them for about a week now. They're a little pricey but so were the ones for the CLI-8's when they were first available.
But if you buy the resetter and refill kit combo they knock a few bucks off the price of it.


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@industrialelectrician: Sorry to correct you on your first post (welcome by the way :))... but...

We (OctoInkjet) received the CLI-42 units early morning, last Friday due to an established relationship with the manufacturer, one that was instrumental in getting these units developed in the first place.

No other resellers order shipped until yesterday/Monday (at the earliest) so I suspect you're mixing up pre-ordering with physical availability. Easy mistake to make but if anyone was expecting stock to be shipped out yesterday or today, we're the only ones physically doing it.

Right... that aside, I've started getting queries from concerned Pro-100 owners who have read half baked rumours of "fusible chips" and spinning that into a printer blow-out disaster.

I know where this has come from and I'm not surprised as the discussion thread itself was a confused mashup of discussion about the 550/551 (250/251), the CLI-42 and the potential new or pre-existing chip technology that could-be/has-been used to protect various products such as consumables.

Now, let's put this little nugget to bed... There's absolutely no reason to suspect the CLI-42 chips are in any way built with any kind of fuse or limiting device. The technology being used appears to be very well established from CLI-8/PGI-5 to the chips used in the 550/551 (250/251) carts. All use Circuit Board type chips and yes there's a new algorithm, but very little else. Even the re-use of the CLI-8 cartridge body speaks to the level of new investment that went into these or indeed the PRO-10 cartridges/chips.. ie: very little.

Ok, so without absolute confirmation from the designers at Canon it's going to be impossible to completely guarantee anything but I doubt if I'm the only one putting it at about 99% improbable.

The only way anyone is going to be sure it is to hold off and check back in 6 months time when the more prolific refillers with a Pro-100 have proven the point one way or the other.

Anyone care to place a £100 bet against me?*

*Red Cross gets the winnings


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It needs this direct connection to your computer to commutate with any Canon print drivers it detects before it will install anything further.
Are you playing with electricity again? o_O