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- #41
Yes... No cast is present.ghwellsjr said:Are you saying that when you print your grey scale image with the photo black cartridge missing and your windex cartridge in its place, you get no yellow cast? Keep in mind that for a solid grey tone of less than about 80%, the photo black ink is not used at all and so it should not matter whether you have the photo black cartidge in place or your Windex cartridge in its place.
The image goes from black to white, where the 80% mark is I don't know....

The only difference is that the BCI-6BK cart has been swapped for one full of windex.
I suspect that this means the colour inks that I have are also the reason my colour is light. After reading the Inktec site they make the point that they get the viscosity correct for each cart type. If what I have been sold is just a generic ink and it is slightly too viscous then it makes sense that a lesser amount of the coloured ink is hitting the page.
So I now think I have/had three issues...
1. Drivers not current/correct
2. The BCI-6BK ink is just wrong for some reason (possibly its pigment ink?)
3. The remaining colours are generic dye inks and too viscous for the iP5000
Like I said before, if this is the case I am still not sure why when I tested with original carts the problem didn't just go away. I can only guess that 1. was some how tainting the result.
I can't for the life of me find anything else that makes sense, having tried all other suggestions (by the way thanks again for all the input
I should have stuck to my guns and been a little more persistent with the loan Canon carts he gave me.
Anywhoo... I will pick up a Canon BCI-6BK today and see if I can't get a reasonable result using that. I expect that if that solves the yellow cast I can compensate for the problem with the colours and at least get some value out of the remaining ink. Then I can get some Inktec inks when I run dry of the colours. That is the plan ATM ---> I will let you know how it goes, either I will be happy or you will get a chuckle at my expense
How do you make god laugh ---->
Tell him your plans!
I know this thread is prolly a bore for the older hands here but maybe it will help some other poor ignorant soul lost in printer hell
Thanks agian...
More later...