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  1. M

    pixma 1600 feeds multiple pages problem [FIXED]

    You can try one of these suggestions: Instead of alcohol on the rubber roller, try sanding the rubber lightly with a nail file. Making the rubber paper grabber a little coarser once worked for me on a laser printer I owned.. It was suggested here about 3 yrs ago, but I can't find the...
  2. M

    Finally back... with lots to discuss (iP6000D)

    Trigger 37 and ghwellsjr.. This is superb information. Everyone here should print your comments and keep them for reference. I recently have started to print important references and solutions like this, and am keeping copies in a File folder. Sincere appreciation for your input!!
  3. M

    What is Caon Doing with their new printers

    Welcome to the Forum, Birdy 176. I also have the ip6000 and the ip3000 and they are indeed fabulous machines. It would be worthwhile to you to read the threads about unclogging will learn a lot from these threads, as everyone who uses Canons will eventually run into this problem...
  4. M

    Resetting the Compatible Chip & Unclog Photo Black

    These threads are great. Everyone will have this problem eventually, and no single method seems to work for everyone. Let's just keep adding to our body of knowledge. Good stuff!! I have learned a lot from this.
  5. M

    Canon PIXMA ip4200 will not print

    Nice detective work - congrats for sticking with it.. This might help someone else eventually.
  6. M

    Epson Ink Interchangeable?

    Well, I do Sell G&G compatibles, and I can tell you that the black cartridge is OK for the 600 and 740 as marked on the package. I don't know about genuine Epson cartridges, though...
  7. M

    IP4500 printhead error / defect?

    Please post what the problem turns out to be. Also, it is a good idea in the future to take the name of the supervisor, just in case you do not get a callback today. Good luck.
  8. M

    IP4500 printhead error / defect?

    I presume your new printer came with a 1-yr warranty and new genuine Canon cartridges. Give Canon tech support a call, explain your situation, and if needed, they will send you a new printhead.
  9. M

    DURAFIRM ink for Canon? Supplier has switched brands.

    Good to see someone else from BC here... I plan to order again from Precision Colours - (member Mikling on this board) However, he seems to in transition these days....Leave a phone and/or email message for him. He also sells on eBay Canada...
  10. M

    CLI-221 cartridges backward compatible with BCI-3 BCI-6 CLI-8 ??

    There are enough pgi-5 and cli-8 empty cartridges around. Why use the smaller 220 and 221 series cartridges on the older printers when you'll just have to refill them much more frequently??
  11. M

    Trying to reach where is Mikling ?

    He has always been very professional, knowledgeable, and honest. There WILL be an explanation shortly, I'm sure. This must be an illness, or a move, or an extended vacation. I am surprised, however, that he didn't leave a clearer explanation.
  12. M

    Epson t040? Can it be refilled?

    No..he will need a resetter. Epson resetters are very cheap, so if the printer is still in excellent condition and will last a while, it is definitely worth refilling.
  13. M

    What color does everyone use most?

    Judging by what I sell, it would have to be yellow for everyday printers.. For those who use photo printers, it's photo magenta, photo cyan, and yellow.
  14. M

    Disabled ink monitoring, still get an empty warning?

    There are still some mp530s, mp520s, and MX850s available at good prices which use resettable, larger cartridges. Try to find one of these models before buyingthe mp630..In my opinion,you won't regret it.
  15. M

    DURAFIRM ink for Canon? Supplier has switched brands.

    Pharmacist, I am sure you are 100% correct. Still, it would be helpful to many here if someone who has some knowledge and experience with this ink would post their experience here.... Sad to see Atlantic die out...they were a decent supplier for a few years..
  16. M

    Best test printers (What printers are compatible with the most carts)

    I went through tis a few years ago...eBay is your best bet for older, used printers. As an example, some lexmark models can be used to test a variety of lexmark and Dell cartridges...
  17. M

    Memjet getting closer to market...this will change everything.

    No matter what the reasons are for not bringing this to market sooner, the fact is that is better to test and improve the technology so that it is problem-free when it gets to market. Tech items that are rushed to marker (remember Vista?) leave a bad taste in consumers' mouths. Imagine if these...
  18. M

    Memjet getting closer to market...this will change everything.

    Yes, it has taken longer to get this technology to market than expected, and we will see if it was worth the wait. Eight seconds goes by pretty quickly..especially for a large document. Some of my printers already take more time to spool than this one. I think the biggest problem might be...
  19. M

    Memjet getting closer to market...this will change everything.

    If this is even moderately successful, you can bet the big 4 printer manufacturers will come out with similar, fixed head technology in the next year or 2. Who said this wasn't an exciting industry(?)
  20. M

    DURAFIRM ink for Canon? Supplier has switched brands.

    I have just written to the owner of Atlantic Inkjet, who up until now has been selling ink from Image excellent ink. I am finding it difficult to find info about this DURAFIRM ink, but research tells me that more and more ink and cartridge suppliers are switching to Durafirm...