Wanting to tap the forum's collective wisdom


Newbie to Printing
Sep 5, 2012
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Thanks everyone for your advice.

Bob --> thanks for the pm. It was really helpful. Apparently I can't reply to messages until I have made 5 forum posts (and I don't want to spam meaninglessly), so I hope you read this and know that I am thankful!

I've decided to go ahead and buy a 9000 mark II so I can print bigger and I'll work on refilling the originals as has been discussed before. I think I've had some bad experiences but I can see all the reasons why it hasn't worked before and there is enough testimony in this thread and from Bobs pm about successful refilling of Canon originals that I've got the confidence to give it a go.

Thanks again to everyone! I'll report back with a success story when I have one :)


The Hat said:
MiniMe said:
I respect your refilling experience and the helpful advice that you have provided to many on the forum, but from your response to my questions I would assume that the answers are no, and yes.

If you told me that Coca-Cola tastes terrible and I asked you how often you tried it and you said never.....what should I think?

I believe in safety first so all my refilling is done safely :)
I like many others came to this forum for guidance and help with my printer problems and got it in spades
and so I now like to return these same favours to anyone else finding themselves in a similar position.

You dont have to be an expert to give friendly advice just as long as its good advice, does no harm
and above all is helpful to the OP that asked in the first place.
So far your assumptions about Coca Cola and me are way off the mark.. :frow
Why don't you enlighten us. I asked you a direct question based on your bashing of all Canon refillable carts. I could dredge up at least 20-30 quotes. You said that you used CIS for Canon for years with semi-favorable results. Don't most CIS systems use aftermarket carts? A straight answer without all the fluff would be preferred.

The Hat

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MiniMe said:
Why don't you enlighten us. I asked you a direct question based on your bashing of all Canon refillable carts.
I could dredge up at least 20-30 quotes. You said that you used CIS for Canon for years with semi-favorable results.
Don't most CIS systems use aftermarket carts? A straight answer without all the fluff would be preferred.
You wont leave it alone will you and to what end, where will it get you, nowhere except a cul-de-sac.

Since when do I have to justify myself to you (Not us), if you cant accept reality
why then bash me (your word) for your own short comings.

Now for some more facts I dont BASH third party refillable cartridges I only state the obvious and that is they dont work anywhere near as good as OEMs.

Yes I have used CISS systems on five of my printers but not with semi favourable results
as you have also incorrectly stated but with 100 % results.

You have also said that CISS uses compatible cartridges that is are correct, but they are not the refillable type.

Again I will say why dont you just accept to disagree with me on the outstanding qualities of OEM cartridges and then you wont have to go dredging up any more past quotes on my behalf on the same old subject.. :)

There is I think no more to be said. :frow


The Hat said:
MiniMe said:
Why don't you enlighten us. I asked you a direct question based on your bashing of all Canon refillable carts.
I could dredge up at least 20-30 quotes. You said that you used CIS for Canon for years with semi-favorable results.
Don't most CIS systems use aftermarket carts? A straight answer without all the fluff would be preferred.
You wont leave it alone will you and to what end, where will it get you, nowhere except a cul-de-sac.

Since when do I have to justify myself to you (Not us), if you cant accept reality
why then bash me (your word) for your own short comings.

Now for some more facts I dont BASH third party refillable cartridges I only state the obvious
and that is they dont work anywhere near as good as OEMs.

Yes I have used CISS systems on five of my printers but not with semi favourable results
as you have also incorrectly stated but with 100 % results.

You have also said that CISS uses compatible cartridges that is are correct, but they are not the refillable type.

Again I will say why dont you just accept to disagree with me on the outstanding qualities of OEM cartridges
and then you wont have to go dredging up any more past quotes on my behalf on the same old subject.. :)

There is I think no more to be said. :frow
A far less fluffy answer but you conveniently have still not answered my original question:

Have you ever used any Canon refillable cartridges? It's a simple question

It is common etiquette on any forum that members offer opinions only on products/services that they have used personally.

I've never used OCP inks so despite what others say or what I read I don't go on the forum and say that OCP inks are garbage. I hope you can understand the point I'm trying to get across here.

You don't need to justify yourself to me (us), but answering a direct question on something that you post opinions about regularly is simple etiquette.


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MiniMe said:
It is common etiquette on any forum that members offer opinions only on products/services that they have used personally.
If the forum was to strictly observe your criteria then there would be far fewer people helped. Globally, millions of people involved in providing support for various products they have never used might be jobless and millions more would have a far more difficult time getting assistance.

The forum members who provide assistance do so because they have paid attention to what has been documented by other members over months and years. Assistance is not capricious but may not be completely devoid of personal bias. In general, those who provide assistance do so using consensus and best practices of the forum. You are free to disagree. Others are free to comment or not.

In general, the forum recommends OEM Canon cartridges for refilling based on multiple members' experiences with OEM and aftermarket cartridges. Some have reported success and some have reported failure with aftermarket cartridges. Best reliability is with OEM Canon for a variety of reasons. CISS with a Canon is another ballgame entirely in that success can be difficult and oftentimes best avoided for all but the most determined.

If you have had success with aftermarket cartridges then report it. Your success story may help someone in the future.


Printer Master
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San Francisco
MiniMe said:
Why don't you enlighten us. I asked you a direct question based on your bashing of all Canon refillable carts. I could dredge up at least 20-30 quotes. You said that you used CIS for Canon for years with semi-favorable results. Don't most CIS systems use aftermarket carts? A straight answer without all the fluff would be preferred.
MiniMe -Ths is a moderated forum. Accusations and snide comments create an atmosphere that is unpleasant and nonproductive. Your continued participation is dependant on maintaining a civil tone in your posts. Words that are emotionally loaded (bashing, a straight answer, fluff) are accusative. Disagree if you wish, but we don't appreaciate anyone being "disagreeable!.


fotofreek said:
MiniMe said:
Why don't you enlighten us. I asked you a direct question based on your bashing of all Canon refillable carts. I could dredge up at least 20-30 quotes. You said that you used CIS for Canon for years with semi-favorable results. Don't most CIS systems use aftermarket carts? A straight answer without all the fluff would be preferred.
MiniMe -Ths is a moderated forum. Accusations and snide comments create an atmosphere that is unpleasant and nonproductive. Your continued participation is dependant on maintaining a civil tone in your posts. Words that are emotionally loaded (bashing, a straight answer, fluff) are accusative. Disagree if you wish, but we don't appreaciate anyone being "disagreeable!.
I know that I am a new member and garner much less respect than the mega post members on the forum but I have read many posts by those members that are much more accusative and personal than my posts above. I do apologize for my choice of words.


Printer Master
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All of them! LOL
Minime I will try to answer your question from my limited expereince with Canon refillables.

I originally purchased several Canon Pixma 9000 MKII new in box from several local people on Craiglist. I immediately looked for a remanufactured or refillable cart option due to the cost of OEM inks.

I began using remanufactured carts from one internet company which turned out to be pure garbage. The would leak due to a very bad silicone ink outlet seal.

Moved on to refillables from several other companies. These were meant to refilled using the top method and the most important points in order to not have ink flow or strvation problems is to fill the ink reservour slowly and make sure the sponge absorbs the ink thoroughly and you do not over fill or over sturate the sponge.

I used these for a while with good results and ended up refilling them only once.

At that time I discovered that you could refill and reset the OEM carts and pretty much do away with any worries about the carts not sealing well on the print head, producing leaks or lack of consistant ink flow.

Once I got the hang of how to prep the OEM carts and learning the process ( I top fill mine when they are about 2/3 low ) I have had ZERO problems.
So although refillables may work for you, I would highly reccomend refilling OEM carts.

Ciss on the canon seems to suffer from the inability of the dampewrs to properly seal onto the print head ink inklets. Some of the better CISS units will provide silicone whasher type seals and should work as long as you install them correctly and do not shift out of alignment.

For me? OEM cart refilling is the only game.
Again, most of my "Education" and information I have obtained here in this forum as well as others.