I am absolutely (and by choice!) ignorant of refilling the very newest carts. my experience is with bci-6 and cli-8 carts. These are basically the same except for the addition of a chip on the cli-8. From my reading of nearly every post on the forum since its inception there are now Canon carts made of opaque black plastic. As I understand it, the problem is to know when they are adequately filled without overfilling. From what I've read, one can transfer the chip to a different ,transparent OEM cart that also functions properly in the printer in question. Otherwise, it is my understanding that refilling carts from bci-6 to the black carts is pretty much the same. The newest Pro printer carts appear to have different internal structure that may require a different technique. I would never offer any advice on the carts about which I have no experience or reasonable knowledge.
Since you have experience with 225/226 printer OEM carts I would be interested in knowing how the process is substantially different from the older bci-6 and cli-8 carts.
Since you have experience with 225/226 printer OEM carts I would be interested in knowing how the process is substantially different from the older bci-6 and cli-8 carts.