The BEST Canon printers, the POOREST Canon printers for refilling.


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pixmania said:
Jet tec are a well known reputable cartridge maker that have been around a number of years. Their products are advertised as made in the u.k and they have won numerous awards for their products. They recently defended and won a law suit against them from a major printer/cartridge manufacturer, which must indicate something in itself. I've looked at their cli 525/6 carts and in my opinion they seem very well made with in fact a superior type clip for sealing the ink/air vents.
As for the quality and durability of the foam filling I dont know and as it seems nor does anybody else. Negative opinions shouldn't be given on products without trials and justification. If we failed to experiment through fear of failure we would get nowhere. So if you have no personal knowlege of the quality of a product you should simply say so not just repeat what you've heard or read, which may have come from someone who hasn't tried or tested it either. Price is no guarantee of quality as when a company has a monopoly they can charge what they like. The recent court case against jet tec shows you how far big companies will go to maintain a strangle hold on the market. These are only my opinions...................................of course you may think differently.
Please read my post #16 on this thread. You might also want to refer to the link on that post. After several refills and possibly a purge cycle or two, please report back regarding the Jet Tec carts. Hopefully, you have found the exception to the riule and can add to the knowledge base of this forum. If, after several refills and a purge or two they prove not to work as well as OEM carts, we need to also know that as well.

As stated in my post #16, I had problems using refilled aftermarket carts that came prefilled and were recommended by a highly trusted user of these carts. Although they looked well made and appeared to be just the same as the OEM carts some of them proved to be less than satisfactory as compared to OEM bci-6 carts after a few refills. What I found was that the air vents in the batch I bought were obviously from either two different factories or two different molds in the same factory. Some worked well and some didn't. We've also had reports of prefilled carts producing excellent color match for OEM ink and later purchases producing poor color matches. It was obvious from these two examples that the factories would shift to another ink or cart supplier - probably to reduce cost - and slap the same label on the later product.

If Jet Tec carts are truly made in the UK, quality control and trust in the product would undoubtedly be better. You can report to us on the functionality as compared to OEM carts.
will undoubtedly be better


Getting Fingers Dirty
Dec 23, 2012
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The Hat said:
I think you have this fixation that anyone who has not tried refilling Jec Tec cartridges for themselves shouldnt have the right
or be entitled to make any comments regarding their suitability or quality i.e. in a nutshell put them down.

If the Jet Tec cartridges refill that successfully for you then congratulations are in order in fact good on you,
but if they do not... Will come back and inform us all on just what went wrong ?
I have 2 sets of cli 525/6 one canon one jet tec, I am currently refilling both and replacing as and when required. I am quite willing to take sound advice from a source that has experience of the product first hand.
Sorry but opinions count for nothing if they have not been made on first hand experience of the product, a court of law will not except heresay!
I cant understand anybody saying they dont like anything that they have never tried. I would be quite willing to see a post on the experience of somebody who has refilled these carts, but can find none.
I may well regret the decision I've made, but nothing ventured nothing gained, I take some comfort in the knowledge that these carts are manufactured in the u.k not some cheap chinese import.
I will not comment further on this topic as it seems rather pointless having hit a brick wall, but I will post a success or failure after sufficent testing.

p.s o.e.m ink costs more per fluid ounce than Bollinger champagne. (ridiculous)

The Hat

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I will not comment further on this topic as it seems rather pointless having hit a brick wall, but I will post a success or failure after sufficent testing.
Thank you and we will wait for your post in reply to your refilling success rate one way or the other..


Getting Fingers Dirty
Dec 23, 2012
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A few post ago I asked if anybody knew what the transparent window on the base of cli 525/6 did and how it worked. Well does anybody know?

The Hat

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pixmania said:
A few post ago I asked if anybody knew what the transparent window on the base of cli 525/6 did and how it worked. Well does anybody know?
The little window in the bottom of the cartridge is the position of the light prism sensor.

The sole purpose of this prism is to let the printer know when the reservoir in the cartridge is void of ink
which then shows up the on screen warning (yellow triangle)..


Getting Fingers Dirty
Dec 23, 2012
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I managed to get a set of cli 520/521 carts recently, so am now using those and the jet tec carts compatible alternately. have refilled 3 times with no adverse effects.
i am still of the opinion that the jet tec carts are very nice quality, superb re-usable clip for sealing the cart and the cart has made in the u.k embossed on it.
the carts are semi opaque so you can see the ink level and my resetter works on both jet tec and canon. it's early days yet i know and the jury is still out, but so far so good.
because the carts are slightly opaque black is the hardest colour to see the level but still o.k with good lighting
p.s note 2 silicone seals 1 conventional on the bottom and the airway on the cart front.




Getting Fingers Dirty
Dec 23, 2012
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on the 4th refill of my jet tec carts at the moment, no problems so far. great resealable clips on these carts really positive action.



Printer Master
May 9, 2010
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Germany Ruhrgebiet
The main difference of canon cartridges (examined at CLI-8, presumable also at CLI-521/526?) is:
- the "two sponge design" combined with grooves in the sponge chamber along the lower sponge and reaching the upper sponge.
Therefore only the lower sponge is to suck the ink from the ink chamber and give it to the outlet.
The upper sponge is NOT to suck ink (visible by the lighter ink color) BUT to "breathe", e.g. to let air flow from the vent through the upper sponge and through the grooves to the ink chamber.
This design should enhance both ink flow and air exchange.
But it can cause problems if the upper sponge (or the grooves) is blocked, result in bad ink flow or impossible refilling (ink is squeezed to the outlet or up to the air vent) because of no/bad air exchange. In this case you should flush the cartridge.

If thirdparty cartridges work well with only one sponge, well - tell us more about refilling experience and we have more options.
Problems mostly occur not until you have refilled many times - or long periods of not printing...

Years ago I refilled thirdparty carts with only one sponge. Can't really say this was worse...but as I know my CLI thoroughly I stick to them.
Most of empty refillable carts also have only one sponge, I did not try them yet.


Getting Fingers Dirty
Dec 23, 2012
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martin0reg said:
Years ago I refilled thirdparty carts with only one sponge. Can't really say this was worse...but as I know my CLI thoroughly I stick to them.
Most of empty refillable carts also have only one sponge, I did not try them yet.
Not sure what you mean by 2 sponges, i can tell you that the sponge on the ink outlet is a seperate piece to the main sponge inside the tank. Much the same as the canon in fact which also is a seperate outlet sponge.
They are easier to fill as the entire right hand side is opaque and you can see the level through it. Not that apparent on the black one depicted though as it is full. The main sponge is contained in the front half of the tank the same as a canon and the back half is the ink resevoir, you can see the dividing wall in the photo. the wall stops about 3-4mm short of the bottom to allow the ink to flow underneath the divider. They also hold more ink than oem's, 30% jet tec claim and the chips reset o.k with my resetter.


Print Addict
Feb 22, 2010
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Hampshire U.K.
pixmania said:
martin0reg said:
Years ago I refilled thirdparty carts with only one sponge. Can't really say this was worse...but as I know my CLI thoroughly I stick to them.
Most of empty refillable carts also have only one sponge, I did not try them yet.
Not sure what you mean by 2 sponges, i can tell you that the sponge on the ink outlet is a seperate piece to the main sponge inside the tank. Much the same as the canon in fact which also is a seperate outlet sponge.
They are easier to fill as the entire right hand side is opaque and you can see the level through it. Not that apparent on the black one depicted though as it is full. The main sponge is contained in the front half of the tank the same as a canon and the back half is the ink resevoir, you can see the dividing wall in the photo. the wall stops about 3-4mm short of the bottom to allow the ink to flow underneath the divider. They also hold more ink than oem's, 30% jet tec claim and the chips reset o.k with my resetter.
Both Canon and HP have 2 sponges 1-upper 1-lower plus the output filter. The density of ther 2 sponges is entirely different and the outlet filter itself can be very important to maintain good ink flow. For instance I took a HP364 apart and apart from the 2 distinctly different sponges the ouput filter was so firm you could measure it with a micrometer. As PeterBj pointed out good ink flow is absolutely vital for the Canon/HP otherwise the print head can easily get fried and is expensive to replace.

I have not tried Jet Tec I tried 999inks terrible cart. had good carts from IJT but tried clear compatible on the HP with disastrous results (blown head). As you can pick up used Canon OEM's quite cheaply then refill them with a good quality ink hopefully you are cutting down the odds of something going wrong. Its not that they are any better but that their reputation is on the line because of the very high prices charged and they have spent huge sums of money on research, which the smaller firms will not have to do. I agree about the clips I now use the ones from Octoink which are much better than the OEM ones. If the Jet tek perform well thats good but just keep a very close eye on any ink feeding issues that can spell disaster for these Canon heads unless dealt with promptly.

Also bear in mind that some of our forum members have refilled hundreds of carts hence their preference for the OEM its just a case of reducing possible problems as much as possible. Canon/HP etc do not want you refilling anyway.

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