Soon: big test of refillable Epson Pro 3800 cartridges + resetters


Newbie to Printing
Jan 16, 2010
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pharmacist said:
Hi avpman,

yes that is the disadvantage of this system: reset is for all cartridges at a time. It would be nicer if you could reset one cartridge at a time, not all cartridges together. However, since there is so much ink inside (about 110 ml) you could easily give it a reset when one cartridge runs empty and refill after the printing job.

The design of the cartridge makes it very easy and quick to refill. Wait a few minutes for depressurization of the cartridges, carefully give the plug a twist, wait a minute before opening and pour your ink in it and the semi-transparant wall will help you to determine how much ink you must pour in. If the cartridges are completely made of a dark material this would be impossible to achieve.

The resetter is especially designed for the Epson BD500DN/B300DN printer, but works also for the Epson Pro 3800 original cartridges chips (if they are not below 5 %) and the maintenance tank chip. Be warned: if the level of the chip falls below 5 % it can NOT reset the chips !!! I did discover it with my LK cartridge (light black) which prior showed the warning: "not enough ink, exchange the ink cartridge". All other chips were only showing low and were flashing on the printer display screen. Eventually you could obtain these cartridges and use it with this particular resetter and forget the two control chips if you want to reset and refill one cartridge at a time when it runs low, but be aware this must be done when it shows low only, not empty.

You can purchase it at:

Unfortunately it is quite expensive.
Thank you for the information! I have tried the InkRepublic system. The ink stains the inside of the cartridges making it almost impossible to visually determine how much ink is in them. I think after people use them for a while (and run down the ink levels) and have to reset them they are going to find it is not a very convenient system. It is very big disappointment that they can not get the chip levels to match the 110ml ink levels. Also, in order to reset one cartridge you have to remove all the cartridges. This puts a lot of use on the ink cartridge seal on the ink ports. :(


Newbie to Printing
Jul 27, 2008
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pharmacist, thank you for the information. I have been using inkrepublic 3800 i-refill for about 6 months and have been very happy with the system and support, it's quality and inks. I have tried a couple 3800 refill carts back to 2008, and found none of them could really reset the cartridges and waste cart. I got my inkrepublic cartridge last summer, no complaint so far. I think it can save me over 75% compared to normal cartridges. when you order inks, they have free shipping program, so it's another 10% to 20% saving right there. The refill cart is very sturdy and durable. No leaking so far.

I am wondering how did you unmount the printer cover?


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May 29, 2007
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Ghent, Belgium
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Hi avpman,

Concerning the resetting: I am not so happy too with the reset all cartridge at a time, would be better if the system was capable only the cartridge which is registered as empty by the system and only refill that system. But your concern about the ink level not visible by the stains: I swirl the photo black cartridge a bit and after letting it stand for a few minutes it was very easy to see the ink level using a torch shining trough the material, so it is possible to see the ink level.

Here is the proof:


and here:


with the last picture you can see that even if the cartridge wall is stained with ink (magenta and Light Cyan) you can still determine the actual ink level, because this is much darker. It would however much better if there is some transparant window built-in, but I think this will reduce stability of the cartridge.


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May 29, 2007
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Ghent, Belgium
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Hi Victor99,

Actually how do you know that i did remove that printer cover ? Since there is no picture of it posted by me. But I will tell you later how this is done. It is easier than you might think. Here some step by step pictures how to remove the printer cover:


The cover is fixed on the printer by two notches which can be easily be unlocked from the printer using a simple screw driver, just take a look and you will find out how this can be done.




Next picture shows you the removed printer cover on top of the printer:


To remove the silver plate with the Epson logo from the cover you have to push down several notches carefully with a screw driver and it will loosen from the cover:


The silver plate is now removed and can be prepared to be fixed on the printer to make it more esthetic and also helps to protect the cartridge release handles are accidentally pushed down during printing jobs:


I use Velcro tape to mount the cover on the printer, but you also need some stripes of isolation tape to stabilize the cover, because it can be easily bent down when only using the velcro tape as shown below:


Now you are ready to firmly seat the cover on the printer:


The velcro tape will hold the cover tightly and firmly on the printer and will protect the cartridge handles to be accidentally pushed down and also makes it looking great:


The final result: a very neat printer with the I-refill system and no problem with the cover anymore.



Newbie to Printing
Jan 16, 2010
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pharmacist said:
Hi avpman,

Concerning the resetting: I am not so happy too with the reset all cartridge at a time, would be better if the system was capable only the cartridge which is registered as empty by the system and only refill that system. But your concern about the ink level not visible by the stains: I swirl the photo black cartridge a bit and after letting it stand for a few minutes it was very easy to see the ink level using a torch shining trough the material, so it is possible to see the ink level.

Here is the proof:

and here:

with the last picture you can see that even if the cartridge wall is stained with ink (magenta and Light Cyan) you can still determine the actual ink level, because this is much darker. It would however much better if there is some transparant window built-in, but I think this will reduce stability of the cartridge.
Agreed. But unfortunately this still involves removing the cartridge. The constant removal (for resetting) and checking ink levels is their Achilles heal because the ink outlet port seal will degrade. Also, if you have to keep "topping off" the ink levels in the cartridges you'll never run all the ink out and it will eventually go stale.

Have you tried any of the cartridges with the bladder inside? These are designed like the OEM cartridge in that the ink is held in a mylar bladder inside the cartridge. The pressurization causes the bladder to push the ink into the ink lines. All the other cartridge designs introduce air directly into the chamber where the ink is. This constantly introduces contaminants in the air into the ink chamber. Tony at is selling the bladder style cartridges and resetter. However, I have been unable to find them wholesale anywhere else online.

This is a great discussion!


Newbie to Printing
Jul 27, 2008
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pharmacist, I saw a couple images that you post have no lid at all and you said - Next time: How to remove the printer lid to estethically house the large cartridges of the I-refill system.

Great information. Thank you


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May 29, 2007
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Ghent, Belgium
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SC-900 ET-8550 WF-7840 TS705
About degradation of the ink outlet: have you ever seen the refill video of ? Hmm, how many time do you have to insert and pull out the syringe to refill the cartridge through that very same hole were the ink comes out and should seal well to prevent leakage inside the cartridge ? I think 4 times (4x20 ml) 1 time to extract air from the cartridge and the last time when the cartridge is inserted and removed from the printer, makes 6 times. And because this is done within a extremely short period the stress on the material is much more pronounced then pulling out and inserting the cartridge of the's system every 2-3 months to reset the system. So this is in fact not beneficial at all.

I forgot to tell you the's system has internally a air filter connected with the pressure inlet system. I do not have the specific material to make a picture of it through the refill hole, but I took a look in the hole and you can easily see it. I wonder how they put this filter inside the system. So the air is certainly microfiltered before it enters the cartridge and besides: opening and pulling ink from the ink bottle 4-5 times everytime you have to refill the bladder-based system and then pushing it into the cartridge will cause turbulence in the ink bottle and in the syringe, so I don't think this is beneficial too.

Anyhow: I hope to receive the bladder-based system soon from Ron Luk of and will give it a try and see how this will perform. This is the same system sold by and and many others.


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May 29, 2007
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Ghent, Belgium
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SC-900 ET-8550 WF-7840 TS705
Just to keep you informed that I did meanwhile managed to activate the system/chips. So I made some youtube movies, so let you experience the system and everything seems to go ok, but there are some minor problems with the ink flow (probably due to tiny air bubbles trapped inside the tubing system) and need to get this sorted.

Here are the links for those interested:

and this video shows the capability of printing pano's up to 6.5 metres using the UDPS utility combined with driver version 5.51 for the Epson Pro 3800. Note: the latest 6.x driver version does not allow to use this utility, so you must downgrade to this older driver version to get it working:

A few days ago I received some cartridges from, but there was a cartridge and the resetter missing, so the testing will be for next time. Will keep you guys informed for the next extensive test to come (including the's I-refill system and some troubeshooting solutions if I get it figured out :rolleyes:).


Getting Fingers Dirty
Jul 20, 2007
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I have been trying to email inkjetfly about info on their 3800 refill carts - but all their mailboxes are dead. Are they still in business? Question was basically to ask how do you tell when the 3800 cart is empty? Given it is black plastic. Or does the piggy back chip report cartridge level to the printer like a OEM cart?

many thanks to a really usefull thread.


Newbie to Printing
Jan 30, 2010
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pharmacist said:
Hi Jdime,

The Cone system is actually the same as the system (as do the ones from I am now testing these cartridges and I am quite excited with the results till now. I hope to post the first results on this topic in a few days time. I am now waiting for the other cartridges ( to arrive and give them a test too.
Hi Pharmacist,

I understand the cartridges are the same but are the Inks all the same as well? I was wondering if they were all the same PrecisionColor inks with different labels. I really enjoy your posts! Keep up the good work
