I thought it rather Red Dwarf (ish) myself, portrays more of the Dark Side of printing........the image is intended as an allegory and I had a heap of fun setting it all up cartooning it was an afterthought whilst I slaved away splitting half a ton of wood for heating this arvo (afternoon).
Took me ages layer after layer, hours it took........'corse I coulda just tossed to into FX and selected cartoon, but that would have been lazy of me......
Quote: never let the truth get in the way of a good story!
Loved the picture and the treatment
For me it illustrated the angst of the printmaker after a long session, surrounded by the many "close" but not quite "good enough" results.
As for your mention of Leonard Cohen. I recall walking into the local CD store (Remember them) on the day of the release of his then new album "The future", where the following surreal conversation took place. Me,"I've come to buy the future". Shop assistant, "Sorry the future won't be here until next week."
Oh well, nostalgia ain't what it used to be!
Rambling again
Gees @3dogs, a Poet, a sentimental Music lover, a Photographer a Cartoonist and creator of unusual works and a wood cutter, well it’s a good jog the wife feeds the horses otherwise they’d probably starve, this man has many strings to his big bow.
I reckon we may have next weeks POW..
Andrew, I think posts #44 and #50 and their description deserve a thread of their own, rather than be lost amongst other posts. They are works of photo art and take time to be appreciated. I suggest you post them a second time in a new thread so they can be seen full page.
Everything is possible if you wish it hard enough…@Emulator
REALLY nice words thanks, not sure that would be allowed, or justified, but thanks a lot for the feedback - appreciated.