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nche11 said:
I am seeing that there was so much ink on the surface of the print head and you did not see symptoms of clogging. That is something to look into. The ink won't be there if there isn't a leak from the cartridge.
Sorry, I'm going to disagree as I think you're making assumptions here without considering another possible explanation.

The purge pump could suck ink out of the print head. I understand your logic here. You think because the purge unit was clogged so the ink had no where to go but to accumulate in there. If the purge unit was indeed clogged first it would not have been able to suck the ink out of the print head. There would have been no ink there.
I'm basing this comment on my experience of Epsons more than Canons but the purge unit approach is very similar except for the length of the exhaust end of the waste tube.

When a clog or barrier develops that stops ink from being expelled from the waste pump, it has a nasty habit of flowing back up into the printhead parking/cleaning pad and it's this that can soil the underside of the printhead.

I understand where your logic is coming from but I can assure you from experience, this sort of behaviour does, can and will happen even though it makes little sense for the pump to be able to draw ink out if the ink isn't being pushed out of the pump properly...

I suspect what happens is that the pump is able to pressurise the ink/air towards the pads and then when the pump has stopped working the positive pressure caused by the block is then able to slowly push the same ink/air mix back through the pump (in the opposite direction) towards the parking/cleaning pad area resulting in the soiling discussed above.

To be honest, I understand everyone has their own point of view but, with respect nche11, I believe you could benefit from taking your own advice and stepping back from you own deep seated opinions and consider a wider picture as well.


Printer Master
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Jun 16, 2006
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La Verne, California
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Epson WP-4530
nche11 said:
If you read Pharmacist's post again he said print head clogging and purge unit clogging. You said you had no clogging issue.
Here's the discussion:
pharmacist said:
Did you know that Inktec pigment black seems to have clogs overtime and some people mix it with some dye ink to improve the flow properties (about 1:4 parts dye:pigment) ? I read this on druckerchannel.de.
ghwellsjr said:
I have been using Inktec pigment black ink for several years and never had a nozzle clog but I have had a problem with two printers getting their purge units totally clogged and so far, I have been unable to unclog them. Is this the problem that was reported on druckerchannel.de?
pharmacist said:
Not only the purge units, but also ink becoming too viscous and when you print at high speed the nozzles seem to be "clogged", but printing at lower speed there are no problems at all. By adding some dye ink the pigment ink becomes less viscous and printing will be less cumbersome. On the druckerchannel.de the problems were almost non existing with KMP pigment ink (only if the cartridge is very old and a bit dried up, but this -I think- has to do with the sponge itself being clogged with dried pigment ink).
pharmacist said:
If you are in the EU: try the KMP Pigment ink for the BCI-3eBK/PGI-5/PGI-520/220 cartridges. It flows very well and does not clog the purging unit nor the nozzles very easily. This is ink is very well priced and completely water/highlighter proof.

At Druckerchannel.de a lot of people are complaining about the Intec pigment ink clogging the printhead and the purge unit. This can be solved by either mixing the ink with 20-25 % dye ink or using KMP pigment ink instead.
Where did I say I had no clogging issue?

And if you read carefully, you will see that Pharmacist reported a clogging problem only in the purge unit with Inktec pigment black ink. He said the print head "clogging" was only at high speeds, in other words, it was an ink flow problem not a clogging problem.

Please don't misquote me or claim I or others said things we did not say. Please. You can't get away with this on a public forum where all the conversations are recorded for all to see.


Printer Master
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Jun 16, 2006
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La Verne, California
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Epson WP-4530
nche11 said:
RMM said:
The purge pump doesn't just suck the ink out, the nozzles also fire (like when the printer is printing) to expel the ink out. In that way, even if your purge unit is not working, ink will still come out of the printhead during a purge/cleaning cycle.
This is actually not true for Canon printers. If the purge cycle is designed this way there is a great chance it will damage the print head. The purpose of a purge cycle (Canon calls it a cleaning cycle) is when there is a doubt that the nozzles may be clogged or there is air in them the purge unit pumps (sucks) ink from beneath the print head out of the print head to prime the print head. If the nozzles are also fired when the nozzles are in fact clogged it will definitely damage it.
Now, nche, you are drawing a conclusion from logic and reason, not from testing or experience. How would you ever know if the nozzles are firing during a purge/prime/cleaning cycle in a Canon printer? Have you actually performed a test to determine whether you are correct or if RMM is correct?

Well I have performed a test and I know that at least on an MP780, the nozzles fire during a purge cycle. But you have to have a clogged purge unit to do this test, which, of course I had. What I did was remove the purge pad (where the print head parks) and clean it so that I could easily tell if new ink was deposited on it after I reinstalled it. Then I did a cleaning cycle and sure enough, there was fresh ink deposited on it in a straight line (maybe two, I don't remember).

So nche, I'm a firm believer in testing and not just making claims because I think they make sense. Maybe you should too.


Printer Master
Platinum Printer Member
Jun 16, 2006
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La Verne, California
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Epson WP-4530
nche11 said:
I also have a big concern the way ghwellsjr wrote in his response to the question the original poster asked. I do think he needs to be very specific when using the word clogging. I think he needs to spell out exactly the words of purge unit clogging.
Adviced well taken, thank you for pointing this out. I have edited my first response to include your suggested words. Thanks again.


Printer Master
Platinum Printer Member
Jun 16, 2006
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La Verne, California
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Epson WP-4530
nche11 said:
One of the rules of this forum is disallowing production promotion posts. I think it is appropriate to say the rule should be expended to disallow product demotion too. I know, people will disagree with me. But without such expansion of the rule it can be easily done by people to demote certain brands or products to achieve a same goal of promoting another brand or products. This is not good for anyone of us consumers. This is why I ask that one should be careful in conducting any test and making any conclusion on this forum. If we don't have this understanding and if every ink vendor sends people to this forum to conduct negative campaign against all their competitors it won't be long before anybody can trust anything posted on this forum.

I know. Internet forums are where people are allowed of their right of free speech. If there are rules to disallow certain type of speeches they are for the benefit of the people participating in the forums.
And which rule is that?

Rule #1 is: No self promotion and/or advertising: We ask that forum members do not use our inkjet forum to advertise products and services.

That's not the rule you are claiming.

Look at the subtitles on the different forums:

InkJet Printers -General-: Recommendations, Reviews, etc.
Refilling InkJets: How-To's, Experiences, etc.
Non OEM Ink & Cartridge Suppliers: Reviews & experiences with off-brand 3rd party ink & cartridges.

"Recommendations", "Reviews", and "Experiences" doesn't sound like the rule you are claiming is in place here.

Where did you get the idea that there was a rule "disallowing production promotion posts"?


Printer Master
Platinum Printer Member
Jun 16, 2006
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La Verne, California
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Epson WP-4530
Nche, I believe I have already responded to your other concerns many times over so I won't continue repeating the same answers. If you have any new points, don't hesitate to bring them up.

Tin Ho

Print Addict
Apr 24, 2006
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I have been following this thread for a while. Ghwellsjr, if you put your defensive mind set aside perhaps you can see nche is suggesting a different scenario, he kept saying a possibility, to explain the problem. But you seem to insist in your own version of opinions. In this case there is no more room for discussion.

Tin Ho

Print Addict
Apr 24, 2006
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websnail said:
To be honest, I understand everyone has their own point of view but, with respect nche11, I believe you could benefit from taking your own advice and stepping back from you own deep seated opinions and consider a wider picture as well.
Are you asking nche to shut up? Everyone is entitled to give his/her opinions. Perhaps you should consider to step back from this deep seated opinion of yours too. Nche posted a good view of the cleaning cycle in my opinion. Your view of the purge pump is good too. Keep the good stuff coming, not the coments like the above.

Tin Ho

Print Addict
Apr 24, 2006
Reaction score
Gosh, I had this nasty problem and I did so much work to test the inks to find the cause of the problem then this guy refutes with me.

If this is what you feel keep in mind that it happens all the time. Never stop exploring all scenarios. If you are unwilling to examine in all directions why bother to post your own view in a forum to invite refutes from others then trying to shooting everyone down?

Back in those years in school many of us had published some papers or a dissertation. Why? It's not for satisfying our own ego. It was for inviting reviews and challenges. It is a process to eliminate mistakes. If you are afraid of refutes or challenges don't publish it.

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