Hi! I have printer mg 5540 canon, and I have same problem (5b00),
can somebody help me!I tried every ways you write up,i have tools v3400,3600, and lower too
The procedure for entering service mode is different for different generations of printers, and the procedure is found in the service manual. Sadly the service manual for MG5540 seems nowhere to be found.
I've read somewhere on the web that to enter service mode for the newest generation of Canon printers the Stop/resume button should be pressed 5 times to enter service mode for iP models, but 6 times for MG models. If the procedure recommended by The Hat doesn't work then try pressing Stop/resume 6 times instead.
Good luck and please report your results.
Edit: Here is an example of pressing the Stop/resume button 6 times for an MG6150. It seems the procedure worked for this printer.