CLI-526Y Yellow 'Jello' (Pixma ix6550)

Photographic Memory

Printing Ninja
Oct 31, 2017
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Printer Model
Canon Pro 100S
Any artifact on the front or the back of the paper that obscures or blurs reading of the nozzle check makes this difficult if not impossible to accurately judge the nozzle check. Nozzle checks are not known for burning out a Canon print head. In the future when needing to post on the forum, make a fresh nozzle check on paper that isn't already printed on in that area.

Generally speaking, if you never refill and always use a new cartridge as replacement then go ahead and print until the cartridge is marked empty. The recommendation about half filled cartridges is for refilling and not letting the sponge start drying out with caked or thickened desiccating ink.

If you have tried a new cartridge, or one you knew positively to work properly, after the loss of Yellow and nothing changed then you know the issue is the print head or the logic assay board. This is part of why I asked those questions.

I would do the same thing. Unfortunately, my bet is that most of those comments are from people easily satisfied with the output and are not too particular or knowledgeable about the ink used. Poor ink in a Canon print head can actually lead to problems, particularly with the pigment inks. If the issue were Yello Gello and the seller did not warn you as you bought their inks then shame on them. Lastly, most likely color matching will be worse than the inks generally recommended on this forum - a matter of taste. There is also the issue of print longevity, something no third party dye-based ink can come close to OEM Canon inks, though some are demonstrably worse that others.

Less expensive does not always equate to savings in the grand scheme of things. The good news it that refilling offers significant savings, and, you can get fantastic color matching without a custom printer-ink-paper ICC printer profile from some aftermarket inks. Longevity, however, will not match Canon inks on Canon paper.

Given the information provided, I am still not convinced you were affected by Yello Gello, and if so, the Yello Gello itself caused a permanent malfunction.

In the future, now that you've found this forum, please stop all printing except for nozzle checks if a problem occurs and post on the forum.

Tip of the Day -- to help prevent clogging issues, consider printing something once a week or so that uses all cartridge colors. A nozzle check typically suffices. This is the forum consensus, though I and others have gone longer.

You got it, roger that 10-4 copy (pun!).

I am a good learner, having spent the past 20 years in digital media I am relearning and totally learning afresh the original art of printing. A month ago I had no knowledge and no calibrated monitor. Fast forward and today I am reborn. Previously it was dpreview as my main source for information, however now everything is speedily headed into "the cloud" and "everyone's a photographer thanks to their iPhone"… guess what? Myself am not ignorant, I can see unlike blind goats headed to their slaughter where things are headed (pun?) and I thank my "Higher Power" for the insight.
Hence my name, it has personal sentimental meaning. When I pull open my cache of original old Film Photographs from when I was younger, they have a powerful influence on me. And they exist! They are not digital pixels on the screen, they are real!
If it wasn't for this forum and new Printer which brought forth new enthusiasm I have quickly latched on to our last hope of "ownership" of one's material. Printing has got to be "the cloud"'s greatest enemy, and if one believes an agenda at hand then it would only make sense.
Sounds like an off on a tangent spiel, but you don't know how grateful I am right now having found this place… making up for lost time.


Printer VIP
Platinum Printer Member
Nov 27, 2010
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Copenhagen Denmark
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Canon MP990
The Pro-100 uses a piezo-electric crystal to heat the ink to expand it.

Canon print heads are thermal and use resistive heating elements to create vapour bubbles that eject the ink. Epson and Brother print heads are piezo-electric and the piezo-electric elements change shape/dimension when a voltage is applied, so the ink is ejected via a mechanical pumping action.


Printer VIP
Platinum Printer Member
Jul 2, 2006
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Toronto, Canada
You got it, roger that 10-4 copy (pun!).

I am a good learner, having spent the past 20 years in digital media I am relearning and totally learning afresh the original art of printing. A month ago I had no knowledge and no calibrated monitor. Fast forward and today I am reborn. Previously it was dpreview as my main source for information, however now everything is speedily headed into "the cloud" and "everyone's a photographer thanks to their iPhone"… guess what? Myself am not ignorant, I can see unlike blind goats headed to their slaughter where things are headed (pun?) and I thank my "Higher Power" for the insight.
Hence my name, it has personal sentimental meaning. When I pull open my cache of original old Film Photographs from when I was younger, they have a powerful influence on me. And they exist! They are not digital pixels on the screen, they are real!
If it wasn't for this forum and new Printer which brought forth new enthusiasm I have quickly latched on to our last hope of "ownership" of one's material. Printing has got to be "the cloud"'s greatest enemy, and if one believes an agenda at hand then it would only make sense.
Sounds like an off on a tangent spiel, but you don't know how grateful I am right now having found this place… making up for lost time.
The same happened to music. MP3s.......Many younger folks have never heard what a real recording sounded like. Some of my records dating back to the 70s sounds better. Laugh if you want.
Todays's fast convenient and shareable. Repeat. OK, you have arrived.

Photographic Memory

Printing Ninja
Oct 31, 2017
Reaction score
Printer Model
Canon Pro 100S
The same happened to music. MP3s.......Many younger folks have never heard what a real recording sounded like. Some of my records dating back to the 70s sounds better. Laugh if you want.
Todays's fast convenient and shareable. Repeat. OK, you have arrived.

Ironically, sat here contemplating… to move this beast of a Pro-100 (S??) closer to my desk in place of the USB "tethered" ix6550 and solely run the Pro via no Wi-Fi, USB only I notice this!…

You can't make this stuff up, I for one don't want my head in the clouds! How's that for a pun!

Photographic Print > 'Virtually Real' Screen Image.

(Quote: "Services available may change without notice" - well then, I think that says it all it a nutshell, doesn't it? )


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Print Addict
Feb 28, 2017
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Calgary, AB Canada
Printer Model
Pro-100 & Brother-L8900
As the posts under this topic are a bit about telling stories, I have one. This morning I am reading an article in the paper about some news media entity tweeting things that turn out to not be correct, because they didn’t fact check before posting.

Well, that’s what happened to me a couple of times just recently in this forum. For one of them, see above. It is so easy to post something that one “believes is so”. The test, I am now reminded is, if one “thinks” something is “so” then it’s probably wrong. Hence, if one “thinks it is so” then it’s better not to post, until fact checked. The test is to “know”.

Luckily we have our forum gurus, and in both cases I was promptly set straight. It is a downer, if not down right embarrassing to be caught out. But it is necessary, to prevent an error from misleading others.

However, such burden shouldn’t be placed on the gurus. I am sure it makes their volunteer job tougher.

Therefore, rather than being down, or embarrassed I am grateful to the forum gurus, and make the promise to fact check before I post again.

Respectfully, kdsdata.

The Hat

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Jan 18, 2010
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Canon/3D, CR-10, CR-10S, KP-3
@kdsdata, It’s very embarrassing when you get something wrong, :idunno but it’s even more embarrassing not to know your wrong, :eek: I’ve make some whoppers too, and as you say, :bow "the gurus" on here soon put me in my place... :duc


Printer VIP
Platinum Printer Member
Apr 19, 2007
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Canon MB5120, Pencil
some news media entity tweeting things that turn out to not be correct
It is one thing to do this by omission and another to do it by commission, the important element being the latter purposeful and the former not. You did not intend to mislead or damage. The media has and done so knowingly.

I am rightly reminded when I've been wrong, too. It's a learning process. You're getting there and you have a great attitude. :)