Capacities for the new Canon PGI-550/CLI-551 cartridges


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Jul 2, 2006
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Toronto, Canada
Without experimenting too much, I think the more you tip it, the less the sponge will be totally saturated at the end. If you use a stopper at the outlet then you could really saturate the sponge a lot and some dripping can come out. If you tip a lot, less dripping. What needs to be experimented with is whether filling by the "tip" fill method will work without blocking the outlet. The amount of tipping necessary to prevent the ink from overflowing from the sponge will prevent the total sponge from getting very saturated. Thus when the cartridge is put back level, it will not drip because the areas to the left side of the drawing will now absorb the ink inside the sponge evenly. Some experimentation is in order to see what the results are.

Yes, from what I have seen, and recalled, there is an unfilled spot on the top. Mind you it's been a while since I bought an OEM that you could actually see and tell if that is the case. Hey when Canon made everything opaque, I'm sure the complaints dropped about cartridges dropped. See nothing, know nothing, no complaints.

The Hat

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Jan 18, 2010
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mikling said:
To fill the reservoir side to the max possible. If you tilt the cartridge so that the fill hole occupies the highest point of the reservoir, you will get a little bit more in. Sponge side up, reservoir side down. If you dont't seal the vent, with the tilt that is ok as well. The level of ink on the sponge side will not rise more than the fill point to enter the air vent maze as that will be higher than the fill hole. When the fill hole is sealed and the cartridge is level, the sponge side ink will level out and never be as high as the sponge.

Got it?

If not drawing is in order.
Thanks Mikling, now I can see where youre coming from and understand it completely.. :old


Printer Master
Jan 18, 2011
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I don't have a cartridge diagram in front of me, but I think the vent structure would not be filled if you don't fill the ink chamber above the bottom of the fill hole. And tipping it up a little would give you an additional margin of safety. It seems to me, that would make the method fool-resistant. I also don't think we ever have to worry about overfilling or an oversaturated sponge, as long as the cartridge is allowed to drip a minute or two, and the printer cleans itself afterwards.