Canon MG5250 ink absorber nearly full


Newbie to Printing
Aug 12, 2019
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Canon MG5250
Hi everyone, I am hoping someone can help me understand what I have to do to repair my printer?
As a newcomer I will try to follow the 'protocol' at the beginning of this forum.
My printer is a Canon MG5250

1) Printer problem: Message on LCD = ERROR "Ink absorber almost full"
2) first started displaying this message a week ago.
3) Printer is a Canon MG5250 which is an 'all-in-one scanner and A4 inkjet printer.
4) The message allows one to press OK and then the printer then works normally.
5) I have used 'chipped' third party ink cartridges virtually from new and incredibly NEVER had to clean the heads or had any printer errors until now. It is a fantastic low usage printer.
6) I am NOT using refillable cartridges.
7) Following a week of trawling the web, I am led to believe this is a forced obsolescence built into the printer (saved in EPROM) by the manufacturer.
There allegedly is a software 'counter' that monitors the head cleaning operations and 'ticks' up/down a counter which when zero stops the printer working altogether. According to my service manual there is a software 'Service Tool V1.081 shown on page 44 that is capable of resetting this counter allowing the Canon service centre to make the printer work once again.
So...I contacted Canon service team who were very nice but told me that the printer is no longer supported and therefore cannot be repaired.
I replied that the printer is NOT broken and it is criminal to add to the 'sunami' of electronic waste with perfectly serviceable printers just because they choose to stop them working. I asked that as the printer was no longer supported by Canon they would not require their 'service tool' software and would they be kind enough to supply me with link to a copy. (don't ask don't!)
They say :-
This software is not destined to reset your device in any way and correct the error message you are experiencing, and thus we do not have a link to share with you.
Yet earlier in the same message they say :-
We would like to inform you that only our Authorised Service Facilities have specific software tools to re-programme a printer after maintenance/ service only.

So firstly:-
How long will my printer display 'Ink absorber nearly full' message before it decides it is truly 'full' and I presume stop printing? I checked the absorber pads and they are all dried up!
How do I cast the secret 'spell' (as my service manual says) and reset this EPROM counter?
I have searched for this 'service tool V1.081 in vain.
My printer is working but with a sword of Damacles hanging over it, and sadly I am the sort of chap that hates to be thwarted by this type of manufacturer's tactic.
Can someone PLEASE give me some advice/help.
Thanks in anticipation.....


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Welcome to the forum, Dave.

How long will my printer display 'Ink absorber nearly full' message before it decides it is truly 'full' and I presume stop printing?
No one can tell. It depends on what you print. Yes, the printer will stop printing once it determines the waste ink pads are full based on nozzle firing counts.

I checked the absorber pads and they are all dried up!
If you have taken apart your printer and visualized the waste ink pads then take the time to carefully wash and dry them before reassembling and using the Service Tool to reset the waste ink counter. Or, you could see about buying a new set online. Otherwise, consider placing the printer on a tray that can catch leaked ink. (Some report being able to get another round of waste ink count down/up without leaking, though their model of printer was most likely not yours.)

See the following thread for a discussion on how to enter Service Mode and which Service Tool to use and how to use it. The link begins on the sixth page of the thread but you need to read subsequent pages. Better yet, read the entire thread.


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The MG5250 is of the PGI-x25/CLI-x26 cartridge generation so one of the "old and free" service tools can be used with the printer. You find a service manual for the printer here. The service manual has instructions for service mode operations and for disassembling the printer. A parts catalog is found here. It has an assembly drawing showing the position of the ink absorbers. It might be helpful in reinstalling or replacing the absorbers. Notice that the parts number for an absorber kit is QY5-0293-000 if you want to search the web for one.

You find a download of the service tool v3400 in this post by "Sir Sava" on this Russian forum. It is also found as a .rar archive attached to this post on this forum. I recommend this version as it works with all Windows versions, XP and newer and both 32 and 64 bit.

If you need more instructions then please write again.
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Newbie to Printing
Aug 12, 2019
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Canon MG5250
Dear Stratman and PeretbBJ thanks for your swift replies. I tried looking at the link you sent me and fully read the pages in the link as advised. I tried clicking the embedded links to V3200 and they all return a 'not found' 404 error message.
However Peter's link to v3400 (well actually the attached .rar) I have downloaded successfully, though not unzipped yet.
The information as to how to put the MG5250 into service mode (in your link) matches the method in my copy of the service manual so I am emboldened to proceed.
But before I do.....
Can you just confirm that version v3400 is compatible with the MG5250 please?

So... let me check the procedure....?
Sorry, I need the 'Dummies Guide' lol!

1). I need the printer connected to my computer via a USB lead having verified I can print via this cable?
2). I need to put my printer into 'service mode' as instructed in the manual.
3). I start up the V3400 service tool..... ?

Will the service tool then allow me to reset the ink absorber or do I need to change other settings first?
I notice the screen shot in the service manual has a button labelled "Set Destination", does this HAVE to be set to UK or do I just leave it alone? (It's JPN in my manual)
Are there other settings that have to be set correctly before I try to reset the Ink Absorber Counter.
I am paranoid I will get the printer into some locked condition by not knowing the correct procedure.
Thanks in anticipation....


Printer VIP
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Yes the service tool V3400 is compatible with the MG5250 as seen in this crop from the EEPROM print of my MG5250 that was created using the v3400 service tool. D=xxx.x is the absorber counter value. 0 means the absorber is empty and 100 means the absorber is totally full:

MG5250 EEPROM.jpg

The service tool can only be used with a Windows computer, you cannot use Mac and Linux computers. The service tool only works with a USB connection, Wireless cannot be used even if the printer has this capability. It is also important that only the printer you want to perform service mode operations on is connected to the computer. No other printers must be connected to the computer.

Here is the procedure to enter service mode from the service manual, slightly edited to make it more clear:
i. With the printer power turned off, while pressing the Resume/Cancel button, press and hold the Power button. (DO NOT release the buttons).
ii. When the Power LED lights in green, while holding the Power and Resume/Cancel button, release the Resume/Cancel button. (DO NOT release the Power button.)
iii. While holding the Power button, press and release the Resume/Cancel button 5 times, and then release the Power button. (Each time the Resume/Cancel button is pressed, the Alarm and Power LEDs light alternately, Alarm in orange and Power in green,
starting with Alarm LED.)
iv. When the Power LED lights steadily in green, the printer is ready for the service mode operation.

When the printer has entered service mode Windows will probably install a new printer or a "device". just allow this.

Make sure there is paper in both the cassette and the rear paper feed as you cannot predict which paper source the printer will use.

Now open the service tool. Check that "Main" is selected in the ink absorber counter, and "0" is selected in the "Counter value%" setting and then click "Set".
A small window "A function was finished" opens. Close this window by clicking OK. Now click the EEPROM button to get a print that verifies that the absorber counter has been resat. D should now be 000.0 or very close to 0.

Here is a screen shot with explanations:

MG5250 reset.jpg

I hope this helps.


Newbie to Printing
Aug 12, 2019
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Printer Model
Canon MG5250
Wow thanks Peter!
A true 'dummy's guide just what I needed, thank you for taking the time to explain.
When I get time to set this all up I will follow your instructions to the letter and report back how I get on.
Watch this space.
All the best


Printer Master
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Dec 2, 2007
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great info from two of the best, stratman and PeterBJ


• Active Printers: MP870, MP980, PRO-100
• Stored Printers: IP4500, MX700, MX860, MX870
• Past Printers: MP830
• Method: German Durchstich Method
• Ink: Hobbicolors and OCP
• Misc: Squeeze bottles - so much easier than syringes


Newbie to Printing
Aug 12, 2019
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Printer Model
Canon MG5250
Hi stratman and PeterBJ you are stars :)
This morning I sat down to attack my MG5250 and carry out the reset method you so kindly related to me.
I had an old WinXP laptop and used my Canon Pixma installation CD to install the MG5250 using a USB cable.
At the end of the installation it offered me a test print and this churned out a test sheet so I knew I was connected.

I then transferred the V3400 service tool to the desktop and followed your instructions to put the MG5250 into service mode.
I started the 'service tool' and executed an EPROM printout.
The ink absorber figure was D=095.7% so I was very close to the printer stopping altogether...phew!.
I checked that the button 'selections' were as in your screen shot and clicked 'set'.
A second EPROM printout revealed that the absorber has been reset and D=000.0 :)

I am now spurred on to dissassemble the printer and wash out the ink absorber pads. (I considered it wasn't worth the effort until I had proved the EPROM could be reset).
So one final question:-
When I started this quest I peered into the printer and could see what appeared to be the two rectangular ink pads directly beneath the place where the print heads 'park'.
One about a centimetre wide and 2cm long under the colour jets and one 0.5cm wide and maybe 3cm long(difficult to guesstimate).
I mentioned that they looked hard and dried up.
However when I look in the parts catalogue (or search online) the replacement pads seem to be a large pack of many unusual shaped (felt?) pads some look quite large.

Does the MG5250 use all these pads?
Or is the pack a set that services many printers and you just use the specific ones for the printer being serviced?

Thanks enormously for helping me beat the obsolescence system, saving my printer from the scrap man, and indirectly the planet.
What a wonderful community spirit you have here :)


Printer Master
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Dec 2, 2007
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good job w the reset.

the waste pads are in the bottom of the printer, usually 10+ pads.

i replaced the waste pads on my MP830 a number of years ago, see thread and pics

mine was an all in one, ADF, etc more stuff to remove and put back than yours. the service manual that PeterBJ's provided should help with some of the disassembly.

just take your time, takes pics each step, place screws/etc in numbered containers, i used a numbered egg carton. pay attn to the ribbon cables and which side is up/down. that is one gotcha that hung me up for a few hours before i switched them around.

if you can find new pads that is easier than washing out the old pads. if not just washout and let fully dry.

good luck and keep us posted here. maybe post your steps w pics to help others with your model printer.


• Active Printers: MP870, MP980, PRO-100
• Stored Printers: IP4500, MX700, MX860, MX870
• Past Printers: MP830
• Method: German Durchstich Method
• Ink: Hobbicolors and OCP
• Misc: Squeeze bottles - so much easier than syringes


Newbie to Printing
Aug 12, 2019
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Printer Model
Canon MG5250
Hi Jimbo123
Good suggestion I will keep my camera handy.