Canon firmware/driver updates - A matter of concern?

The Hat

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Platinum Printer Member
Jan 18, 2010
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Residing in Wicklow Ireland
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Canon/3D, CR-10, CR-10S, KP-3
OK guys I decided to try my luck with a Virgin Computer and hook up one of my printers to it.
Now if I can drag stratman away from the warms arms of Miss America for a while I will explain the outcome. :hugs

It was an old XP machine and I installed the original drivers for that printer with the CD that came with it in 2008.
I used Illustrator 4 and Photoshop 7 to do my prints and then checked the results.

The margins were reset back to 3 mm again while using the old driver,
so everyone can now draw their own conclusions as to what actually caused all of the margins to change.

As far as the Explorer.exe debacle is concerned well I will have to eat my defeat while its still warm
and bow out gracefully as I can take a horse to water but cant necessarily make him drink.

I cannot roll back my current set of drivers because there are no others available,
they are all signed 64 bit drivers supplied by Microsoft so I am stuck with them.

Ironically I got my iX4000 back in April 2009 so this may have being the culprit and not the iP4700 after all.
Just in case you missed I have never done any firmware/ flash up-grades to any of my printers that includes laser as well..


Printer VIP
Platinum Printer Member
Apr 19, 2007
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Printer Model
Canon MB5120, Pencil
Hooray! You've gotten your margins back! :ya

Sounds like the Canon 64 bit printer driver may be the culprit. Wonder if you could uninstall the new Canon 64 bit printer driver and install and run the older 32 bit printer driver under the 64 bit operating system? I don't do 64 bit but I've read that some legacy apps can be run under a 64 bit environment.

Just saw these two web pages talking about it: here and here .