Cannon Pro 9500 Resource


Printing Ninja
Nov 18, 2007
Reaction score
You are very welcome. The Keeble and Shuchat store is truly a special one. Unlike similar stores in New York it makes me feel wlcomed all the time and makes me wanted to visit it again and again. I used to take lunch break and drove 30 minutes to see it almost once a week. They have a fairly large collection of classic photography gears on the top shelves for exhibit only. You can't buy any of them. I once saw a customer checking out a camera and asked if he could take it out of the store to check how the camera behaves differently than in the shade in the store. The salesman simply said go ahead. Wow, I could not imagine if the guy did not return. He did.

They have two store. One is strictly for professionals. That's where you see all kinds of very high end gears, including maybe half a dozen large format printers and many wide format desktop ones. They have at least 8 maybe 10 salesman there to assist customers. It was the store for pros to buy hasselblads in the past and now is where MF high end digital backs are demoed and sold. My buddy and I each bought a used Rollieflex TLR there almost 20 years ago. We both still have the camera although they are really sitting in the closet these days.

Am I off the subject? Sorry about it. If you do come to California I sure be more than happy to take you there for a tour.