Twice I tried to refill my C6578(78) color cartridge for my HP 940c inkjet printer. First time was a couple of months ago, I tried to refill the HP cartridge I bought for $35 dollars. I waited until the ink was low, then refilled it using Nu*Kote Inkjet Refill Kit, from Walmart for $12.00. I follow the manual to the letter, but the ink cartridge doesnt want to stop leaking after I refilled it. First thing I did was use the push pin to push all three vent plugs into cartridge. Then I looked at the lable on the cartridge to see which color of ink is in each vent. I notice the lable doesnt match the color for each vent. So I turn cartridge so I can look at the nozzle piece to see which color goes to each vent. I notice blue was on right side, so I inserted the blue refill needle into the right side vent hole. I never felt the needle touch any foam until until it was almost all the way in the vent hole. So it never did go thru the foam, so then I started squeezing the refill bottle very slowly while pulling it out, until I start to see the ink at the vent hole, like the manual said to do. I do notice the middle vent, for color red, it has plenty of foam in that vent hole. So i force the needle all the way thru the foam and pulled it about 1/8 inch back up, then started adding the ink. After I finish filling all 3 vents. I let it sit in tray, but then I came back 5 minutes later, there is a puddle of ink in the tray. So I then wipe the noozle off, and put it back in the tray. Came back 10 minutes later, and still had a puddle of ink in the tray. So all said and done, this was my second time of trying to refill the color ink and both times the cartridge wouldnt stop leaking. So I ended buying a ink cartridge that was already filled. I follow the maunal to the letter, cant figure out why it doesnt stop leaking. Can anyone shed some light on this ?