"Popular" = most viewed topics in the past 6000 days. That being the case, there will be a propensity for older topics to be on that list since they would have gained more views.
I made the number big to show off "all time" popular threads but I can change the number of days so it only pulls topics that were only started in the past year or so. Which setting do you think would be most valuable to old and new members? Showcase "popular" from all time or "popular" from the last year, even if there are older topics that are more popular?
@niftylogue It's a pleasure. I hope I have done that correctly. Yes I guessed what was happenning on "Popular". It is a difficult decision, but more recent threads could be more relevant? Perhaps number of viewings divided by number of years or number of months?
Anyone else with ideas?
Got your Alert the Hat. Thanks. A little popup window that said an Alert from you showed up on my screen and then vanished. The Alert tab at the top of the screen also showed a number "1" letting me know a new alert occurred. But the \Alert was for your post above, not an @stratman notification. Can you do an @The Hat but with my user name so I can see what happens please.
Seems one cannot Alert oneself. Those with multiple personalities and multiple user names to match can still Alert themselves.