Are "views" numbers largely influenced by robots?


Printer VIP
Nov 3, 2004
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Bay Area CA
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CR-10, i560 ,MFC-7440N
Although this is a dedicated blog site in itself, I was wondering if you might not benefit by having a category heading "members blogs", in which those that like laying down a line of thinking, as some do, could have a slot dedicated to themselves.

It may not prove to be popular, but no doubt others may develop the idea? I just throw it into the ring!

It could be used to reference other personally generated video and reference data.

BRILLIANT idea! In fact, most of the articles in the BYC Learning Center (my biggest site) are member created. If even a few people are willing to create blogs, articles, journals, etc. then I'd be happy to install a system that would support the creation of articles and such. Independent of that, some of this could even be done in the forum structure as new threads in a specific section. I'd LOVE to talk this out a bit more and get feedback and ideas!

Have you ever considered a donate button or system @Nifty?

Donate buttons: I've never been a fan of this model. We do have the beginnings of the PPM , which allows members to upgrade their accounts, but honestly, the site, community, and I get WAY more value from members contributing, posting pictures, linking, etc. than any donations, etc.

There are options like affiliate programs, direct sponsorships, etc., but honestly, using Google AdSense is the easiest and less time consuming for me... but I'm always looking at the options and comparing them.


Printer Master
May 13, 2012
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Fern Hill, Australia
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Epson 3880. Canon Pro 9000,
Great discussion & questions!

Hosting a small website is actually relatively cheap / easy... the problem is that things get VERY tricky (exponentially so) as a site grows in scale. For example, you can host a small website on Godaddy, etc. for $5 - $10 a month. That's what I did about 15 years ago when I started doing this stuff (ugh that made me feel old)... but over time I went to a shared hosting / reseller account, to finally a dedicated server. With each step things got more complex and expensive. I used to be able to do a everything myself, but as things gets busier and more complex, I need to hire contractors to help. For example, with a dedicated server, I need help managing and optimizing it for security, performance, and backup redundancy. I have one group that manages the site in real-time for some things and then contractors that help on an as-needed basis for others.

Generating enough revenue from advertising on a website to cover expenses is possible, but very hard. Revenue is usually based on clicks and not views, so that makes it tricky... especially if people have ad-blocker on. Even just covering a site's "real" expenses (domain name, hosting, etc.) can be difficult, but if you add on other costs (forum software license fees, contractor fees, server management fees, etc.) it gets even harder as costs of running a busy site skyrocket.

NOTE: We never want anybody to click ads that they aren't interested in just to earn a site income... it can get us in trouble and is also unethical. Also, if people run ad-block, we'd ask that they find other ways to help contribute to the site, like helping others, posting great content, linking to the site, etc., which many of you are doing anyway, so thanks!

I'm fortunate that I can do a lot of basic stuff myself and also that I'm VERY frugal. I've seen a TON of websites come and go over the years because they didn't build in a sustainable financial model into their site from the beginning. I've never had a site go "dead" and expect that will never happen. :)

I had forgotten that I found this site whilst looking for information on Wyandotte

For me the forum format is muchmore better than the blog, I understand forum, blog is iCloudy yukk!

The thing that sets this forum apart, by a chasm not just a gulf is the fact that it is unique in having avoided attracting grandstanders, pontificators, and other undesirables, they get short shift quick smart. BUT, respect is maintained and light diversion, the order of the day. That is why, I believe, things can get a bit tense, then just as quickly defused, with polite banter...........that is bloody unique on the net, and IMHO something you can be very proud to have achieved...

For me it is a go to place, for me, for company and for information and insight, and no bull answers...@TheHat may post such misinformation for the benefit of Epson in order to advance his bias and misinformed Canoncentric ideology, but he does not waste my time not for one moment, I savor the thought that ONE DAY! he WILL be turned from the dark side.....

Whilst we wax on about adds, and robots, they are in fact almost, (not quite) subliminal irretations, and fantastic fodder for fantastical imaginings.




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Platinum Printer Member
Jan 4, 2012
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Canon Pro9000 II
@Nifty said "I'd LOVE to talk this out a bit more and get feedback and ideas!"

I was thinking of a new forum heading which allowed individual members to maintain their own posted information, which did not get cluttered up by replies.

It would allow say @jtoolman to create a permanent list of all his web videos in one place, for example. Which in turn would allow anyone to find old subjects much more easily.

You could have listings of re-setter information, collected together and maintained by one person.

@PeterBJ 's printer manual information could be indexed more easily.

The development of the more complex subjects such as generating profiles etc., requires a facility for more tidy presentation, free from unrelated replies and questions.

This would not prevent discussion of the subject in the normal way, but should make the information resource of this forum more readily available.
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Printer VIP
Nov 3, 2004
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Bay Area CA
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CR-10, i560 ,MFC-7440N
Great stuff! I have a few ideas that may help with this. Let me noodle on them a bit more.