Are "views" numbers largely influenced by robots?


Print Addict
Jun 25, 2014
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Canon MP610
In the words of Kyle Reese:
Defense network computers. New... powerful... hooked into everything, trusted to run it all. They say it got smart, a new order of intelligence. Then it saw all people as a threat, not just the ones on the other side. Decided our fate in a microsecond: extermination.


Printer Master
May 13, 2012
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Fern Hill, Australia
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Epson 3880. Canon Pro 9000,
So, cookies are bad, they exist to give the cookie-er a real time handle on ALL your activities 100% of the time you are online, but a robot, trawling this forum, gets nothing but pictures of printers so its ok...........
Well thats all good and fine BUT, I am pretty sure that with my limitred resources I could put together a fair profile of many who post here, so a robot trawling, with all its resource is feeding someone, somewhere, much detailed information.

I'm thinking about a fair slab of our discussion ending up in the hands of the major printer companies. A mole would get diddly squat at MOST, would be looking to put fear into the undecided and turn them off refilling.
Market research, and marketing scince is, and is getting better and more accurte at deciphering seemingly useless key words.

Gave my foil hat to a right wing poly years ago, after a particular attack from my tranny! Revalations of the worst kind, and then actually reading of positive confirmation of my worst fears in non other than "Hitch hikers guid to th Galaxy" The rest of the World thought it was a work of comic fiction, but my foil had said otherwise.

Be afraid of not being afraid, the end is nigh!
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Print Addict
Jun 25, 2014
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United Kingdom
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Canon MP610
I imagine the printer manufacturers know about all the tricks like resetters, CISS, Auto reset chips, refillable carts the various ways to refill carts and so much more which is all over the internet not just this forum.

I also doubt printer manufacturers would put fear into anyone on this site over refilling, telling most people here they are going to get in trouble over refilling or it will break their printer (or other such nonsense they are likely to try) would be like trying to convince a person they should not drink water.

Cookies ultimately bother me not based on what they contain but because they are annoying tiny little files that fragment your HDD and take up space, nothing to do with what info they collect.

Id even argue manufacturers expect some people to refill and not buy their original carts, which is probably part of the reason genuine cart costs are typically high. I also imagine they, if serious would sooner stop makers of third party carts than some individual on a forum which has refilled to avoid buying a few sets of carts per year. Going after thousands of individuals would be counter productive.


Even if i am wrong on all the above its too late now anyway, the bots are here and the printer manufacturers have all the info already, so even if there was something worth worrying about you can not do anything about it now....... Or short version pointless worrying about anything beyond your control or what has already happened.


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Apr 19, 2007
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Cookies are what keep track of your log in so you do not have to enter your user name and password each time you return to the forum.

Cookies are what keep track of your last read post in a thread on the forum. Without a cookie you would not have the convenience of New Posts allowing you to begin reading where you left off last time.

For all others, use your best judgement and something like the free CCleaner to rid your self of unnecessary cookies and more, You can even "white list" (exclude) beneficial cookies, such as for, so that they are not deleted when you CClean.

There is no free lunch (or health care).


Printer Master
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Jan 4, 2012
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I have used CCleaner for several years, run after each session and it does the job in as much detail as you choose. I have increasingly "ticked the boxes" and only have a few essentials left unticked. You soon find the ones to leave alone when the system starts malfunctioning.


Print Addict
Jun 25, 2014
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United Kingdom
Printer Model
Canon MP610
I use CCleaner and i never let my computer remember log in details to any site. Thats what password managers are for :) Gets rid of the cookie mess and temp files, would sooner cookies did not exist at all though.


Printer Master
May 13, 2012
Reaction score
Fern Hill, Australia
Printer Model
Epson 3880. Canon Pro 9000,
I imagine the printer manufacturers know about all the tricks like resetters, CISS, Auto reset chips, refillable carts the various ways to refill carts and so much more which is all over the internet not just this forum.

I also doubt printer manufacturers would put fear into anyone on this site over refilling, telling most people here they are going to get in trouble over refilling or it will break their printer (or other such nonsense they are likely to try) would be like trying to convince a person they should not drink water.

Cookies ultimately bother me not based on what they contain but because they are annoying tiny little files that fragment your HDD and take up space, nothing to do with what info they collect.

Id even argue manufacturers expect some people to refill and not buy their original carts, which is probably part of the reason genuine cart costs are typically high. I also imagine they, if serious would sooner stop makers of third party carts than some individual on a forum which has refilled to avoid buying a few sets of carts per year. Going after thousands of individuals would be counter productive.


Even if i am wrong on all the above its too late now anyway, the bots are here and the printer manufacturers have all the info already, so even if there was something worth worrying about you can not do anything about it now....... Or short version pointless worrying about anything beyond your control or what has already happened.

But a MOLE, if we had one in our midst, would say what you are saying, and you would be risking straight out daft if you thought that the efforts of jtoolman and The Hat, and others like them are not canvassed in board rooms. Manufacturers spend squillions on R&D, these forums give out quality research for free, that on its own is a threat to them. Robots may well be feeding the lower parts of the food chain, but from what I know of Multinationals commercial behaviour, THEY will not be calling it for too late.

If I remember correctly the inventor of the 3D printer put it out there for free, to prevent just what is going on in printing now, today, as we speak!!!