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  1. J

    Can We Beat this ink Monitoring ?

    Their attitude is similar to Sony raging about intellectual theft and piracy, then offering DVD burners with their name on them - oh and don't forget your Sony brand, blank, DVD's.
  2. J

    How to get more female printer geeks

    Pink printers? Maybe not;it was tried by the original Lionel Train Company and drove them into bankruptcy.
  3. J

    Waste ink, Canon & a Serious Question

    Since the ink is water based and water evapourates when exposed to air, why isn't the inky water evapourating.
  4. J

    Overview of refilling BCI-6 CLI-8

    Give the man a cigar.
  5. J

    $79 - MX870 available from Canon USA,(Refurbished), free shipping

    Just ordered one before the midnight deadline.
  6. J

    Do powered on Canon printers initiate maintenance if no prints made?

    Scheduled nozzle check.
  7. J

    DVD printing

    From what I could find out about the disks (made in the UAE) they are the same MID code as the good old Verbatims with the AZO dye coating.. Any decent burning program will confirm the code MCC03RG20 See the link...
  8. J

    What happens if I 3/4 refill and reset cartridge?

    So if your brand new original Canon cart is inserted into the printer, registered as full, develops a fault which lets the ink run out, the printer will happily print until the head burns out?
  9. J

    Storage Clips for Cli-8 anf BGI-5bk

    'Wisconsin Clip' sounds good. Pity you couldn't have contrived to be from Scotland, 'Scottish Clip' has a hint of frugality about it.
  10. J

    Storage Clips for Cli-8 anf BGI-5bk

    That's a great idea. I hate those rubber bands holding on the clip.
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    Storage Clips for Cli-8 anf BGI-5bk

    The tire or the inner tube?
  12. J

    an interesting ink incident ...

    I like the one response: "So...... That's what $1 billion looks like......."
  13. J

    From Canon: their ink should last indefinitely w/no expiration concern

    That's interesting news. I have four new in boxes (4300 and 4500) and was wondering about the ink.
  14. J

    Chip resetter for pgi 220 and cli 221....

    It's $15 for Frankd1 and myself - we're not in the US.
  15. J

    Chip resetter for pgi 220 and cli 221....

    Fifteen dollars for shipping and handling. It should be shipped,handled and delivered by the Swedish Bikini Team.
  16. J

    A BCI-6 cartridge opened up

    Canon Filters - smooth, manly taste and doctor recommended.
  17. J

    German Method Again

    I agree with Mowerman90. I only refill a cart if it's signaled as empty - I did it first because It seemed that I had to perform more cleanings after the nozzle check when I topped up the other carts.
  18. J

    Question about German Method refilling

    Your caution does you credit, but the printer telling me that it was time to refill is the least of it. I fill each cart as prompted -only that one - even if others are getting low. Leaving the head open while I remove carts that are low, it seemed to me that I ended up with bad nozzle test and...
  19. J

    New weapon of Canon: new carts to replace CLI-221/521 and PGI-220/520

    Even with the translucent carts, I have no easy time seeing when the tip of the needle is in the reservoir, so a piece of white tape around the needle indicates that it has traveled far enough, helps me out. This combined with a kitchen scale might be enough to keep using the German method...