Thanks Peter now I should be able to find them.
I think new members need to know about these two formulas.
Genki I don’t think you will ever remove all the dried pigment ink out of the print heads internal maze.
If you want to break loose some more of that pigment you might want to add some isopropyl alcohol to your cleaning formula.
I swear some one across the pond should start selling Windex in...
What is a HP Envy 110 printer?
I saw a HP Envy 110 at the thrift store and was wondering what it is all about. The printer is small and not very thick and uses # 60 carts.
Thanks Peter and can you tell me which one has the better scanner?
I have all three here but have not tested any yet. I am attempting to restore and make a copy of a damaged label and need a scanner copier.
The iP3000 is a great printer you sure don’t want to damage the control board or whatever it is called.
The i560 print head will interchange with the iP3000 so you might want to get an old i560 to use for checking new print heads.
I tried to change my email to my every day Yahoo email so I could receive news letter and it won’t let me.
Some how I originally signed up here using my Gmail email that I only use for storage.
I think the problem is with my old XP computer?
The MP500 measures 17” inches front to back.
17-1/2”side to side
8-1/2”tall and uses CLI-8 Carts the same print head as the iP4200.
If there is a smaller multi purpose CLI-8 Canon please let me know
MX850 measures 20” inches long
18-3/4”from back to front edge of control board and 19-1/2”with eject tray open. Whatever you call the tray the printed page ends up on.
9-1/2” inches tall.
Thanks Peter I unchecked that box like you showed.
These emails are showing new threads on this forum that I have not looked at or posted in
At the top of the email it says THIS WEEKS HIGHLIGHTS.
Makes no sense I don’t think this has happened before.