Pro-100. - Still Having Problems With Displayed Ink Levels

The Hat

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Roy I put am external waste ink tank on my Pro 9500 and it was the best thing I ever did with it.
I don’t have to worry about where all the waste ink is going now and it can be emptied so easily.
It’s a plus plus win situation, wholly recommended..:thumbsup


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Hat. What is the method for resetting the waste ink counter? The Canon service program? If so which one?



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Take it from me; upgrading the firmware on Canons advice is not such a good idea at all. :old :hide
That may be so but Roy has an issue that has been recognized by Canon and supposedly was fixed by a firmware update.

Now the Canon statement mentions firmware versions lower than what Roy says he is using now. And there is a newer version available that what he says he is using now. So what to do?

Well, it could be that when Roy flashed his firmware something did not go right and he needs to reflash. Should he downgrade, reflash with the same version, or choose the most current version -- that's the $64 question.

Before flashing the firmware I would advise seeing what happens with the new OEM Yellow cartridge after a refill to see if the issue is resolved. If so then he can try resetting the other cartridges -- if they work then issue resolved, but if they display the same ink monitoring behavior then try another new OEM cartridge of a different color than Yellow to see what happens. He may need to replace all the cartridges exhibiting the behavior.

ROY ---

1) What firmware version was the printer originally out of the box?

2) What firmware versions have you flashed?

3) When did you flash your firmware to version 1.1 and in what relation to installing the new OEM Yellow? I'm trying to see if the firmware flash has anything to do with how the Yellow is functioning as well as effect on the other cartridges.

4) Did ink level monitoring ever work properly and if so then when -- new OEM cartridges only or some after resetting as well or never after resetting? In other words, when did ink level monitoring change.

4) Any other quirks or changes you've noted besides cleanings?

Concerning cleanings -- this has long been of conjecture when refilling. There is a general consensus that if you continue printing after overriding an empty warning that cleanings seem to increase in frequency. This makes sense from Canon's perspective to ensure proper printing.

However, there are scheduled cleanings that occur both from a time factor as well as after every time a cartridge is removed and a new cartridge is replaced. I do not know with confidence if taking out and putting back in the same cartridge without doing anything to the cartridge will trigger a cleaning every time. Replacing a print head will trigger a clean/purge as well.

If you have a Service Manual for the printer you will see the scheduled/mandatory cleanings/purgings.
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The Hat

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I can’t recall now how many times I had to press the resume button to get into service mode,
I think it was twice but it not try using five the next time. (One or the other will work)
The Service Tool I used was V1074 and it had to be done under Win XP and it worked like a charm. :old
stratman said:
That may be so but Roy has an issue that has been recognized by Canon and supposedly was fixed by a firmware update.
The only thing I reckon that was fixed with the new firmware upgrade was the increase in frequency
of cleaning cycles and a few new annoying pop-ups.. :hit

Roy Sletcher

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That may be so but Roy has an issue that has been recognized by Canon and supposedly was fixed by a firmware update.

Now the Canon statement mentions firmware versions lower than what Roy says he is using now. And there is a newer version available that what he says he is using now. So what to do?

Well, it could be that when Roy flashed his firmware something did not go right and he needs to reflash. Should he downgrade, reflash with the same version, or choose the most current version -- that's the $64 question.

Before flashing the firmware I would advise seeing what happens with the new OEM Yellow cartridge after a refill to see if the issue is resolved. If so then he can try resetting the other cartridges -- if they work then issue resolved, but if they display the same ink monitoring behavior then try another new OEM cartridge of a different color than Yellow to see what happens. He may need to replace all the cartridges exhibiting the behavior.

ROY ---

1) What firmware version was the printer originally out of the box?

2) What firmware versions have you flashed?

3) When did you flash your firmware to version 1.1 and in what relation to installing the new OEM Yellow? I'm trying to see if the firmware flash has anything to do with how the Yellow is functioning as well as effect on the other cartridges.

4) Did ink level monitoring ever work properly and if so then when -- new OEM cartridges only or some after resetting as well or never after resetting? In other words, when did ink level monitoring change.

4) Any other quirks or changes you've noted besides cleanings?

Concerning cleanings -- this has long been of conjecture when refilling. There is a general consensus that if you continue printing after overriding an empty warning that cleanings seem to increase in frequency. This makes sense from Canon's perspective to ensure proper printing.

However, there are scheduled cleanings that occur both from a time factor as well as after every time a cartridge is removed and a new cartridge is replaced. I do not know with confidence if taking out and putting back in the same cartridge without doing anything to the cartridge will trigger a cleaning every time. Replacing a print head will trigger a clean/purge as well.

If you have a Service Manual for the printer you will see the scheduled/mandatory cleanings/purgings.

Here are the answers:

1) 1.02
2) 1.1
3) Yesterday (Sunday 24th Nov) - Yellow had been installed about a week prior to the flashing.
4) First set of OEM cartridges that came with the printer when new worked OK - At least that is my recollection. This is not a problem I anticipated, so was not taking notes. Subsequently refilled/topped-up at least three times with ink monitoring disabled before I got the REdSETTER. Only with about the second seset with the REdSETTER did I become aware of the fact that the small on-screen utility we not monitory the deminishing ink supply correctly.
4b) Apart from this everything is working fine - I really love this printer.


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So we do not know when ink level monitoring began to malfunction after resetting. It could have been functioning properly on the first reset but not thereafter or it could never have been functioning properly with any reset. Unfortunately this does not narrow down the source of your issue. However you can accelerate figuring out where the problem lies because you have a known properly functioning, new, never reset Yellow cartridge

Consider resetting and refilling all the cartridges EXCEPT the Yellow and see how it goes to get an answer quickly. Maybe resetting the chips AFTER the firmware upgrade will make a difference. If not then consider reflashing v1.1, or down-flashing to v1.02, or upgrading to v1.2.

You are sure the version of the firmware update you were using? Where did you get the firmware?

The other interesting point will be what happens after you reset the known properly working Yellow you are using currently. If the reset Yellow cartridge has proper ink level monitoring but the other cartridges do no despite having a new reset themselves, then the old cartridges (not the Yellow) have malfunctioning chips and you should consider getting new cartridges. Why the old ones are bad is for conjecture once we know the results of these tests I have explained so far.

If none of this resolves your issue then contact the entity you purchased the resetter, explain what's happening, and ask for a replacement resetter. I highly doubt the printer ink level monitoring being disabled has caused the issue since the the new OEM Yellow appears to be working properly. Since you are probably not the only one to have disabled ink level monitoring and then later on bought and used the identical resetter, it makes it less likely disabling ink level monitoring is the cause due to lack of reports by others AND Canon has publicly stated this bug and offered firmware update fix.

Was the Yellow cartridge ink level monitoring working properly BEFORE you flashed the firmware? Exactly when in relation to the firmware flash did you first note the Yellow ink monitoring functioning properly?
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Roy Sletcher

Indolent contrarian
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So we do not know when ink level monitoring began to malfunction after resetting. It could have been functioning properly on the first reset but not thereafter or it could never have been functioning properly with any reset. Unfortunately this does not narrow down the source of your issue. However you can accelerate figuring out where the problem lies because you have a known properly functioning, new, never reset Yellow cartridge

Consider resetting and refilling all the cartridges EXCEPT the Yellow and see how it goes to get an answer quickly. Maybe resetting the chips AFTER the firmware upgrade will make a difference. If not then consider reflashing v1.1, or down-flashing to v1.02, or upgrading to v1.2.

You are sure the version of the firmware update you were using? Where did you get the firmware?

The other interesting point will be what happens after you reset the known properly working Yellow you are using currently. If the reset Yellow cartridge has proper ink level monitoring but the other cartridges do no despite having a new reset themselves, then the old cartridges (not the Yellow) have malfunctioning chips and you should consider getting new cartridges. Why the old ones are bad is for conjecture once we know the results of these tests I have explained so far.

If none of this resolves your issue then contact the entity you purchased the resetter, explain what's happening, and ask for a replacement resetter. I highly doubt the printer ink level monitoring being disabled has caused the issue since the the new OEM Yellow appears to be working properly. Since you are probably not the only one to have disabled ink level monitoring and then later on bought and used the identical resetter, it makes it less likely disabling ink level monitoring is the cause due to lack of reports by others AND Canon has publicly stated this bug and offered firmware update fix.

Was the Yellow cartridge ink level monitoring working properly BEFORE you flashed the firmware? Exactly when in relation to the firmware flash did you first note the Yellow ink monitoring functioning properly?

Hi Stratmen,

Thanks for you comments on this. Helps me focus my thoughts.

FIRMWARE ISSUES. Are you sure current firmware is 1.2. Has anybody got 1.2. I downloaded from Canon US site filename: fuu_-win-pro_100-1_2-ea7.exe which flashed to 1.1. On this printer every time you output a nozzle check it displays the firmware version.

Have to go out shortly - Print competition night at the camera club - yay, but will investigate in the morning whether there is a later version. Also we are getting 10 inches of snow tonight, so I probably won't be going anywhere early tomorrow morning

Yellow will probably not be ready for reset for a week or more - want to run it down a bit more to observe. So far it is giving full incremental depletions. Will then reset it very carefully.

Will probably then invest in another OEM - say black. And if the yellow does not deplete with correct display indication after resetting, it means the problem is ongoing. Then considering have somebody else with a REdSETTER make the first reset of teh black using their different REdSETTER.

It is all going to take time. The OEM carts in my area are $30.00 plus tax each, so not keen to refill and also spend that type of money on OEM carts.



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Ok I am back and printing a dozen 13 x 19 through the PRO-100
I reset and topped off the Black and Gray carts and began to print.
These are very ink dense images with very saturated and dense quality. No high key stuff here. So ink use should be heavy.
All colors that were not previously modded to refill and reset have shown a gradual drop as seen here.
The two blacks have not show even a bit of a drop.
I will physically check them and I suspec they will be someone used up and not 100% as the ink monitor is currently showing.
Iwill continue to print until one of the colors gets the low warning, reset and refill.
So there seems to be some truth about what was originally reported.


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Are you sure current firmware is 1.2. Has anybody got 1.2. I downloaded from Canon US site filename: fuu_-win-pro_100-1_2-ea7.exe which flashed to 1.1. On this printer every time you output a nozzle check it displays the firmware version
I was looking for a site with all the firmware versions for you - which i could not find, including a Canon FTP site - and I noticed my error. The firmware flasher is 1.2 but the firmware version itself is 1.1. I also have not seen any posts about downgrading firmware or reflashing the same firmware. I would try reflashing the same version before downgrading and might not do that until I spoke with Canon.

At this point, if new OEM cartridges do not work properly, or those new OEM after a reset do not work properly, then it is either the printer or the resetter (as long as you are following proper reset technique, which differs from previous models of resetters from what I've read). At that point it is either get a replacement resetter or talk with Canon before flashing to whatever version to begin the trail of information to obtain a replacement printer whilst still under warranty. The only upsides to this is that ink level monitoring appropriately catches when the cartridge is "empty" before damage is done AND that Canon has already admitted to ink level monitoring issues that are supposed to be corrected with firmware update. We and Canon know that not every printer will be fixed by a firmware update -- stuff happens. So, one way or another you should be able to be made whole again.

Great idea of using a different resetter. It would be a good test. I'd try it now on your old malfunctioning cartridges, too. Why wait!:weee

Have to go out shortly - Print competition night at the camera club - yay, but will investigate in the morning whether there is a later version. Also we are getting 10 inches of snow tonight, so I probably won't be going anywhere early tomorrow morning
Good luck on your competition! I am also getting snow now but the deep stuff is supposed to bypass us. Either way, making plans for Thanksgiving on Thursday and will be touring the internets, weather permitting. :fl

The OEM carts in my area are $30.00 plus tax each, so not keen to refill and also spend that type of money on OEM carts.
Internet not less expensive? You need to move to the USA, my friend! You may get mugged and you're going to be paying more for your health care but the ink cartridges are cheaper, so it all works out in the end. :hu


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OK I finished printing and ran down the yellow and light magenta to the yellow warning. As you can see I've actually dropped the Gray down some as the screen cap shows.
I have FW 1.02 on this printer.
I've never disabled the ink monitoring system.
I will now reset and refill the two low carts


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