where to download purge file for 1400 or 1430


Printer Master
May 9, 2010
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Germany Ruhrgebiet
I see... I never knew this. But - my next question is simply "Why?" What is the purpose of allowing the printer to make this alteration? Puzzling... !
Most users don't know this, even on the marrutt site with the different patterns to download I see no information. Because you don't need to know about this for actual printing.
These are two ways of "partitioning" the color circle, RGB is used for light and together adds to white light, while CMY is used for any kind of physical "pigments".
So the printer is not only "allowed" to translate these colors - it is built for this ... like ISF has already explained.

Ink stained Fingers

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It may help, if of interest, to look into color management, color representation and the various methods to describe colors in numerical terms - the definition of so called color spaces. RGB appears to be pretty practical, and probably with some reminiscence to physics lessons at school, CMY is widely used in the printing industry and all areas related to it - as well printing at home - inks are CMY + some more for technical reasons like light colors or black. Both RGB and CMY color representations have the disadvantage that its values combine the color hue and lightness, when trying to edit and modify colors - like white balance changes etc you are rather interested to change the color tone but not its lightness or just the balance of colors like a white balance change. This is where other color spaces come into play like Lab or HSL and similar which separate the lightness from the color hue - Lab = Lightness + ab as a 2-dimensional color description or HSL = Hue, Saturation and Lightness as describing elements. There are calculators online available to convert any color value into another color space. That's all theory - more or less interesting, and there are the inks, the printer and driver, the paper , color profiles and the software you are using to edit and print your images , and all of those need to work together to get that ink mix onto the paper that you get a pleasant printout. And this shows that creating a good print from a good picture actually is a quite complex process. Printer and software companies try to make all that as easy for the user as possible - as long as you stick to some specific or hidden preconditions like using only OEM inks and papers. Once you go for refill you are changing that game, and somebody doing refill will pretty likely use as well non-OEM papers for his work - another important factor in the color/printing game. And that's the point that some basic understanding of color management with all its variables can help to understand and overcome some challenges from using non-OEM materials.
When it comes to these purge patterns, they are genuine and not related to Canon or Epson or... printers, it is pretty likely that printouts of these will look quite different on different printer brands which can indicate that the colors of their dyes are different, and as well the mixing of colors in the driver.

Paul W.

Print Addict
Jan 9, 2013
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Billings, MT
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Epson 1430 HP 932 Canon iP8720
Thank you very much, the two of you ... I've learned a lot from this exchange.

Best regards,
