What printer has replaced the Pro 3880?


Printer Master
May 13, 2012
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Fern Hill, Australia
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Epson 3880. Canon Pro 9000,
If I understand... the person that setup the computer made a complete backup before the upgrade to the drive, and this complete backup was 100% a copy of the original data. Then your person did an upgrade to Windows 10 on the computer with Win 7 on it. A "clean install" was not done, just an in place upgrade, like a gigantic Windows update.
  1. Is the data - the images - on the drive? Can you see them using File Explorer?
  2. Is the data on the drive but now called something else, either renamed files or a different extension (the 3 letters after the "." in the file name like ".jpg")? If the files have a different extension then they will also have a different icon representing this new file type or attribute as Windows will call it.
  3. Does Lightroom work at all. Will Lightroom function properly if you put a couple new images on the drive?
A friend "suddenly" could not open his images with any app as they somehow had been renamed to a file type / attribute called ".rtx" which Adobe Acrobat thought was its file. This occurred a week or so after I copied all his images - thousands - from his old boot hard drive onto a new SSD in his new computer. I used a batch file rename app to rename all the .rtx to .jpg in one fell swoop and he is back in business. I have no idea how it happened. The images all copied properly and were accessible after the copy process. A week later they were not accessible. My friend has a habit of getting himself in trouble.

The moral of this story is see if the images are still on the drive but now called something else. If the images are not on the drive, regardless of their name or extension, then you have a handy dandy back up to copy them back on your new computer's drive.

Before updating or reinstalling Lightroom, it would be best to consider the information in the following links.



In the first link, note the section on File Permissions and the Catalogue not working. There is a link to the fix.

The first thing to do is make sure your images are still on the drive. Next is consider the links I posted, which may be a job for your computer guy to read and decipher. There is a lot there and I have only read a couple links from my Google search.

Maybe there is an incompatibility of your version of LR with Windows 10 or corruption occurred during the upgrade. Hopefully the solution is contained in either the links or recommendations in this post. The difficulty is recognizing the problem properly so that you can identify someone else's resolution as the correct fix. This is why I asked for you to be as specific as possible as well as complete in your description. Sometimes what you leave out telling makes the difference in resolving your issue.

Win 10 replaced installed Win7 yes on BOTH machines.

I'll get the BIG machine out of the way first.
Current status :
Other than Lightroom CC, Photoshop CC and Bridge, everything that was there, is still tho I have not as yet delved into any of them.

Lightroom had some images in it prior to the upgrade...ALL gone from the Lightroom CC contents screen. It's no saying cant find.....simply squeeky clean.
C: Drive my Primary SSD a CorsairForce LX 500GB. Is now squeeky clean aside of system files . LightroomCC , Photoshop CC - are gone
D: Drive Samsung SSD 850 PRO 512 GB is my workspace - squeeky clean aside of system files.
E: Drive is a 2TB HDD...no idea what brand at this stage.
Bridge is also empty.

I will look at the small computer tomorrow. That is the one I have been using most.



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Thank you for the information about your drives.

Other than Lightroom CC, Photoshop CC and Bridge, everything that was there, is still tho I have not as yet delved into any of them.
Are you saying that LR, PS and Bridge are no longer installed on the drive? Are you saying all the image files are there?

Are you saying that there are NO image files on the drives? Forget what LR, PS or Bridge say at the moment. Use Windows File Explorer to search for images files as I recommended.

Were the image files kept on the drives during the upgrade, or did your computer guy back up the files and then delete them from the drive before the upgrade to Windows 10?. Are the files there but renamed as I posted previously?

Please be specific and explain what you've done (eg "I used File Explorer..."), how you went about it (eg "I searched each drive using the Search function..." or "I looked at each drive and folder where my images should be and found xxx..."). Avoid using terms like "squeaky clean" if possible, instead use terms like "no image files were seen / found using File Explorer" so no misunderstandings occur.

During the Windows 10 upgrade, the drive with the Primary Partition, the drive with Windows 7 on it, is the drive that is upgraded and could have missing apps or files. The other drives you have - the Samsung and the HDD - are not touched as they are physically separate drives. However, it is possible that the drives may not be recognized at all, doubtful since you seem to have accessed them in order to tell me information about them.

Still, it is possible that during the upgrade to Windows 10, file permissions and other functions may be altered such that all drives are affected, though without a loss of data on your Samsung and HDD drives. An example is what application is attributed to what file type (the extensions I wrote about previously).

It's no saying cant find.....simply squeeky clean.
Please clarify this.

For now, please answer each of the questions in this post so we can have common understanding of some of the fundamentals of the problem in order to identify the problem. It's not fun and it's not pretty, but it needs to be done.

As we say about printing nozzle checks until the printing problems are resolved... don't delete, uninstall, upgrade or install anything until we understand what is going on better.


Printer Master
May 13, 2012
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Fern Hill, Australia
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Epson 3880. Canon Pro 9000,

LR,PS and BR are still on this computer Yes.
I have worked out what happened to this computer for the upgrade. The two SSD's were set up to mirror for continuous backup. That configuration apparently prevented Win10 from loading.

So it transpires the C: drive was mirrored by drive D: . After discussion we reconfigured them back to basic, thus this computer now has 3 independent drives on it. It has 2 x 512GB SSD's C: and D:, a 2TB HDD E: :).

All the files got shifted to (E: ) drive :) and put in a file that I had not looked at.

So now I have effectively rolled back to day one with a new machine with LR, PS and BR with nothing in them.

Had you not clearly believed that they HAD to be there SOMEWHERE I'd probably not opened every damn file on each of the three drives and found them on E: - Pictures, it was only after I pondered the significance, of the Changes to the configuration of the two SSD's that it dawned on me that he would not necessarily put them back where he got them from.

So thanks to your insistence I went looking :thumbsup

I'm now going through and syncing a pair of 1TB external drives I found that had all images backed up. The copies on these two drives were not made on the same date, or even month!, so I'm going through 16,000 plus images to sync them and clean out any rubbish I don't want to keep.

After that I will address the small computer. I suspect I am going to find something similar with this computer, though a quick browse using explorer has not turned up a similar path - YET!!

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I am truly glad to read you found your images and have been able to return to a measure of bliss with the computer.

The devil is in the details! Upgrading your boot drive to Windows 10 may break a RAID array. I am not sure how you are mirroring your drives, but one method is RAID 1. There are plenty tales on Google about mirroring malfunctioning after the upgrade depending on how and what is used to perform the mirroring. There are also posts about complete successes after the upgrade and posts about people who rebuilt mirroring after the upgrade.

In cases of mirroring malfunction on upgrading to Windows 10, it seems Windows itself may fail the upgrade and return to Windows 7 / 8. Windows 10 may also complete the upgrade but with broken RAID 1. In this case, you can return to your old Windows 7 /8 (within 30 days) and you will, hopefully, be as if you never tried upgrading to Windows 10.

You may have a lot of work ahead, or a solution could be in the links I posted earlier. Consider having your computer guy do Google searches directed at specific situations with the malfunctions you have found. For instance, I Googled "upgrade windows 10 raid 1" and found enough information to better understand what may have transpired with you and what you might do to resolve it.

Please keep us informed of your progress.


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Apr 19, 2007
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Doctor @stratman come true once again… :hugs :D
When I have no idea what is happening, having the persistence of a pit bull with a bone and a methodical stepwise approach sometimes works. ;)


Printer Master
May 13, 2012
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Fern Hill, Australia
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Epson 3880. Canon Pro 9000,
I am truly glad to read you found your images and have been able to return to a measure of bliss with the computer.

The devil is in the details! Upgrading your boot drive to Windows 10 may break a RAID array. I am not sure how you are mirroring your drives, but one method is RAID 1. There are plenty tales on Google about mirroring malfunctioning after the upgrade depending on how and what is used to perform the mirroring. There are also posts about complete successes after the upgrade and posts about people who rebuilt mirroring after the upgrade.

In cases of mirroring malfunction on upgrading to Windows 10, it seems Windows itself may fail the upgrade and return to Windows 7 / 8. Windows 10 may also complete the upgrade but with broken RAID 1. In this case, you can return to your old Windows 7 /8 (within 30 days) and you will, hopefully, be as if you never tried upgrading to Windows 10.

You may have a lot of work ahead, or a solution could be in the links I posted earlier. Consider having your computer guy do Google searches directed at specific situations with the malfunctions you have found. For instance, I Googled "upgrade windows 10 raid 1" and found enough information to better understand what may have transpired with you and what you might do to resolve it.

Please keep us informed of your progress.

Having gone back to basic, and IF I have understood the the TekSpeak of the IT fella " Going forward " :)lol:) we are doing this :

Windows 10 has an auto 'system' backup that he has activated, so that is automated.

Having had a couple of YEARS of soak time my paradigm shift is away from inordinately complex and convoluted cataloguing and storage to KISS.

Once I get these two drives cleaned up and all the Dng. files restored I will create a NEW LR and BR. However, the two externals will have all FUTURE images in RAW, once loaded into LR/BR and NOT get touched at all...........well unless they are required for a restore.

I can learn from my mistakes it seems :gig


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Apr 19, 2007
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Canon MB5120, Pencil
Once I get these two drives cleaned up and all the Dng. files restored I will create a NEW LR and BR.
Good thing you retired and have lots of free time! ;)

When you're done you are going to have a computer that is like the Six Million Dollar Man - better, stronger, faster. :woot



Printer Master
May 13, 2012
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Fern Hill, Australia
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Epson 3880. Canon Pro 9000,
Yea! briefly,....... however, he's now DEAD!!:lol:

.......but then that's computers for you.

...... on a serious note @PeterBJ has a thread on SSD's My computer GURU ( who soon after went BUST ) had me use Work Station components for this build, on an ASUS Motherboard, He installed a Corsair Force LX for the Programs, and a Samsung 850 PRO 512GB for all processing based on their strengths. Seemed odd as I would have used 2 x 850 PRO's myself.
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Nov 27, 2010
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I'm not an SSD expert, so I started that thread to get some advice. Samsung SSDs are made in 3 quality levels, PRO for heavy workstation use, EVO is high quality for home computers and QVO is a budget model for home computers. See this online brochure. I don't know how the Corsair disk compares to the Samsung disk so I cannot give any advice. Maybe @stratman knows the difference and can comment on this?