what printer and CISS should I get?


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Tin Ho said:
You really want to be careful in giving your opinions when in fact what you say can make a serious dent to the company. I have used Inktec's black pigment ink. It was a decent ink in my opinion which is very different from what ghwellsjr repeatedly reported. It seems now Inktec is regarded as a bad brand of ink. That's not true in my opinion and if Inktec goes under because people bad mouth about it with completely subjective opinions it will only leaves us with fewer choices of ink supply. Are you sure you are not subjective in your own test procedure? You don't want to make any conclusive comments about anything if you are not sure you may be biased.

Inktec is a fairly decent brand name. Before you bash on it you want to be fair and objective. I have used its ink and I had good experience with it. It did not clog my print heads (ip4000, MP780, ip4200, ip4300, ip4500, etc.). Never had problems with any purge unit. Their black pigment ink is waterfast. What else can you ask for? The only problem is they only have a central distribution unit in USA and they do not serve retail customers well. It is beneficial to all of us if it is around and well. It keeps everyone's price down.
Tin Ho said:
ghwellsjr said:
I would stay away from Inktec pigment ink.

BTW, some day, I plan to test several pigment black inks to see if they have the same problem as the Inktec ink had.
Make sure your test method is scientific and your opinion of the test result is not based on subjective thoughts of yours. I have used Inktec's black pigment ink and it was above the average of many cheap inks out there on ebay. Honestly I do not understand why you repeatedly bad mouthed Inktec's ink. At least its black pigment ink is very dark and it is truly waterfast. Try some cheap inks from ebay. You will feel fortunate that Inktec's black pigment ink is available.
I also continue to use Inktec's dye inks but even if anyone wanted to use their black pigment ink for the BCI-3e cartridges, they could not because it has been taken off the market. (I wonder why?) If you are continuing to use a pigment black ink from Inktec, it cannot be the one for the BCI-3eBk. And as I have stated, I refilled cartridges that were used in about a dozen printers and every one of them developed clogs in the purge system. The clogs were not in the purge pump but in the ink absorber pads located under the purge unit. The problem is that the ink that is deposited from the purge pump does not soak up as it should into the absorbent pads but rather turns into a thick paste that eventually prevents the purge unit from being able to deposit any more ink and therefor to be unable to prime, purge or clean the print head. It would also clog the pigment purge pad.

I first learned about a clogging problem with Inktec's pigment black ink on this post. I never had a clog in my print heads due to this ink and so I wondered why the German's were reporting the problem. Although I was starting to have clogs in a couple of my printers, it wasn't until towards the end of last year that I started having problems with all the other printers that were using the ink that I realized where the problem actually was. See also this post. I hope you can see that I am not the only one reporting problems with this ink.

I have an unopened 1-liter bottle of Inktec pigment black ink for BCI-3eBK cartridges. I plan to devise a test using the absorber pad material to demonstrate the clogging problem. Then I plan to test other inks the same way, including Inktec's pigment black ink for PGI-5BK cartridges. Trust me, it will be an objective test. I am very sensitive to bad-mouthing vendors. You will note that I have always explained that my concern is with the BCI-3eBk ink that has since been taken off the market. I would feel a lot better about Inktec if they had admitted that the reason they took it off the market was because of the clogging problem and that they had solved it in their other pigment inks but since they are claiming that they only took it off the market because it wasn't selling, then I am very suspicious.


Getting Fingers Dirty
Apr 10, 2010
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inktec colours were better except for the black. I made several tests using this document http://www.fho-emden.de/~hoffmann/a3gencolorhigh.pdf
they were all very much the same. Though the imagespecialists yellow dye looked a lot more clear (ink itself, not when printed).
I had clog problem with inktec but I assume it was normal due to the printing volume and because I didn't cleaned the cartridges when I changed brands.

But now I'm looking for the best pigmented ink for hp 940. prices are about the same. inktec 25 per liter on ebay. imagespecialists directly through them cost about the same $33 USD about 25 as of now.
Also I don't want any messy tests because I'll only the same ink and I'm going to buy 20liters of ink at once.


Printing Ninja
Mar 3, 2008
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Inktec inks are not widely available in the US. I have never seen any sellers claim that they sell Inktec inks. This may be because sellers of Inktec inks do not disclose their source of inks.

The Hat

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__-_-_-__ wrote:- I had clog problem with inktec but I assume it was normal due to the printing volume and because I didn't cleaned the cartridges when I changed brands.
When I first used good quality ink with my OEM cartridges I never had to flush them, the way I look at it is if the ink is any good it will mix properly with Canon ink without having a problem (my option).
I dont think you should be having problems with clogs when printing large volumes eider as thats when the ink should be at its best.
You could try using KMP pigment ink for clog free printing (I think its first class).. ;)