Well here is what I've been working on!


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Ok tonight I was playing with my PRO3800 that has been happily running on the Modified OEM carts filled with K3 OEM bulk inks harvested from large format carts.
So I decided to take apart the maintenace cart / tank by unsnaping the top grille to replace the absorbent inner material ( now pretty much saturated ) with layers of Automotive Absorbent pads cut to size. They're are used under cars while working on them to collect spills and I believe they are made from recycled paper material. The really are very absorbent and I can repack one M. cart for around a buck.
Yes I know I could just use paper towels or anything that will readily soak ink and not splatter. But this material prodiuces a very neat look. At least initially
There are many types and here is one type:


I cut them to size on a Gillotine Cutter and stack then on edge just like the original sponges.

Now comes the act of resetting the chip. The reseter I bought to originally reset the OEM carts ( http://www.alibaba.com/product-gs/71395 Epson.html ), was also supposed to be able to reset the M Cart chips but I had not been able to do so no matter what I did.
Figuring I had to buy a specific resetter intended for the M. Cart I was about ready to purchase one when I read some instructions on a site and the "light came on".
Yes, I heard the angel choir!

Turns out the even though the chip is being apparently reset ( light turns green on resetter ) the printer still sees it at what ever the reading was prior to resetting.
It sees it as empty for a second and then it revert back. Apparently the printer remembers the actual wast ink count and indentifies that the chip was being used.

Now the weird part.

Here is the reset process I learned:

Remove the M. Cart and reset the chip with the resetter but do not put it back in the printer just yet.
Then you have to replace the freshly reset OEM chip with a Cyan OEM chip and attach it on to the M.Cart.

Right about this time I am going..... HUH????

You then insert the M. Cart with teh Cyan chip back into the printer and close the trap door.
You guess it, It throws an error!
You now remove the cart again and replace the MOCK Cyan chip with the actual OEM chip you previously reset.
Reinsert it into the printer, close the trap door.

BINGO! A fully reset M. Cart!
So aparently the memory of the last waste count is overwritten by the pressence of the MOCK Cyan chip ( Why Cyan? I have no clue )

And that ladies and gents is the little detail they do not tell you about when you buy one of these little special resetters.

I found out how to do it at the inkjetcarts.us site.

If you have two M. Carts then you don't need the Mock Chip swap routine. You simply swap the carts normally as the printer apparently recognizes each chip as a separate entity.

The IJC resetter sells for about $40 plus S/H


I got mine from the same company that trying to bate us into thinking that they have PRO-100 chips for a total of $44 with shipping.

Just thought I would share this bit of info in case anyone was wondering about re using their 3800 / 3880 Maintenance carts.

Oh CONE ( Inkjetmall ) wants around $80 for the same thing. Why does everytthing CONE sells cost almost twice as much again?



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Hi Jos,

DO NOT use these diapers for hydrocarbons....Ink is hydrophilic (water loving) and will be repelled by this type of material. Ink will not be absorbed and will stay as a globby substance on the surface and can creep out of the maintenance tank.

About the resetter: When you reset the chip not dropping below about 20 %, it should work without the swap or an extra cyan chip, so you can stay with just one maintenance tank. This is my experience with these resetters.

I have done some economics about using Cone colors for my Epson Pro 3880. Including shipping, tax/VAT/import duties and the postal fees....It was actually slightly more than using inks from brand new Epson Pro 4880 220 ml cartridges and sucking the ink out and inject it in my Inkrepublic's I-refill system.


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OK, almost finishing priming my Epson Pro 3880 with the latest version of OCP K3 Vivid Magenta ink set....I hope to commence testing in about half an hour time now. It needs 5 cleaning cycles to force out the previous Inkrepublic IRK4-nano Vivid Magenta ink. I discovered this with my previous Epson Pro 3800 when changing from IRK4-nano to OCP K3 ink. The OCP ink has a distinct glycol scent, so it is easily recognized by putting your nose above the ink dumped into the maintenance tank.


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pharmacist said:
Hi Jos,

DO NOT use these diapers for hydrocarbons....Ink is hydrophilic (water loving) and will be repelled by this type of material. Ink will not be absorbed and will stay as a globby substance on the surface and can creep out of the maintenance tank.

I tried it and if you pack the material layers vertically so their cut edges are exposed to the incoming ink, it seems to be absorbed readily.

About the resetter: When you reset the chip not dropping below about 20 %, it should work without the swap or an extra cyan chip, so you can stay with just one maintenance tank. This is my experience with these resetters.

My cart was only about 50% and it did not reset until I did the Cyan chip swap thing. So maybe it's my particular resetter.

I have done some economics about using Cone colors for my Epson Pro 3880. Including shipping, tax/VAT/import duties and the postal fees....It was actually slightly more than using inks from brand new Epson Pro 4880 220 ml cartridges and sucking the ink out and inject it in my Inkrepublic's I-refill system.
I can get K3 OCP shipped to me from Rjettek and even a pint of each color with shipping will only cost me about $125 total.
I've been getting quite a bit of OEM inks in large carts from EBAY and the price per 110ml when you lump it all together is about $20.
CONE inks are much more expensive.
So it pays to continue to buy these larger carts and harvest their inks.
I've even been buying OEM T58 carts for the 3800 at an average of between $23 to $29 with free shipping.

Can't wait to read your VM K3 results!!!!



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PeterBJ said:
There are also absorbent pads for water. See this, and note that some of the materials are also suitable for water: http://www.absorbentsonline.com/absorbent_pads.htm .

I think the reconditioning of the waste tray is a brilliant idea :thumbsup
Thanks for the link. At this time the pads I am using are able to readily absorb ink if you stack then on their edge so the ink is able to be absorbed quite freely.