I've been printing a lot the last few days, all photos with a lot of gray in them. I printed an 8.5x11 about 15 minutes ago and it looked great. I took a few minutes to decide which one to print next (I've got a group that I'm working on.), set it up in the edit program, printed it and it was a mess! I did a nozzle check, and there was absolute nothing from the gray cart. Not one single line of gray. There's plenty of ink in the cart, both the reservoir and the sponge, and the "outlet sponge" is wet.
I'm using a Pro100 with Precision Color ink. All my carts have over time changed over to CLI-8 except for the gray, which is still CLI-42.
I can change the cart, and I can change the head, but I'm don't have another clean cart ready, and I'm just mystified as to how it could go from printing fine to absolutely NO gray ink that quickly. Any ideas?
I'm using a Pro100 with Precision Color ink. All my carts have over time changed over to CLI-8 except for the gray, which is still CLI-42.
I can change the cart, and I can change the head, but I'm don't have another clean cart ready, and I'm just mystified as to how it could go from printing fine to absolutely NO gray ink that quickly. Any ideas?