Should I have any problems with a 2016 Pro 100 going to Windows 11?


Printer Master
Feb 4, 2014
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My very old Pro 9000 mk2 works very well on win 11
My PRO 9500 Mark II too (although I had some spooling issues in the beginning, but it cleared itself after some time).


Print Addict
Feb 28, 2017
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Calgary, AB Canada
Printer Model
Pro-100 & Brother-L8900
I wonder if older Canon printers will also work with Windows 11?
If Windows 10 or 11 doesn't pop up a driver, I would try to find older 32bit drivers. It's a good chance that those will install on Win 10 or 11. The 2 systems still have the old Win32 libraries.

I use a lot of "old" software, and they are 32bit, like DropBox, RBtray, setVol, Screen Caliper (for graphics design), and a whole lot of the Microsoft software like VB Studio 8 and 2012, MSSQL, blah, blah, blah,... That's proof enough that 32bit will be around and working for a while. Probably longer than the printers. Or I ^_^ for sure.
Best Regards,
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Printer Master
Jan 24, 2011
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PRO9500mk2, PRO9000mk2... these are spring chickens compared to a IP4000. :p
Seriously, I wonder if the first generation of Pixmas will still work with full functionality on Win11 ( or Win10), specially on a new clean installation of the O.S.
I suppose there's always a workaround, but I bet that neither Canon nor Microsoft are interested at all on make those good old printers compatible with new Windows versions. It isn't good for Canon business and Microsoft probably couldn't care less.
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Printer VIP
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Nov 27, 2010
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Copenhagen Denmark
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Canon MP990
My oldest functional Canon printer is an iP4000 and it works with both Win 10 64 bit on a desktop and Win 10 32 bit on a laptop. I also have an HP DJ 930 from the Win 98 era. It also works with both 32 and 64 bit Win 10.

I'm glad it seems like the good old printers will also work with Win 11.

Some years ago I lent a niece a Canon MP540. It worked with the version of MacOS she was using. After an upgrade to a new OS the MP540 no longer worked. Luckily I had an MG5150 that was still compatible with the new version of MacOS.
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Print Addict
Feb 28, 2017
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Calgary, AB Canada
Printer Model
Pro-100 & Brother-L8900
PRO9500mk2, PRO9000mk2... these are spring chickens compared to a IP4000. :p
Seriously, I wonder if the first generation of Pixmas will still work with full functionality on Win11 ( or Win10), specially on a new clean installation of the O.S.
The first thing that needs to be answered is, is my Pro-100 a Pixma or not. I see the "Pro-100" listed both ways. But that may not really be important, because they, if there are in fact 2 different models, would be similar vintage.

Regarding whether a Pro-100 works on Windows 10, I can say a full yes. I play around with a lot of installs, being a small minded non-official, non-profit, old-time (very old time) programmer, from the Apple II era. I am from the early 80', aahh..., the good old days, it was fun then to have a computer.

Because I was a Microsoft Partner I had access to essentially the whole MS stock of software. I ran a beta site for Win 95 with direct reporting to MS Engineering. Early in the Windows 10 trials I first just upgraded from Windows 8.1 to 10. Then, that was less than successful. Win 10 then did not have all the drivers to support all printers at that time. In my case it would have been an HP, Samsung, Brother, eventually a Canon. I should not forget that I had bought probably the first Apple II serial printer in Canada, Before it had even reached Toronto. I had watched it come off the truck in Windsor ON after the truck had come across the border bridge and stopped at the computer store across the street from the coffee shop where I enjoyed a cup of coffee and pie in the afternoon. It came No driver at all, not even from Apple. That's true, Apple had shipped the printers before they had a driver to roll out with it. I had been so excited about the printer, that I had never thought about that until I got the printer home. I even had to buy a serial expansion card before I could use it. And of course I first had to learn how to write a driver in machine language. Probably why I became a programmer, small time as I may have been. Now you may appreciate why I said earlier, it was fun then.

After the first not so good experience with Win 10, I re-installed Win 8.1, including my Office 2003. Since then I did that probably once a year. When you are a small time programmer all sort of things happen in the OS that you can't explain, so it's usually just a "re-install". Anyway, over time more driver were added by MS, and it was only during the Pandemic when I fully switched to Window 10, and my still owned Office 2013.

I can say that I am fully satisfied. I have had no issues with the Pro-100 software, it's functions on Win 10, and WiFi connections via the ISP supplied broadband router. I love the crisp paper transport, the Preview, and, I dare say most of all, that when you press the cancel button, it cancels the print job. Not diddling around with who knows what housekeeping chores, it simply ejects the page.

I have 3 set of cartridges that get refilled when at least one set is down to the warning stage. I NEVER go past the warning with a cartridge. I had started each of those sets from used, bought separately, then rinsed with original Windex, and dried it thoroughly before refilling. That has served me very well, but I have not learned how "not" to get my fingers dirty during a refill procedure. For me gloves make it worse. Please don't come down on me because of my comment on gloves, it's just for me.

Anyway, I don't look forward to when my Pro-100 goes to it's other place. I say other place, because I think it's "better" place is right here with me.

Staying happy and humble (grin),
my apologies for being long winded, but that's how it goes when you get old,
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Print Addict
Feb 28, 2017
Reaction score
Calgary, AB Canada
Printer Model
Pro-100 & Brother-L8900
i have a 2013 pro-100, ever since moving to W10 been having WIFI issues.

using the WPS method i can see the pro-100 on WIFI, but when try to install using the pro-100 install SW that i downloaded it fails.

i also do not have the original pro-100 CD anymore
Over the years I have, because of my development misadventures ^_^, had to rebuild my computer a number of times. Yes, I have also had the odd WiFi issue with WPS.

I would say that you can still get it from Canon. If not maybe one of the other printer gurus here can help with a download. If not stay in touch I can try to set up some kind of big file upload.

Anyway, I would suggests a new install of the Pro-100 driver to the computer but with a 2-step procedure. First using a USB cable directly to the printer. This seems the reset the settings in the printer. I then shut down the printer with it's power button (the only way to shut down the printer, if you don't want to get nagged later). Now disconnect the USB cable and restart the printer. Cancel out of the Canon CD program.

For the second step, give it some time to finish it's start up. Eventually, the chuggy chuggy will finish ^_^. The blue WiFi light may or may not flash. That's OK, now press and hold the blue button until the white light flashes. Then press the WPS button on the router. Again give the printer some time, the blue light will likely flash during this process.

When the blue light flash has stopped I run the Canon CD again and say it's a WiFi installation. This is where it becomes a hit and miss. Sometimes the printer is recognized right away. Other times, while the Canon CD is running, I need to do the WPS routine again. The second time it has always worked.

Hope this works for you,
Scary ey..., but why not, it's Halloween. Howl, howl.
Hope this works for you,
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Printer Master
Feb 4, 2014
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Don't worry about the CD, all software and documentation is online.

Read it very carefully, it is not very straightforward, but I was able to create 2 instances of my PRO-10 (same software) one on USB and one networked (Wifi).
Speed is the same, so if your printer is not more than 5m away, use USB (or a network cable - not possible in my situation since the lady I bought the printer from after 100p ruined the connector :rolleyes:).