Refiller For The Canon Pro1 Pgi-29 Tanks


Newbie to Printing
Apr 23, 2013
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Maybe the reason why I couldnt do it is because I didnt do it for single cartridges but when all cartridges was empty, I will try again as you explained

Another thins is that you mentioned that you keep your PRO1 24/7 in standby mode. I try last two days to leave it open but it is shutting down automatically by itself. Do you make anything special to put it into standby mode other then just not turning it off?

I see that you are already using PRO1 for a couple of years, mine is only a 3 months old and I started to believe that CANON engineers follow your posts and they are making some changes to defend new PRO1s against your tricks :)

The Hat

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mbasa Do you make anything special to put it into standby mode other then just not turning it off?
I have stopped the practice of leaving the printer on 24/7 now because it doesnt waste any more ink at start-up time.

To stop your printer from turning off automatically, go into the Maintenance Tab.

Click on the Auto Power Button and there youll find the settings to Disable auto Power Off altogether,
or use the setting to shut down the printer in variables of 5 to 60 Minutes.

I started to believe that CANON engineers follow your posts and they are making some changes to defend new PRO1s against your tricks
I'd well believe that Canon Representatives are frequent visitors to this forum;
where else could they go to learn so much about their own equipment..


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All of them! LOL
Just incase anyone is ready to refill these PRO-1 carts, and disabling ink monitoring of course, here is the complete set of replacement equivalent ink Hybrid set from the PRO9500 and one of the IPG large format printers. I believe they are Image Specialists since this is mostly what IJC sells which are renamed as "LUCID" ( OEM = LUCIA )?

So unless a better set comes into production, this is the best we have so far.


The Hat

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jtoolman said:
Just incase anyone is ready to refill these PRO-1 carts, and disabling ink monitoring of course, here is the complete set of replacement equivalent ink Hybrid set from the PRO9500 and one of the IPG large format printers. I believe they are Image Specialists since this is mostly what IJC sells which are renamed as "LUCID" ( OEM = LUCIA )?

So unless a better set comes into production, this is the best we have so far.

I seen them already before Joe and was left wondering why Ross is so vague as to just what he is actually offering to his customers, he still hasn't released his video on how to refill the ink tanks either.. :hit


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All of them! LOL
If I recall Ross did not use the drip or dribble method on PGI-9!
He actually suggested you DRILL A HOLE!!!!!!!!!!
The location had to be PERFECT according to him.

I cannot see why one would ever consider doing this when filling this babies up is so darn easy.
Just last night, I refilled a set of 10 carts for my 9500 MKII and I averaged about 45 seconds per cart. Not including prepping or resetting the chips. I use Autoreset chips for the PK and Gray carts.

So yes I too am waiting to see what he proposes.
However, the bulk of the ink colors are already being used for the 9500 MKII. He is merely replacing the grays and GO from the large format IPGs

Same should apply to the PRO-10.


The Hat

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No disrespect to Ross but what I meant was he gives no description of ink set on his web page at all, you have to take it at face value, and if you havent dealt with Inkjetcarts before you wouldnt know this.

Ross has promised us a Video on how to refill a PGI-29 cart for a while now; it will be very interesting to see how he goes about this. (He is always entertaining)

The I.S. ink set for the 9500 is not a great match for the Pro 1 and adding in two grey inks doesnt fix the problem either, its the colours that need fixing more so and you do need quite a bit of profiling to get close to the OEM inks or make do with just being close as I do.

I used to drill my PGI-9s when I started out refilling first (It was my Crazy idea)
this was before I got more sense and came up with the Freedom refill method, and now refilling is just like a walk in the park. (Dont blame Ross).

The dribble method is the perfect way for topping a few carts and is used by me for most of my refilling but it take to long when you have a dozen or so near empty carts to refill..


Newbie to Printing
Apr 23, 2013
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Hello back :p I am back, I made around 30 A4 prints and suddenly my matte black depleted .. but it immediately go redX even before !warning sign. It was like 3/4, 4/5 or something. But I think I managed to disable the ink monitoring system ... I dont know how I did it because it looked like "keeping pressing for 5 sec. when the first ink depleted error occure" technique didnt work at the beginning. But later I did something that I dont know and now it is continuing to print with this message:


Newbie to Printing
Apr 23, 2013
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sorry I forgot to tell that I have my IS inks and I put like 15ml into the cartridge with your method and I think it started to work after I did this.

The Hat

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mbasa said:
sorry I forgot to tell that I have my IS inks and I put like 15ml into the cartridge with your method and I think it started to work after I did this.
Wow that's crazy you'll need a lot more that that.
Your jpg was too small to read the actual message, but I can imagine what it said.

The method to disable the ink on the printer is a right pain in the ass but it is used to warn you that if you run out of ink on that matte black cartridge again then you will most definitely damage you print head.

Now that you have got the red x notice you should fill that matte black cartridge up using a scale to a weight of 80 gm, you will not be warned again, its a very expensive error if you do, about $600.

When you run out of ink monitoring youll then have to check the weight of each of those individual cartridges which are showing the red X weekly and you must not let the weight drop below 50 gm,
the maximum weight of a full cartridges should not exceed 84 gm.

Happy refilling.


Newbie to Printing
Apr 23, 2013
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Hello again big master the hat!!! I was using your very practical and easy method for sometime and it looks like it works. But recently I realized that two of my cartridges is not working at all which I recently refilled. Then I realized that when I rotate the cartridge downwards the ink comes out of them (it was a horrible accident that my fiancee almost killed me ruining the floor!!! :) ) but the other cartridges dont let ink go out when you put them downwards (I mean the ink outlet looking down). Is it possible that I might have damaged the nozzle (I mean the round white plastic where the ink goes in/out) so that it is not working properly. I remember when I was filling these cartridges I put so much air that they inflated out so that they couldnt even go inside the printer, probably I put too much air inside and then take the air out but probably during the process I ruined the nozzle.

Another problem is that I cannot make system cleaning because my ink levels are too low. The 5 sec pressing the resume button also does not work in this case. I think I need fresh chips but I couldnt find any place selling PGI29 chips?