purple is blue


Fan of Printing
Jun 2, 2019
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gardanne france
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canon mp550
j'ai maintenant une canon ts5055 mais j'ai du dérégler les parametres dans le gestionnaire des couleurs...donc
une image contenant du violet donnera une image bien bleu ...les buses sont ok...les 4 couleurs sont ok...
je ne sais plus comment faire pour régler le problème ...merci pour votre aide



I now have a ts5055 canon but I had to adjust the parameters in the color manager ...
so an image containing purple will give a very blue image ... nozzles are ok ... 4 colors are ok...
I don't know how to fix the problem ... Thanks for your help

origi  result.jpg


Fan of Printing
Jun 2, 2019
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gardanne france
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canon mp550
here is the current setting


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Nov 27, 2010
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Copenhagen Denmark
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I would like to see a scan of the nozzle check, maybe one or more magenta stripes are missing? It looks to me like magenta is totally missing in the result. Maybe the colour cast is caused by an ink set not suitable for your printer, with magenta much too weak and/or cyan much too strong? So which cartridges and ink set do you use?

I wonder why you changed the colour management settings. What happens if you change them back to the default settings?

I suggest going back to default settings and in stead try this colour correction. Notice this post, it seems the problem is similar to yours.
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Fan of Printing
Jun 2, 2019
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gardanne france
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canon mp550
j'utilise l'encre SUDHAUS ...je remplis mes cartouches "reset "...j'ai aussi de l'encre "red" pas encore utilisée...en restaurant
les valeurs par défaut ( voir scan )le résultat est le même...j'avais modifié ces valeurs pour faire un essai pour voir si le résultat
pour d'autres images serait plus proche de l'image originale ...puis j'ai fait d'autres activités de loisirs ...le temps passant j'ai
complètement oublié quels était les réglages d'origines...
en installant les drivers via le site canon seule celle coché ok fonctionne...j'ai w10...
peut être une réinstallation des drivers ?
I use SUDHAUS ink ... I fill my "reset" cartridges ... I also have "red" ink not yet used ... in restaurants
the default values (see scan) the result is the same ...
I modified these values to give it a try to see if the result
for other images would be closer to the original image ... then I did other leisure activities ... time passing I
completely forgot what the original settings were ...

by installing the drivers via the canon site only the one checked ok works ... I have w10 ...
maybe a reinstallation of the drivers?



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Printer Master
Feb 4, 2014
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Les buses magenta ne sont vraiment pas bonnes !

Magenta nozzles are definitely not good !


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Apr 19, 2007
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Did your printed images ever look acceptable with your current settings, paper and ink? If so, what has changed?


It appears you are using the default Canon printer profile.

You are using the Canon XPS driver for printing instead of the usual non-XPS driver (the one you marked as "error" in the image). This is not the typical default driver setting under Windows 10. The XPS driver is used by some printing applications for XPS files.
  • Why are you using the XPS driver?
  • What happens when you use the Canon TS5000 series driver?
  • What application are you using to print?
It does look like there may be some 'ink starvation' in the second/lower/lighter Magenta swath , which looks like a horizontal line of no ink towards the bottom of the second swath of Magenta. Do you see this or other missing ink?

It appears there may be some artifact in the nozzle check print out, such as the checkerboard appearance of the horizontal Cyan swaths. If so, then the following settings changes in the printer settings may correct these artifacts:

A cause for mismatched printed image compared to what you see on your monitor can be due to
  • A monitor that needs profiling to adjust proper color, contrast and brightness settings. This can be done with a monitor profiling device such as the Colormunki or done by eye with or without an application to assist. You can reset your settings adjustments in the printer back to "Default" or you can uninstall all the installed printer apps/drivers, reboot, and then reinstall the Canon files.
  • A monitor that is malfunctioning. Buy new monitor.
  • The paper and/or Paper Type chosen in the printer's settings.
  • The ink used, whether it is appropriate for your printer and paper type, and, whether you have refilled the cartridges with the appropriate ink and the cartridges are functioning properly (eg mixed ink, ink starvation, etc), or whether there is a contaminant or old age affecting the color of the ink.
When printing, a "Printer Profile" must be used to translate the image into language the printer understands. The Printer Profile is a specific set of instructions that was made for a specific combination of printer model, ink and paper. Change one or more of these three components and you need a new Printer Profile, otherwise colors and more may be in error.
  • You are using a Canon printer and a setting for a Canon paper, but the ink you are using is Sudhaus (not Canon). Your prints may or may not be acceptable with this combination. If not then either change paper, change ink, or make/obtain a new custom Printer Profile that matches your specific printer, paper and ink.
  • Double profiling - using in error both the printer's own Printing Profile as well as a custom Printer Profile when using certain printing applications, such as PhotoShop.

Andreas S

Fan of Printing
May 22, 2018
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Epson Pro 3800, Epson 1400
D'après le scan, le magenta n'imprime pas. Le problème n'a donc rien à voir avec les buses ni avec le profil. C'est un problème au niveau du CMM qui passe le magenta (et probablement aussi le noir) à la trappe.
Désinstalle les drivers puis réinstalle proprement le driver d'origine.
Windows est connue pour mal gérer les couleurs. Si possible utilise le CMM et la transformation de l'application (Photoshop, GIMP…).
Les réglages sont mauvaises, tout est réglé sur graphiques.
Mets Percepteur et relatif: Photo
Au moment de l'impression choisis rendu perceptible ou relatif avec compensation du point noir.


According to the scan, the magenta does not print. The problem therefore has nothing to do with the nozzles or the profile. It is a problem with the CMM which passes magenta (and probably black) through the hatch.
Uninstall the drivers and then reinstall the original driver properly.

Windows is known to mishandle colors. If possible use the CMM and transform from the software uou are using (Photoshop, GIMP…).
The settings are bad, everything is set to graphics.

Set perceptual and relative to : Photo

When printing select perceptible or relative with black point compensation as rendering intent.


Fan of Printing
Jun 2, 2019
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gardanne france
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canon mp550
Did your printed images ever look acceptable with your current settings, paper and ink? If so, what has changed?


It appears you are using the default Canon printer profile.

You are using the Canon XPS driver for printing instead of the usual non-XPS driver (the one you marked as "error" in the image). This is not the typical default driver setting under Windows 10. The XPS driver is used by some printing applications for XPS files.
  • Why are you using the XPS driver?
  • What happens when you use the Canon TS5000 series driver?
  • What application are you using to print?
It does look like there may be some 'ink starvation' in the second/lower/lighter Magenta swath , which looks like a horizontal line of no ink towards the bottom of the second swath of Magenta. Do you see this or other missing ink?

It appears there may be some artifact in the nozzle check print out, such as the checkerboard appearance of the horizontal Cyan swaths. If so, then the following settings changes in the printer settings may correct these artifacts:

A cause for mismatched printed image compared to what you see on your monitor can be due to
  • A monitor that needs profiling to adjust proper color, contrast and brightness settings. This can be done with a monitor profiling device such as the Colormunki or done by eye with or without an application to assist. You can reset your settings adjustments in the printer back to "Default" or you can uninstall all the installed printer apps/drivers, reboot, and then reinstall the Canon files.
  • A monitor that is malfunctioning. Buy new monitor.
  • The paper and/or Paper Type chosen in the printer's settings.
  • The ink used, whether it is appropriate for your printer and paper type, and, whether you have refilled the cartridges with the appropriate ink and the cartridges are functioning properly (eg mixed ink, ink starvation, etc), or whether there is a contaminant or old age affecting the color of the ink.
When printing, a "Printer Profile" must be used to translate the image into language the printer understands. The Printer Profile is a specific set of instructions that was made for a specific combination of printer model, ink and paper. Change one or more of these three components and you need a new Printer Profile, otherwise colors and more may be in error.
  • You are using a Canon printer and a setting for a Canon paper, but the ink you are using is Sudhaus (not Canon). Your prints may or may not be acceptable with this combination. If not then either change paper, change ink, or make/obtain a new custom Printer Profile that matches your specific printer, paper and ink.
  • Double profiling - using in error both the printer's own Printing Profile as well as a custom Printer Profile when using certain printing applications, such as PhotoShop.

thank you very much for these explanations ... in fact, from the beginning, I encountered difficulties with the installation cd = I could not find
no way to put a shortcut to manage printing (there was only the shortcut for scanning and clean applications
a canon) ... so I went to the canon site, I downloaded the installation drivers, the 3 = https://www.canon.fr/support/
consumer_products / products / fax__multifunctionals / inkjet / pixma_ts_series / pixma-ts5050.html?
type = Driver & language = & os = windows% 2010% 20 (64-bit) ....
it was from there that the difficulties began ...
1 / ... the monitor is new, 1 year old, it's a PHILIPS 247 E ...
2 / ... I always use word to print ...
3 / ... I changed the color management parameters because the 3 colors gave an unsatisfactory result ... then the cyan was
nonexistent (soaking in distilled water, etc ...) ... I made the mistake of not printing anything for 2 months ... so he came back ...
I think that an update of W10 is also in question ...
to sum up =
1 / ... I rarely print photos ...
2 / ... I try to print very rare stamps to build up a personal collection that would make me dream
... so I use real stamp paper from the 40s and 50s ...
3 / ... sometimes text ...
to date = I will uninstall all the driver (s) and reinstall the whole ....................... but but which driver, among the 3, that offers
canon? ... that would be a great help to me ...

merci beaucoup pour ces explications ...en fait , dés le début , j'ai rencontré des difficultés avec le cd d'installation = je ne trouvais
pas le moyen de mettre un raccourcis pour gérer les impressions ( il n'y avait que le raccourci pour le scan et les applications propre
a canon )...je suis donc allé sur le site canon , j'ai téléchargé les drivers d'installation , les 3 = https://www.canon.fr/support/
c'est a partir de là que les difficultés ont commencées ...
1/...le moniteur est neuf , 1 an , c'est un PHILIPS 247 E...
2/...j'utilise toujours word pour imprimer ...
3/...j'ai changé des paramètres de gestion de couleur car les 3 couleurs donnaient un résultat non satisfaisant ...puis le cyan était
inexistant ( trempage dans de l'eau distillée , etc...) ...j'ai fait l'erreur de ne rien imprimer pendant 2 mois...donc il est revenu ...
je pense qu'une mise a jour de W10 est aussi en cause...
pour résumer =
1/...j'imprime rarement des photos...
2/...j’essaie d'imprimer des timbres très rares pour me constituer une collection personnelle qui me ferais rêver
...j'utilise donc du véritable papier de timbre des années 40/50 ...
3/...quelquefois du texte ...
à ce jour = je vais désinstaller tous le/les drivers et réinstaller l'ensemble .......................mais mais quel driver , parmi les 3 , que propose
canon ?...cella me serait d'une grande aide...


Fan of Printing
Jun 2, 2019
Reaction score
gardanne france
Printer Model
canon mp550
D'après le scan, le magenta n'imprime pas. Le problème n'a donc rien à voir avec les buses ni avec le profil. C'est un problème au niveau du CMM qui passe le magenta (et probablement aussi le noir) à la trappe.
Désinstalle les drivers puis réinstalle proprement le driver d'origine.
Windows est connue pour mal gérer les couleurs. Si possible utilise le CMM et la transformation de l'application (Photoshop, GIMP…).
Les réglages sont mauvaises, tout est réglé sur graphiques.
Mets Percepteur et relatif: Photo
Au moment de l'impression choisis rendu perceptible ou relatif avec compensation du point noir.
thank you very much for these explanations ... in fact, from the beginning, I encountered difficulties with the installation cd = I could not find
no way to put a shortcut to manage printing (there was only the shortcut for scanning and clean applications
a canon) ... so I went to the canon site, I downloaded the installation drivers, the 3 = https://www.canon.fr/support/
consumer_products / products / fax__multifunctionals / inkjet / pixma_ts_series / pixma-ts5050.html?
type = Driver & language = & os = windows% 2010% 20 (64-bit) ....
it was from there that the difficulties began ...
1 / ... the monitor is new, 1 year old, it's a PHILIPS 247 E ...
2 / ... I always use word to print ...
3 / ... I changed the color management parameters because the 3 colors gave an unsatisfactory result ... then the cyan was
nonexistent (soaking in distilled water, etc ...) ... I made the mistake of not printing anything for 2 months ... so he came back ...
I think that an update of W10 is also in question ...
to sum up =
1 / ... I rarely print photos ...
2 / ... I try to print very rare stamps to build up a personal collection that would make me dream
... so I use real stamp paper from the 40s and 50s ...
3 / ... sometimes text ...
to date = I will uninstall all the driver (s) and reinstall the whole ....................... but but which driver, among the 3, that offers
canon? ... that would be a great help to me ...

merci beaucoup pour ces explications ...en fait , dés le début , j'ai rencontré des difficultés avec le cd d'installation = je ne trouvais
pas le moyen de mettre un raccourcis pour gérer les impressions ( il n'y avait que le raccourci pour le scan et les applications propre
a canon )...je suis donc allé sur le site canon , j'ai téléchargé les drivers d'installation , les 3 = https://www.canon.fr/support/
c'est a partir de là que les difficultés ont commencées ...
1/...le moniteur est neuf , 1 an , c'est un PHILIPS 247 E...
2/...j'utilise toujours word pour imprimer ...
3/...j'ai changé des paramètres de gestion de couleur car les 3 couleurs donnaient un résultat non satisfaisant ...puis le cyan était
inexistant ( trempage dans de l'eau distillée , etc...) ...j'ai fait l'erreur de ne rien imprimer pendant 2 mois...donc il est revenu ...
je pense qu'une mise a jour de W10 est aussi en cause...
pour résumer =
1/...j'imprime rarement des photos...
2/...j’essaie d'imprimer des timbres très rares pour me constituer une collection personnelle qui me ferais rêver
...j'utilise donc du véritable papier de timbre des années 40/50 ...
3/...quelquefois du texte ...
à ce jour = je vais désinstaller tous le/les drivers et réinstaller l'ensemble .......................mais mais quel driver , parmi les 3 , que propose
canon ?...cella me serait d'une grande aide...

Bonjour Andreas S...
Merci pour ton aide ...je vais suivre aussi tes conseils ...mais quel est le bon driver ?https://www.canon.fr/support/consumer_products/products/fax__multifunctionals/inkjet/pixma_ts_series/pixma-ts5050.html?type=drivers&language=&os=windows 10 (64-bit)


Fan of Printing
Jun 2, 2019
Reaction score
gardanne france
Printer Model
canon mp550


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