Pro100 refilled cartridges: strange orange tint on photos after a while


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Oct 27, 2005
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South Yorks, UK
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Epson, Canon, HP... A "few"
I wonder if it is happening more lately, because my Ink, and Paper stocks are getting old.

..I have been using Oktoinkjet's refills, although the last time I bought from him was in '17
As others have noted, ink age is definitely an issue and we're aware that our version 1 inks are not great for longevity anyway which is why we changed to our newer ink formulation.

Can I ask which ink you have as I can't locate your order with the information available on the forum... With that info I'll be able to advise on what options are available now compared to then.


Getting Fingers Dirty
Mar 15, 2015
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Pro 100
As others have noted, ink age is definitely an issue and we're aware that our version 1 inks are not great for longevity anyway which is why we changed to our newer ink formulation.

Can I ask which ink you have as I can't locate your order with the information available on the forum... With that info I'll be able to advise on what options are available now compared to then.

‘wow, so I need to log in more. Sorry I just got back to printing again after a break Of nearly a year (thanks to the pandemic), and just saw your message.

not sure if it helps you any now but my ink is nearly five years old!! order number ISC17996 if that helps at all. Internal ref 106378

Ink stained Fingers

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I haven't seen any 3rd party refill ink yet which matches the performance of OEM inks - Epson Claria or Canon Chromalife. I did various tests a few years ago exposing quite a range of different inks to the outside environment - sun + ozone and found a wide variance in performance - even inks you could watch fading from one day to another. The performance does not relate to the price the vendor is charging you , you cannot go by the price to get a better ink, and you cannot rely on ad statements like 'UV resistant - ever lasting prints ' - etc. And you need to read the test conditions carefully when Epson or Canon claim persistence for generations to come etc , yes - OEM inks are better, much better in most cases but still fade . Protection measures like framing under glass, preventing exposure to harmful agents even at the smallest concentration level indoor helps as well - like smoke, formaldehyde in furniture etc.
There is one ink which performed somewhat better in my tests - not as good as OEM inks yet - it's the Fotonic XG by Lyson still offered on the Marrutt website, I would assume that this ink set is running at a diminishingly low business level if available at all anymore.

And there is another type of ink - the bottled inks by HP for their ink tank printers - the GT52 inks. HP and Canon are using a similar printing principle using bubbles to expel the ink drops. These GT52 inks performed quite well, better than the Fotonic inks, and a user in the German druckerchannel forum ran thsese inks in a Canon printer - it worked fine for him but he did not run any longer term tests so far.
These inks have 2 limitations - there is no dye black available only a pigment black which does not print well on glossy papers, and the HP C and M inks are colorwise pretty far off from the Canon inks - you need icc profiles fro color corrected prints.

The Canon bottled inks for the Canon tank system printers - the G series - are not Chromalife type inks and perform pretty weak, there are not an alternative for refill into other Canon printers.
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Printer VIP
Platinum Printer Member
Oct 27, 2005
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South Yorks, UK
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Epson, Canon, HP... A "few"
‘wow, so I need to log in more.
You're not alone... I don't get back here nearly as much as I'd like to but not to worry...
not sure if it helps you any now but my ink is nearly five years old!! order number ISC17996 if that helps at all. Internal ref 106378
That does help enormously and confirms what I suspected. Your inks are from our version 1 formulation which we found degraded much quicker than we would like with the Greys and Black being particularly vulnerable to fading. That's basically the reason we switched to the version 2's and offered the discount which I believe you've taken advantage of already.


Getting Fingers Dirty
Mar 15, 2015
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Pro 100
I haven't seen any 3rd party refill ink yet which matches the performance of OEM inks - Epson Claria or Canon Chromalife. I did various tests a few years ago exposing quite a range of different inks to the outside environment - sun + ozone and found a wide variance in performance - even inks you could watch fading from one day to another. The performance does not relate to the price the vendor is charging you , you cannot go by the price to get a better ink, and you cannot rely on ad statements like 'UV resistant - ever lasting prints ' - etc. And you need to read the test conditions carefully when Epson or Canon claim persistence for generations to come etc , yes - OEM inks are better, much better in most cases but still fade . Protection measures like framing under glass, preventing exposure to harmful agents even at the smallest concentration level indoor helps as well - like smoke, formaldehyde in furniture etc.
There is one ink which performed somewhat better in my tests - not as good as OEM inks yet - it's the Fotonic XG by Lyson still offered on the Marrutt website, I would assume that this ink set is running at a diminishingly low business level if available at all anymore.

And there is another type of ink - the bottled inks by HP for their ink tank printers - the GT52 inks. HP and Canon are using a similar printing principle using bubbles to expel the ink drops. These GT52 inks performed quite well, better than the Fotonic inks, and a user in the German druckerchannel forum ran thsese inks in a Canon printer - it worked fine for him but he did not run any longer term tests so far.
These inks have 2 limitations - there is no dye black available only a pigment black which does not print well on glossy papers, and the HP C and M inks are colorwise pretty far off from the Canon inks - you need icc profiles fro color corrected prints.

The Canon bottled inks for the Canon tank system printers - the G series - are not Chromalife type inks and perform pretty weak, there are not an alternative for refill into other Canon printers.

Your depth of knowledge is truly astounding. Thank you for weighing in - you are correct, the OEM ink prints do seem to last longer - a few framed ones are only now beginning to dull after five years. But what kind of made me go down this path was that a few prints I had done on Canon Photo Paper Plus (Semi Gloss) with the replacement ink, lost colors within a few weeks.

Admittedly they were printed for my son's kindergarten class, and were hanging unframed, and unprotected from his "project" tree, but the gradual "orange-ing" was unmistakable day by day.

The ones in my office faded to pure orange (it is a sight to behold) after around a year. One can't tell whether there were people or plants in that photo.

Thanks for confirming that the bottled ink systems are junk - after all this headache with the prints fading, I considered just moving to a Canon / HP bottled ink system. Thanks to @websnail I have ordered a fresh set of V2 inks, and will give them another try.


Getting Fingers Dirty
Mar 15, 2015
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Pro 100
You're not alone... I don't get back here nearly as much as I'd like to but not to worry...

That does help enormously and confirms what I suspected. Your inks are from our version 1 formulation which we found degraded much quicker than we would like with the Greys and Black being particularly vulnerable to fading. That's basically the reason we switched to the version 2's and offered the discount which I believe you've taken advantage of already.

Thanks @websnail , I appreciate the discount. I look forward to receiving v2, and trying it out again.