Pro 1 price in UK

The Hat

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Emulator said:
Thanks to The Hat, for a clear review of the current position for all new purchasers.

I guess you will be fitting an exhaust pipe to the Pro1 and eventually the inks and resetter will become available,
but only Canon will be able to improve ink monitoring.
I suppose by any chance you haven't got a faulty one?

It would make Rodbam happy, if he had a Pro1, among other things,
I didnt think for one moment that I had gotten a duff printer, the taught never crossed my mind,
besides Canon Service have given it a clean bill of health and unfortunately the ink monitoring on it is second to none.

When running a normal desktop printer you can deliberately disable the print monitoring to the point
where your cartridges run out of ink and destroy the print head entirely.

Not so on the Pro 1, it wont allow you to print anything at all and refuses to budge till you replace the empty cartridges,
and it will even stop printing instantly in the middle of a print run if it detects a cartridge empty
regardless of the levels showing on the ink monitor, its all most human.

Despite none of my cartridges being empty when I got the printer back from the Service centre,
none the less I was unable to do anything with the printer till I bought a set of cartridges to reset the default ink monitor.

There are so few of the Pro 1 printers been sold that there is simply no market for ARCs or a resetter,
that would imply cheapskate tactics on the part of the owners, but High-end photographers
are never going to use any 3rd party products anyway, that would amount to heresy.

I mean why should they, its one of the best printers on the market today when using OEM supplies
so using anything less would only reduce its ability to print brilliant photographs every time,
I know Rodbam would love one but so would you yourself Emulator, its a photographers dream.

Owning a Pro 1 is easy, therere not that expensive to buy, affording to print with only the best papers and inks
is the part that the most enthusiasts photographers would find the hardest.

I dont do photographs but I am still finding it hard to keep this beast going, if its not one thing its another,
just one set of ARCs would sure help make life a lot easier and considerably cheaper,
and without the use of I.S. inks I would have most lightly dumped this thing in the nearest skip by now.

Hopefully its expensive habits have ceased for the foreseeable future and maybe I can learn to like the printer all over again,
only time will tell because I am keep constantly broke pouring money at it with little return.

It sounds a bit stupid at the moment, but Happy Printing .. :)


Printing Apprentice
Aug 28, 2013
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I've just ordered a Pro 100 from Wex Photographic...I went for the extra 39 'bundle' of a full second set of Canon inks and 50 sheets of A3+ paper (Permajet Oyster Instant Dry Gloss A3+ 271gsm - a make I've never heard of but hope it's okay). Plus they deliver on a Saturday. So much for me using my local camera store which wouldn't budge an inch on price or offer anything cheaper on top.


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Jan 4, 2012
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I hope you enjoy your new printer RBG. Check out the posts on this site regarding Sihl paper from Lidl, its very good value for money, microporous glossy, 280g, A4, as The Hat will tell you.

I have just had a thought, perhaps the Pro1 is so clever, that it talks to base via the internet and checks with the accounts department, whether you have recently purchased any cartridges.

The ultimate anti-refill device!


Printing Apprentice
Aug 28, 2013
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Thanks Emulator, I appreciate your best wishes. Finger's crossed all will settle in okay and I'll not find producing my first prints too frustrating an experience. Technology and printers aren't always a happy balance eh :) Many thanks also for the tip re the Sihl paper at Lidl, much appreciated.

Your theory with the Pro 1 ink refills checking in online doesn't sound completely far fetched to me. My partner tried to get a second key cut for her VW estate and the main dealer said they have no control over new keys being programmed electronically...the request goes online to Germany and the second key code is generated there. The 2nd key is then activated over the net from Germany and is then programmed remotely via the main dealer. I don't know if that's 100% correct but your theory with the ink may well be true.

I bet Epson and Canon hate the independent ink suppliers, with a passion...hence putting high level cryptography keys on the cartridge chips...where's Alan Turing when you need him! :)


Printer VIP
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Jul 2, 2006
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Toronto, Canada
It is heading that way to a degree. When I installed the last Epson, I distinctly ticked off NOT to update the firmware automatically. Despite that, the install proceeded to update. Furthermore I checked the installed programs and found apps installed to update. I had to manually get rid of them. Networks have become ubiquitous to the point that they are anticipating that in some form or another, all machines with a processor will be networkable. The day of servers keeping tabs of all activities is not that far off. I feel Moore's law is no longer in processing/CPU for power but is now active in small machine communications. The small low power processor and cost of networking is so minimal now. This was totally unseen 10 years ago.


Printing Apprentice
Aug 28, 2013
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Our world's going to be like 1984 -with Big Brother and the Thought Police, The Island of Doctor Moreau, and Minority Report, combined with Dr Stranglove! On that happy note I'm looking forwards to getting my Pro 100 tomorrow so I can express some of my individuality :)