As far as print quality goes, you made a good choice with the ip6700d. I just recently acquired one and it prints color photos beautifully. I had an ip5000 before and I would say that the print quality was similar but not quite as nice as the ip6700d.NaoWiv said:Thanks very much for all your help. I've decided to go with the 6700 as I will be printing loads of photos and not much text. Plus since you all have a few printers each and it seems to be the norm to get the best for what the use, I figure I can always get a good printer for text.
I'm still unsure which direction I'll take with regard to ink tanks/cartridges/carts, but I'll let you know how I get on and what I decide. If the printer is as good as ghwellsjr and Trigger 37 say, it might be worth voiding the warranty to not need a small mortgage to get new ink. And if it does stuff up, I'll try to get it fixed under warranty and let you know what Canon say.
The cheapest I've seen OEM cli-8 carts sell for is around $13 US on e-bay, but by the time you pay for shipping it's probably no cheaper than buying locally. I print a lot of photos, so I decided to refill my cli-8 carts. So far, I don't regret the decision. I opted to buy a spare set of cli-8 carts so that I can just swap carts as they empty out, but that's an extra $90+ up front to pay for the convenience of having a spare set of carts ready to go. I don't reccomend getting aftermarket cartridges for the cli-8, because of the hassle of swapping the chip over to the 3rd party cartridge. IMO, if your gonna go thru the hassle of swapping a chip, you may as well refill and save about $3 a refill. It costs under $1 per refill with quality ink when you buy your ink in 4oz bottles. You can buy a whole refill set of ink for ip6700d for about $40 which will yield 72-80 refills. I only buy top quality refill ink, stay away from the cheap chinese ink as it could cause problems. For penny's more per refill it's worth getting Ink Specialists ink.
I've had my ip6700d for less than 2 months now, but I've already refilled all six cartridges about 3 times each, thats 18 refills. total cost=under $18. If I had to buy 18 OEM cartridges the cost would have been $270
The technique for refilling the cli-8 is exactly the same as filling a bci-6 cartridge, they're almost identical except for the chip.
As far as the black text goes I use a Brother laser printer/copier/fax, Intellifax 2820 . It's a laser and it prints black text at about 40ppm and its much cheaper to operate than an inkjet for text printing.