Precision Colors PC72SE Pro-10 inkset on mid-to-shadow saturated reds/purples


Printer Master
Feb 4, 2014
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If the inks are close enough, it can readjust to reuse OEM ICCs to a degree. Not pefectbut better than no calibration and might be acceptable to the user. Creation of a new ICC is certainly better, but the calibration for an OEM workflow is ideally meant to use OEM products. Unfortunately on my Pro-1000. I do not recall the ability to create a custom calibration which is what would be ideal for aftermarket use of this. But remember, these tools are meant for OEM use. So keep that in mind.
You should also keep in mind that Canon engineers from the Pro-9500 days were concerned about ink color consistency. This tool is for that. They must know something about this to be concerned.

In that case I couldn't use the profiles anymore to compare between my own inks and papers.
Without becoming a profile fetishist, I use them as an indication for the gamut and blackness, supposing higher values give prints with deeper colours.
Anyway, without any scientific pretension, I learned a lot about inks and my prints are better.

Comparing profiles of my own ink and paper with OEM profiles or the ones of other ink/paper providers is probably dependent on more variation (calibration instrument, drying time, color temperature, ...) than what Canon engineers had in mind with the calibration tool.

To come back on the thread starters question, the SE C,M,Y inks are IMO able to produce a comparable gamut as (PRO-10) OEM. I wonder if the other colours would change a lot.

When you explore inks and paper, keep always a set of OEM ink as a reference.


Getting Fingers Dirty
Mar 13, 2012
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Well the functionality of the Calibration is often misunderstood. If you are making your own profiles, would it make a difference? At first it may appear no. The ICC will compensate. And to this you are correct.
However suppose you've made ten profiles or even twenty. Great!
Now you get a new batch of inks even OEM for that matter. And the splitting hair person notices a slight drift. Now what?
They need to recreate ALL of their profiles?
Now if the person had calibrated prior to making any of their profiles. With this drift, then ALL profiles would still be good by just recalibrating.
Again, this aspect of performance is likely lost on the person who is refilling.
It is also lost on most of the printing community because it is a feature that is indeed splitting hairs and Epson would not rather not talk about it at the consumer level products. But you gotta give Canon credit for putting this level in the hands of those who want to use it.

Calibration might not help the initial thread issue. One attempt is to try pure OEM and see or you might have bumped into a weakness of the Pro-10. Here's another thing. Have you tried using Argyll CMS?. Different profile creating software will create different profiles. If you are having banding issues, typically it will indicate the quality of the software or the target itself. It tells me the software is missing a part of the character of the printer and the assumption in that area is not correct. I would use Argyll and use a three level or at least a two level target method. The first one tries to get an idea of the general shape of what the printer is capable of. The next set of targets will then further explore, more defined what the shape actually is. The third with more targets will then explore more accurately the printer potential. Each iteration yields less improvement. I have not uses iprofiler for over 7 years so I no longer remember what it does but at this time I stick to open source documented software. I really believe in Argyll CMS because it takes the correct steps in creating profiles.

Thanks mikling, for the reply. I thought about calibrating the printer using the tool provided by the manufacturer because maybe that would change the gamut a little in favor of magenta. No success. Color Management Tool Pro gives an error just after trying to upload calibration data to the printer. The new values (PC inksets read by an i1pro spectro) are probably too much out of (a narrow) range to be managed by the printer.

Since 3 years ago, I had profiled the same Hahnemühle Museum Etching pager with 4 inksets: entire OEM set, entire PC72V2 set, PC72V2+OEMR and PC72SE+OEMR sets. I didn't have the reported problem using OEM or PC72V2+OEMR inksets, so it seems something related to the PC72SE Magenta ink. X-Rite i1Profiler had always provided me (much) wider gamut, in comparisons between the profile I made with it and the Argyll CMS built ones, to have any contribution for this problem. i1Profiler does also have the feature of profiling optimization by iteration. The user can even feed the software a sample picture file, so it would explore those particular luminances, hues and saturation. But I had not explored this because of out of gamut tones are all very saturated ones, so probably already tested by 2000+ patch targets I use to build the profiles.

I have just purchased one OEM PGI72M cartridge and I'm waiting for stock renewal of Museum Etching A3+ paper at the store I usually purchase from.