Pixma MP610 and PGI5 black


Getting Fingers Dirty
Dec 25, 2008
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stratman said:
Meant "excess" as in "too much", not that you were repeating your question excessively or that you were obsessing over the issue.
Understood correctly, don't worry :)

CLI-8 Dye-Based Color Inks are used anytime color is printed and is used exclusively for:
Does it mean that if I'm printing a page from Word with a very small color logo somewhere, then all the document is printed using dye ink? Even black text?

Hmm, have to check.




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Apr 19, 2007
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Canon MB5120, Pencil
Jerry1111 said:
Does it mean that if I'm printing a page from Word with a very small color logo somewhere, then all the document is printed using dye ink? Even black text?
In your example of printing via Word onto what I am assuming is simplex printing on plain paper, CLI-8 is used essentially for color graphics and PGI-5 pigment black is used for black text.

This topic is actually more detailed, as the the way the computer sends the data to the printer determines how the printer will output the data. An example would be how the printer handles printing PDF files - is the output all graphic or graphic plus text. (Depends on how the PDF was compiled)) Text within a graphic may be handled as a graphic and be printed with CLI-8 ink, or, be treated as traditional text and be printed using PGI-5 ink.

Others on this forum will be able to explain in more detailed if you are interested. For now, you can think of printer output as:

- CLI-8 is always used whenever color is printed, though PGI-5 may be used for black output. (This is probably the answer to your question based on my assumptions as noted.)

- CLI-8 is used exclusively (ie NO PGI-5) for the examples listed in my previous post (photo paper, printable CD/DVD's, etc.).

But, even this is not explicitly correct since Canon discusses page yields for PGI-5 when printing photos for which I assume were calculated using photo paper. Maybe their page yields take into account loss of PGI-5 due to automatic cleaning cycles and occasional plain paper photo printing.

I think it is safe to assume that if you are printing media as "exclusive" for CLI-8 cartridges that usage of PGI-5 pigment ink is rather sparse.