Panorama on 9500 mk2 possible?


Getting Fingers Dirty
Apr 25, 2013
Reaction score
Hi, I'm new to this forum and to new to my rather old model printer, Canon 9500 mk2.

I'm aware that typical :cool: reviews claim that the 9500 mk2 can't print larger than 14"x17" or 13"x19", I was wondering if any fine folks here have overcame that limitation. It'll be damn badass to print 14" wide pano on the 9500, 13" wide pano is not bad too. I'm holding a mini exhibition end of this year that requires me to print some of my images on pano... I'd rather not have to pay an arm or a leg for those at the local art printers using "okay" papers, when I can pay that for... say Harman's Baryta Smooth.

I intend to use cut sheet since the 9500 doesn't support roll paper. Thanks in advance :D


The Hat

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Platinum Printer Member
Jan 18, 2010
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Residing in Wicklow Ireland
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Canon/3D, CR-10, CR-10S, KP-3
Hi Grey
The 9500 will in fact print 14 x 19 with a bit of care and attention to detail.
Youll have to use the front tray to achieve the maximum size in width with a bit of trickery.

The back tray has no restriction on what paper surface you want to use Matte, Satin or gloss and will print to a maximum size of 330 x 490 mm,
you can use longer paper but the image will still stop at 490 mm.

The front tray will take 350 x 489 mm but wont print to maximum width if you dont trick into doing so,
it has the habit of scaling your print and leaving a 25 mm margin around your image.

To do any large scale printing you need to do a few practice runs first to get the hang of the way this printer runs,
you need to use cheap paper cut to size to make sure that everything will work out the way you want before using expensive Photo papers.

The magic way to trick the printer is to set it to different paper surfaces to the one you actually want to print on,
like Canvas, Hagaki, Photo rag and other fine art papers, but stay away from all Photo paper settings if you dont want borders,
it a matter of trial and error but more so errors.

Happy Printing.. :)


Getting Fingers Dirty
Apr 25, 2013
Reaction score
Great! thanks, I'll try it out next week or something. Probably try to cut my Savage Wide Tone backdrop and feed into it. Haha I was hoping someone have hacked into the firmware or something to go beyond even the 19" length. 14x19 sounds excellent though :) Cheerios