Good question. I have no idea the fading properties of any of the various printable disk media.ThrillaMozilla said:Have you tested any of these for fading in light?
Sure, the industry does archival testing. For disks used in the environment of an automobile, heat, light, gases, particulate matter, mechanical abrasions, liquids, sweat from hands, etc may decrease the lifespan of readable data and correctable errors. How much and by each of these variables is unknown to me. I see JVC announced a new archival grade DVD-R last November. There are archival grade CD-R as well. Sometimes you will see "medical" labeling to represent these supposed longer lasting disks. Archival grade disks cost more, of course.ThrillaMozilla said:You know, I think there's been a misunderstanding. I was wondering about fading of the recordings, not the labels. Any tests on the recording media that you know of?