I've got a fairly old IP4200 printer, which has the same print head as when I bought it.
It was printing fine last year, then for a while it was sitting around unused because I had no ink. I bought some ink from Ebay recently (Seller Page/Description of ink. ) It prints perfectly fine on standard paper. However, the second you change to photo paper, or disc printing, the colours go completely out the window.
What I've done to try and fix:
Lots of deep cleaning.
Removing Print Head several times, flushed with hot water, alcohol and windex, I've spent hours with the tap pressure as hard as I can getting all the ink out of it. I believe I did get it all out fine.
Testing on Windows XP in case there was a driver issue with W7.
When I do a print test, all the colours come out correct (http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d126/Lord-Ingram/print.jpg)
It only happens when I do photo or disc printing, which is basically all I ever use it for.
Now, I've pretty much given up on trying to fix this issue, unless someone here has a better idea. I've been looking at the ip4700 as a replacement, but I'm not so sure the ink I bought for my ip4200 can be used in that one? It would be a pain if I couldn't, because I spent $60 AUD on the ink!
Thanks for any help
It was printing fine last year, then for a while it was sitting around unused because I had no ink. I bought some ink from Ebay recently (Seller Page/Description of ink. ) It prints perfectly fine on standard paper. However, the second you change to photo paper, or disc printing, the colours go completely out the window.
What I've done to try and fix:
Lots of deep cleaning.
Removing Print Head several times, flushed with hot water, alcohol and windex, I've spent hours with the tap pressure as hard as I can getting all the ink out of it. I believe I did get it all out fine.
Testing on Windows XP in case there was a driver issue with W7.
When I do a print test, all the colours come out correct (http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d126/Lord-Ingram/print.jpg)
It only happens when I do photo or disc printing, which is basically all I ever use it for.
Now, I've pretty much given up on trying to fix this issue, unless someone here has a better idea. I've been looking at the ip4700 as a replacement, but I'm not so sure the ink I bought for my ip4200 can be used in that one? It would be a pain if I couldn't, because I spent $60 AUD on the ink!
Thanks for any help