iP4700 - your thoughts on CD/DVD printing


Printer Guru
Dec 15, 2007
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mikling said:
The master at CD DVD printing is now the Epson Artisan 700/800/710/810. No others compare to the ease and simplicity.
If that is the primary function of the printer, your search has now ended.
Is it bidirectional printing? How long to print a disc?

I just finished looking at youtube videos of this printer, very impressive. Does the artisan 50 print as fast as this one (or close to it?)
I'm remembering the r200 with trepidation, however I miss the ease at which a cis hooked up to it.

A shame all I'm geared (inkwise) for Canon, because I'd give one of these printers a try.

The only concerns I would have is hitting that disc tray by mistake and busting it.


Print Addict
Sep 14, 2010
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West Central Florida
Concerning the faint lines on the JVC Watershield discs. As an experiment, I affixed a glossy sticky label to a regular CD and ran it through my MP640 to print it. It came out without any marks whatsoever. I then ran a JVC Watershield through the printer and noticed that it had 4 dull lines across it after printing. I used a micrometer to measure the thickness of both discs and the one with the sticky label applied was thicker by about 3 thousands of an inch. So that means that it is not the fault of the thickness of the discs but the fact that they are JVC Watershield. I love both my Canon Mp640 and JVC Watershield discs but I guess I'll have to search for another water resistant disc, unless I can live with the lines. Does anyone else print water resistant discs in a Canon ip4700 or any of the MP models that print discs? If so, what brand of discs are you using?

EDIT: I just printed a matte disc and am happy to say that it printed perfectly without any lines or marks of anything on the printed surface.


Getting Fingers Dirty
Sep 17, 2010
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Jacksonville, North Carolina
If anyone is still working on this problem, on my older Canon printers, I find that I get a slight overspray that goes outside the disk location, allowing the little rollers to hit it, and makes those marks across the disk... if that happens, and I notice quickly enough, I just use a tissue to wipe the overspray off the tray, and I don't get the marks. It's a bit of a hassle to have to wipe each one, but not all labels do this... and I don't want to leave a white edge on my inkjet printable labels, so I wipe each disk edge, and when ink gets on the tray, I wipe it, too.

I just received my new IP4700 and will attempt the disk print hack for US Canons, soon. Hope it works as well as my two previous Canons. I have been tempted to go to Epson, but was scared away with talk of paper jams and non-recognition of replacement factory ink cartridges. I also want auto duplex printing. I'm spoiled, and the Artisan 50 doesn't do that... and since the 810 and 710 have recently seen their replacements on the scene, I wonder if the problems I see in reviews aren't more than Epson wants to support. I'm not badmouthing Epson. In the past year, I almost pulled the trigger on an Epson printer several times, but the 10-14% negative reviews just scared me enough to stop me. I prefer not to take chances, since the only luck I have is the bad kind.

Of course, if the story about US Canon printers not printing disks because of something to do with Epson... I probably won't buy an Epson. I like being able to choose from competing printers, not be confined to one brand. Since that situation, as I hear it, doesn't make much sense to me, I intend to research it a little more.


Getting Fingers Dirty
Sep 26, 2010
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I have a canon 4760, I have yet to try CD printing.

But as for normal printing, I would say that am not happy with my canon 4760 and I've decided to sell this and get an Epson.

I have 2 Epson T10, 1 Epson T13 and a canon 4760...

I posted some concerns on my canon on another thread (http://www.nifty-stuff.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=5747) but reading from earlier posts, I found out that most CIS are not compatible with canon and if I understand correctly, OEM cartridge + refilling is the solution.

I wanted to try these solutions but I figured that it'll be much of a bother so I'm selling my canon and sticking to epson... of course, an Epson 6-ink system would be the replacement for my canon, perhaps an Epson T60.

(By the way, I'm in Asia so the exact models I'm talking about could be different) :D:D

The Hat

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Jan 18, 2010
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Residing in Wicklow Ireland
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Try Illustrator or PaintShop Pro. :)
I would recommend Illustrator as it will not change your colours and youll have much better control of the position of your artwork + you can do more than one at a time.
Also dont sell your 4760 it may be a pain in the ass most times, but its still a great printer..;)