IP4500 printhead error / defect?


Printer Master
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Feb 24, 2005
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Your images are ".zip" files. As .zip files can bypass a computer's security, many people (I for one) won't open them unless they come from a trusted source. You might get more people to look at your nozzle check by posting the .jpeg files.

BTW - jpegs are already compressed, and zipping them doesn't reduce their size significantly.


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Aug 23, 2006
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I don't see anything wrong if he uses zip rar whatever files as long as it is not .exe file.
If you are paranoid as viruses then use something called virustotal.com


Printer Master
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Feb 24, 2005
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Smile said:
I don't see anything wrong if he uses zip rar whatever files as long as it is not .exe file.
If you are paranoid as viruses then use something called virustotal.com
Winzip disagrees:
"Avoid downloading Zip files from untrusted web sites."

Token said:
Yesterday, i managed to obtain a brand new IP4500 (yes!), and i was doing some benchmarking/data collection. It was all looking fine, until i looked closely at the nozzle checks. On the nozzle checks, there appears to be a misalignment in the blue sections, and this appears only in what i think is the 5pl section.
It appears that all of your nozzles are firing, but that there is one (or maybe 2) cyan nozzle(s) that are firing ink at a slight angle, causing a non-uniform ink spacing in that area. While this is a "defect" in the print head, I would be surprised if you can see the problem with the naked eye in a printed document or photo, where multiple scans are overlaid to randomize such defects. If you have an example of the defect in a photo, can you scan it? Use Photoshop to give a 500x500 pixel crop of the defect and post it on the forum (use "Upload" at the top of the forum).


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Grandad35 said:
Smile said:
I don't see anything wrong if he uses zip rar whatever files as long as it is not .exe file.
If you are paranoid as viruses then use something called virustotal.com
Winzip disagrees:
"Avoid downloading Zip files from untrusted web sites."

1) The act of downloading a file and saving it to your harddrive will not infect you.

2) Viewing the contents of a Zip file will not infect you.

3) Infection from a graphic file like a JPG is theoretically possible, and I do recall some internet chatter several years ago about mailicious code inside a graphic file, but, when was the last time you heard of a malicious graphic file. (http://www.sophos.com/pressoffice/news/articles/2002/06/va_perrun.html - Note you must be infected first before any JPG that contains malicious code can deliver its payload.) Pictures causing infection is more wivestale than reality AFAIK. Prevent infection by starting a graphics viewing program first and then using the graphics viewing program to browse to and open up the graphis file. In other words, do not double click on a suspected graphics file (or any file) in order to start up the associated graphics viewing program.

4) UnZipping the contents of a Zip file could place hidden files or files in unusual folders, possibly hidden, that could then do malicious things. That is why you should always inspect the contents inside the Zip file (ie view the contents first) before unzipping them onto your harddrive. AFAIK, there is no way to "hide" something inside a Zip file - everything can be viewed inside without infecting your harddrive.

5) If you are unsure of a file or two in a Zip file, either scan the Zip with your Antivirus app, delete the Zip, get confirmation from whomever sent it to you (who's to say they know either), or use an over-the-internet scanning site to scan a single file, a folder of files or even your entire drive. Virustotal.com is excellent for single file scans. A clearinghouse of scan sites may be found at http://temerc.com/onlnscnnrs.htm

6) Always, ALWAYS install and keep updated a quality antiviral, anti-malware application. The rest is up to you not to open unknowns. Most people are infected via social engineering against the recipient - a link or file that offers something desirable or useful.

Always be wary of EXE, COM and BAT files. Graphics files like JPG's are not your enemy, especially if your operating system has associated the extension (JPG, BMP, PNG, etc) to open a graphics program. If someone renames an EXE to JPG, when you try to view the file, your graphics veiwer will not be able to read the file and will error out. No harm will occur.


Printer VIP
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Apr 19, 2007
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How did you edit your response (#14) without the customary "Last edited by" notation at the bottom of the post?


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none of the links you have posted and actually some of them are infested with malicious spyware........Why not upload to nifty-stuff.com at smaller size ?


Getting Fingers Dirty
Dec 29, 2008
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Sydney, Australia
pharmacist said:
actually some of them are infested with malicious spyware
erm, what? Infested with malicious spyware? I have absoloutely no idea how that happened... Are you sure my images are the problem? Virustotal, norton internet security suite 2009, clamwin and spybot search and destroy find nothing in both of those files. And, how can the image file contain any executable data (especially data that is executed, as graphics programs cannot execute code)? :/
Has anyone else found a problem?

pharmacist said:
none of the links you have posted and actually
What do you mean by that? i think you forgot a verb... :p

pharmacist said:
Why not upload to nifty-stuff.com at smaller size?
Ah, well, the source images are huge (see bottom of post), and even making them into this size jpegs was a stretch. Also, making it that small would remove much of the detail in the files (well, thats what i think.. i may be wrong, but, considering that jpeg works best with continuous gradients [instead of blocks of colour, as gif does], i have been led to believe that the image quality of the small ink drops will suffer. This was from the site that grandad35 provided in his post)

I'd fiddle with the further, except that i am extremely busy for the next 4 days, and can't spare the time at the moment. :( Sorry


Printer Master
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stratman said:
How did you edit your response (#14) without the customary "Last edited by" notation at the bottom of the post?
I had a "brain fade" and posted an incomplete message by mistake. I just deleted it and posted the completed message when I saw what I had done.

Token said:
Ah, well, the source images are huge (see bottom of post), and even making them into this size jpegs was a stretch. Also, making it that small would remove much of the detail in the files....
I understand that there was no way to shrink your files to fit the forum's size limits and still retain the necessary detail to see the individual dots.

As Pharmacist noted, it is not easy to download from the free posting sites, as they want you to join (and pay) to download - cheapskates like me have to wait until they decide to let you have the data. In general I won't play their game, but I wanted to see what you were describing so I stuck with it. I suspect that this is why you received so few responses.

Since you use Photoshop, you could combine several small "100% crops" of the areas of interest onto one image and post it on the forum as shown below. This retains the detail and makes it easy for others to see.

Stratman, Smile - yes, I know that I may appear to be be overly paranoid about downloads, but:
1. Most IT departments recommend that you avoid zip files (among others) from unknown sources.
2. WinZip recommends avoiding them.
3. A little over a year ago, I got infected with a key sniffer that allowed someone to access my investment account and implement trades in my name. The investment house noted the unusual activity, contacted me and "undid" the damage, but it throws a real scare into you when this happens. This was in spite of having a fully updated XP system, spyware and virus protection and a mild paranoia about opening things. For this reason, I am now in "full paranoia" mode when it comes to downloads or attachments.