Important : Canon Pro-100 Cli-42 Yellow Ink


Newbie to Printing
Feb 8, 2014
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Canon pro 100
I just flushed out a OEM CLI-42 yellow cart with CONE's Piezoflush of which I had a bit left over. Water alone is not enough. I decided to just not wait till this OEM cart was empty. Water flushing is simply not enough to completely clear out the Yellow OEM ink.
In fact as I flushed it out is left residue on my sink simply by contacting water!

I filled the cart till the sponge took up the PiezoFlush and waited a few hours. Then with a 60 ml syringe and plenty of warm water I was able to flush out the cart till the sponge looked bone white. Ran about 2 litters of H2O through that cart.
I am sure the much cheaper Windex would have worked just as well.
I had reported to Mike that I had developed a Yellow Clog even though I had never let water contact the OEM CLI-42 Yellow cart. Never flushed it before filling with the PC inks. Apparently having any leftover OEM yellow left in the sponge is sufficient to start the inevitable reaction.
I am now running the PC yellow ink from a CLI-8 Yellow flushed cart with the CLI-42 Yellow chip attached. Luckily I did not fry the head during the clog problem.
To revive the head I removed it and dropped some Windex on to the yellow inlet port and let it sit. I also soaked it and rinsed it in H2O till clear. I was very lucky indeed that the head revived itself to now perfect running order.


re: canon pro 100
I've followed all the instructions noted in all the posts regarding the CLI-8 replacing the CLI-42. I bought and used the resetter. I cleaned the print head soaking for an hour as directed by Precision. I ran numerous maintenance, clean nozzles, etc... lost count. Yet,when printing the original problem continues: the yellow begins and prints yellow for 1/2" and then turns to pinky/rose color. Our brochures are half pink.

When I print a test block of just yellow only a 25% prints yellow, leaving a white blank on half the square.What else should I do?



Printer Master
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All of them! LOL
You might just have to get a new head for about $60 on EBAY. Sorry but that might be your only option, assuming the yellow cart is not actually suffering from ink flow problems.

Roy Sletcher

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re: canon pro 100
I've followed all the instructions noted in all the posts regarding the CLI-8 replacing the CLI-42. I bought and used the resetter. I cleaned the print head soaking for an hour as directed by Precision. I ran numerous maintenance, clean nozzles, etc... lost count. Yet,when printing the original problem continues: the yellow begins and prints yellow for 1/2" and then turns to pinky/rose color. Our brochures are half pink.

When I print a test block of just yellow only a 25% prints yellow, leaving a white blank on half the square.What else should I do?


Following is my experience with a similar problem.(Full details)

I originally ran into the Yellow problem on my Pro 100 back in September long before the concept hit the mainstream news here. I had no idea what I was dealing with at that time, but more by luck than good procedures, I escaped unscathed.

I had to reprint an image one morning because I damaged it whilst matting. It reprinted noticeably and inexplicably cooler in tone than the original printed 12 hours early from identical archived settings.

I am paranoid about nozzle checks to the extent I look at then under loupes, and through complementary coloured gels looking for defects. Also overprint them in close register so I can more closely look for defects. Probably overkill, but just because I am paranoid it doesn't mean they are not out to get me. ;-)

Anyway I can assure you that up to the problem appearing all nozzle checks were OK.

Still the foliage of all subsequent reprints on a large landscape image were noticeably cooler.

Printing a large areas of yellow and Cyan solid only seemed to indicate a slightly cloudy effect on the yellow image. Not easy to see because it did not appear to be total ink starvation, and if I overprinted solid images the randomness of the cloudy images probably cancelled each other out.

Ran cleaning cycles, deep cleaning cycles and still problem persisted. Extreme frustration on my part. At this point the cartridge had been refilled less than 5 times.

Eventually to verify the problem was cartridge and not the print head purchased new virgin OEM Canon cart. Problem immediately resolved. I vigorously purged and cleaned the troublesome yellow and continued to use it and it seemed to work OK going forward.

However with the later information emerging about the "mellow yellow" problem I have since swapped the chip to a CLI-8 cart.

As Joe says the only way now to make sure your head is not fried is to try a virgin Canon OEM cart.

Roy S.


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All of them! LOL
I have no idea what happened, I tried to post and nothing posted.
Basically I was stating that I also became aware of the problem after an overnight wait between printings. Where it was working perfectly it all of a sudden crapped out overnight.
Windex cleared out the problem.
Now I am strictly running the PC Yellow through a CLI-8 cart with the CLI-42 chip.



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re: canon pro 100
I've followed all the instructions noted in all the posts regarding the CLI-8 replacing the CLI-42. I bought and used the resetter. I cleaned the print head soaking for an hour as directed by Precision. I ran numerous maintenance, clean nozzles, etc... lost count. Yet,when printing the original problem continues: the yellow begins and prints yellow for 1/2" and then turns to pinky/rose color. Our brochures are half pink.

When I print a test block of just yellow only a 25% prints yellow, leaving a white blank on half the square.What else should I do?


Please post a scan of the result there might be another problem lurking.

The key area to clean is the intake port. Drip windex through the intake port on the top while the printhead is on a paper towel. Do this until it comes out clear at the bottom. The particles get filtered at the top and will block ink from flowing freely. This explains Roy's experience of good nozzle checks on low demand. Windex will re liquefy t the ink and windex will flush it out. Thereafter use a refilled CLI-8 or cleaned cartridge with swapped chip.

The Hat

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I would go one step further and say if it’s not too late that is, please don’t try to print anything else on your printer till you can resolve this issue completely, it is highly recommended to print nozzle checks as the safest (Non destructive) way for checking all of the nozzles on your print head..


Newbie to Printing
Feb 8, 2014
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Canon pro 100
Howdy friends,

My next question was going to be where do I get a new print head, since buying the new Cli-42 cartridge didn't resolve the issue. The problem continues with new 42 cartridge and with the new replacement cli-8 replacement. I still do not get a full yellow printout. The brochure starts out printing yellow then goes to a rosy pink. Someone suggested I could get a new print head on ebay for around $60. IS that what I should do next?

Cleaning the print head with water didn't help; then again with windex, didn't help.

Someone else, suggested I send a scanned copy to show you the results. Some other problem could be "lurking." I'm uploading the brochure printed first from Pro-100 with it's yellow problem, and the second page is brochure from the trusty MX340.

You expertise is amazing! I hope you can help me.


  • Pro-100Brochures.pdf
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The Hat

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I strongly recommended in the previous post # 77 that you not print anything else on your Pro 100 till you could resolve this print issue and that advice seems to have fallen on deaf ears.

How can we possible help you if you’re not going to listen to the good advice that is given by all, you may already have damaged the print head beyond recovery, who knows ? but because you didn’t post a nozzle check for us to examine we still can’t be sure about anything, so can you do that first.

It’s quite possible that the print head has gotten clogged up with yellow ink and a good soaking may bring it back to life again or it may even have an electrical problem for which there’s no cure, except a new head.

Now if your prepared to try soaking your print head for a day or two in a solution of Dishwashing liquid (Dawn or Fairy) for hand washing any brand will do, but not the Auto-washer type.

Then put you print head in a dish of warm water and a half dozen spoonfuls of this liquid say 10% / 90% water, and completely cover the inlet where the cartridge usually sits, now leave it to soak for 48 hours.

You can rinse with clean water afterwards but make sure that you thoroughly dry the head before inserting it back into your printer, then try a normal head clean and just run a standard nozzle check, then compare it to your earlier one, we can all wait for the results..


Newbie to Printing
Feb 8, 2014
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Canon pro 100
Yes, Printer Master, I followed your advice in #77 not working with the printer until I could use the new Cli-42 Cartridge.

I thought you wanted a picture to see how the yellow printed on the beginning of the brochure but not all the way through. That's why I uploaded the two compared brochure pictures. That one was printed before your ordered me to not use the printer.

When I installed the new cartridge, I ran the nozzle test and the yellow was barely printing on the nozzle print out. I cleaned nozzles multiple times with no improved print out. Although in this scanned print out of the nozzle check, which I've uploaded, it's hard to see any colors. In person, all the colors are lighter than the checks from MX340.

I went back to using the MX340 until this could be resolved. I did try "flushing" the print head and doing the windex, but the nozzle check has not improved. I aligned heads too.

That's when I wrote here again...

I'll try the overnight soak as you suggested. Thanks for you thoughtful words. True to the Irish.


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