Let me add a few thoughts to this.Grandad35 said:Alex,
Two more points,
1. If you are going to print labels, the color problems caused by the various paper surfaces will be so severe that they will mask any benefit that you get from using OEM inks/carts. You can save big $$ by using one of the 3rd party prefilled carts that are covered elsewhere in this forum. Refilling willl save even more, and you won't have to even think about the cost of ink when you print.
2. When a printed color turns to a muddy brown, this often indicates that you are laying down more ink than the paper can rapidly absorb, so try lowering the "Intensity" setting in the printer driver (Printing Preferences/Main/Color Adjustmant-Manual-Set.../Intensity) to reduce the amount of ink. It is strange (but true) that an ink combination can give the proper color when it is laid down as individual color dots on the paper, but that the same inks turn muddy brown if they mix together before they are absorbed into the paper. Note that the printer settings also affect how fast the ink is laid down. For example, the "Glossy Photo Paper" setting prints slower than "Photo Paper Pro" and will give more time for the ink to be absorbed. Other settings may be even slower.
Good Luck