How to correctly install second HP photosmart printer on same computer


Getting Fingers Dirty
Aug 20, 2007
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Have an HP C6280 installed in Vista hm prem x64. In the past, I've installed 2 HP printers on same computer (in fact, these SAME printers), where they both used same HP Solution Center (HSC) & both worked - completely. It's not working now.

It didn't add the C5180 to HSC, nor to list of printers; it did install Photosmart All In One Driver Software v8.x (which I believe is latest ver for C5100) in Programs & Features. Same software - v10.x was already installed (still is). Believe that's the C6280's version.

Re ran installer for C5180, selected "Add a Device." That added it to HSC v13.x, but it couldn't scan from the HSC. Gave error about verify file hpiscnapp.exe is available. It was & the C6280 had been using it.

Question: If you have a newer printer installed w/ all HP printing, scanning software & Solution Center, what should you install / not install from the software for the second printer?

Example: The NEWER C6280 has a later HP Solution Center (HSC) ver. 13.x. It also has newer Photosmart All In One Driver Software (v10.x), than is available for download on the C5100 series support site.

Had the C6280 installed & everything worked, including scanning from HSC.
Installed software for C5180 (5100) from latest d/l. Did a custom install. Several softwares listed, showed ("already installed"). After running the installer, Vista showed Photosmart All In One Driver Software v8.x (which I believe is latest ver for C5100) in Programs & Features, along w/ v10.x. OK - fine.

Ran HP Print & Scan Dr. Said the "full software package for C5180 wasn't installed."
Leads right back to original question - WHAT all should you install, for a 2nd HP printer, when they use different versions of software, HSC, etc?

Is it correct, that if more recent software for 1st HP printer is already installed, running a COMPLETE "RECOMMENDED" install for 2nd HP printer, will ONLY install what it needs (that ISN'T already present); will USE later versions of things like HSC (& work CORRECTLY)... AND... WON'T mess up anything w/ the 1st printer (e.g., overwrite newer drivers w/ older ones).
Thanks for any suggestions.


Printer Master
Jan 18, 2011
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What actually happens, I have no idea, but I'll tell you what is supposed to happen. You plug the printer into the computer, and you are invited to install the driver. You give it the CD that came with the printer, and it installs the driver. You ignore all the manufacturer's software and use the OS.


Getting Fingers Dirty
Aug 20, 2007
Reaction score
OK, TM. I'll bite. What's this full featured scanning prgm in Vista Home Premium? They removed FAx & Scan.

There may be freeware / low cost scanning software, that MIGHT work w/ my printers (or anyone's)? Still, you're saying forget all the other useful info available through the Solution Center. True, some of that data, changing settings & other stuff is doable thru printer's control panel, Vista's printer properties, etc. I could learn to live w/o using HP's scanning software for those things.

Maybe this is a wakeup - if you or others have some suggestions for scanning software, that at least has most of the ability of HP's scanning software. To ditch HP's software would be like reaching Nirvana.
But, I need more options (sometimes) than just "scan to PDF" - w/ no adjustable settings; or no ability to adj scan settings (darken, sharpen, etc.). Even save custom scan "profiles," for pdfs, etc. I don't use these features all the time, but very handy when needed.


Printer Master
Jan 18, 2011
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OK, I have to admit, if you need fax and scanning software, you might want to use the HP software. But the scanner should be Twain-compliant, so you shouldn't have to use the HP software. In other words, the OS is supposed to be able to install the drivers, and everything is supposed to work correctly.

You might get better help, though, from HP or from the HP forum. Sorry, I haven't done most of what you're trying to do, and can't answer any specific questions on it. And I've never tried to use my scanner from Windows.


Getting Fingers Dirty
Aug 20, 2007
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Thanks. After you mentioned forgetting HP software, briefly looked into free scanning software "that works w/ most scanners." There are a # (some open source), but haven't tried any. At least 1 - 2 said supported my printers. Far as I got. Most of them today seem to stress the OCR capability. Fine, as long as they'll still scan w/o OCR & output to most common formats. Some of these may be better than HP's OCR scan function. It makes frequent mistakes (in my version). I'll have to ask on some forums for scanning suggestions or look on Sourceforge.

HP Community Forums: I've asked couple questions there - no replies in several days. Many topics I read there, have either no real answer (to pretty common questions) or wildly different answers. That may / may not be due to complexity / bugginess of HP software. Very often, suggestions in HP "KBs" & answers in forum is uninstall / reinstall software. In long run, may be best, quickest solution. Though haven't found where "custom print "shortcuts" are stored (custom print prefs you set up) - to save / restore after reinstalls. Those & few other things take a bit of time to redo after reinstalls. Be nice to BU.

I'd love to get away from HP software.

Some other fairly well known "printer help sites" appear to be nothing more than canned responses, based on key words in your question - like initial response from a software company's support. Wouldn't be a bad, if had anything to do w/ actual question.

P.S. - is Image Shack no longer allowing uploading single pics w/o registering / signing in? Just week or so ago, was able to u/l without signing in.

Not sure if can post inline images here, but using the
& pasting //'s link doesn't work - at all - inline or link to image. Minus also doesn't add the .jpg on end of u/l images link??


Printing Apprentice
Feb 11, 2013
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Printer Model
Epson 1430, Pixma Pro-100
I don't know if this will help but I can take a stab at it. In the past I have had as many as 3 or 4 HP printers hooked up to one computer at times - Desk Jet, Photosmart, Office Jet, Wide format, etc. HP tends to use a given software package - like the Solution Center - for a while and for a series or group of printers. Then they move on to something different. I have tried to read and understand everything that has been said in this thread but if I missed something please forgive me. It appears you have the C6280 installed and I guess you finally got it working (referring to a different thread where you were having some problems with it). And it uses the HP Solutions Center as its full featured software. Now you are trying to install a C5180 which also uses the Solution Center software. Correct so far?

So in the past when I installed 2 or more printers that used the same full software package - I always just installed the "basic" driver for a 2nd or additional printers. Always worked for me. There is really no point installing all the HP fluff more than once.

You can get the "basic" print and scan driver for the C5180 at this url:

That should do it. I currently have my main photo printer which is an Epson - a newer HP AIO printer which does not use the Solution Center software - and an older but really good HP Flatbed / Transparency scanner that does use the Solutions Center (which I have running in Windows 7 in Vista compatibility mode) all connected to my machine I use for all photo functions. They all work fine together. I also have some other printers - some HP - installed via network as well.

Disclaimer: Not really a big HP fan - I just used to get a lot of HP printers to use because of my station in life at the time. :)

If this helps - great. If not that's OK too - just trying to help.



Getting Fingers Dirty
Aug 20, 2007
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Thanks Homer.
Now you are trying to install a C5180 which also uses the Solution Center software. Correct so far?
Sort of. The full software / drivers package versions aren't the same for C5100 & C6200 series. Similar in some ways, but for instance, use different Solution Center version. Also, different versions of Photosmart All In One Driver Software. Likely other stuff.
I always just installed the "basic" driver for a 2nd or additional printers
That implies, for instance, the 2nd printer will use the 1st one's scanning drivers / software (& be able to, correctly). If you use scanning, etc., on both. Or were you indicating on the additional printers, all you did was "print." You didn't try to scan w/ them, etc? Or did you?

Few yrs ago, I had both installed on same computer - don't remember install process. Besides, they've issued new full & basic installer versions since then.
When I installed the 2nd printer (C5180) the other day, setup screen showed some things "already installed," (implying, "you don't need to install this").
Other things that were already installed, it would've let me select to install again (most likely a diff ver.). That's the part that's confusing.

It allowed (& did) install an older version of Photosmart All In One Driver Software. v8.x for C5180; the C6280 already had v10.x of the same "package" installed. Those showed up separately in Programs & Features. The full installers have very diff release dates. That huge package includes way more than just drivers. I'm sure many files / functions from v8.x & v10.x overlap. Also confusing. Sure, they need diff drivers.

It definitely had diff versions of some things listed in the install setup menu. That's one of my biggest questions - when installing 2 printers, are HP software / driver installers smart enough not to install files that will mess up 1 or both printer (at least, in some ways). That's an oxymoron - HP software + "smart."

Don't know if - in a case like this - the slightly older (but same TYPE printer - photosmart AIO) NEEDS its own, full software pkg (v.8.x) - to do ALL functions & somehow HP wrote the Solution Ctr, to allow diff printers to show up in it, but they ALL have their OWN software (not just diff drivers).

So, don't know if when installing a 2nd HP, should choose the "Add a Device" option from setup (that I think only installs drivers & adds it to the HSC), or let it install what it wants (thinks it needs) from the full installer?

HP software / drivers messing up is nothing new. But don't know if the C5180 scanning failure (after installed as 2nd prtr) was due to choosing the wrong install method, not checking some box or just typical failed installation issue.
It forces the 2nd printer software to be installed in folder of already installed printer (plainly says so).

Anyway, completely uninstalled software for both. Uninstalling the C5180 uninstalled a few things the C6280 uses, but I used the "level 3" uninstall .bat file (from setup package) to clean out as much old stuff as possible. Did same for C6280 (sort of forced to). Now, I'm seriously considering not trying to install both HPs on one machine, though it'd be handy. This can't become my full time job.

But, HP's software / drivers installation (or installing 2nd prtr) often has problems, if you don't wipe everything clean. Like reinstalling Windows over the top, or an upgrade over the top. MS says you can do it, but results often aren't good.


Printing Apprentice
Feb 11, 2013
Reaction score
Printer Model
Epson 1430, Pixma Pro-100
HP describes the "basic" driver as a "print and scan driver" for the C5180 ( 53481#N214) - so take a look at least. Also, even though HP will update a software package during it's life - both of your printers should work with the latest version as long as the OS is the same. Just telling you what I know has worked for me in the past. Good luck.


Printer Master
Jan 18, 2011
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The process is not deliberately onerous. The old equipment should work with the new software, and everything knows how to sort itself out.

The drivers are also on the CD. The OS will ask you where the drivers are (unless they are already installed), and you can just tell it to use the CD. The drivers on the Web site may be (or may not be) more up to date. You can use them, but you don't have to. Each printer may have a different driver, or it may happen to use the same driver. But the installation will sort that out. The printers and drivers know which to use.

And installing a later version should not harm the previous installation. It might update it with supposedly better stuff, but it shouldn't mess up your previous printer/scanner setup. Usually software is good about this, and HP has surely tested this. If you want to use the full software, the newer software should cover the previous device as well. You could check with HP to be sure, but I would just install it. I'm sure you could just "add a device" if the installation prompts you to do that.

Now if you go to Windows you can check the status of the printers and drivers. In Windows XP you would go to Start > Settings > Printers. You could right click and check the properties of the printer, for example (it doesn't even have to be plugged in to appear). If everything looks normal, well, then, it's installed. If the printer doesn't appear, then it's not installed. I'm not sure about the fax and scanner, but I think it's the same principle.

It's unfortunate, but all we can do here -- not having any of the same equipment -- is give you some general principles.


Getting Fingers Dirty
Aug 20, 2007
Reaction score
Thank you all for suggestions. It's likely I'm experiencing 2 diff things. 1) HOW to install 2nd prtr -which package to use, what boxes to check, etc.
2) Problems w/ HP installers not doing what they should. Forums everywhere are full of these problems.

Re: "HP Photosmart Basic Print and Scan Driver: No Network Support"
That's the rub. Need it on a network. Basic driver package doesn't support it.

My experience is their installers are very picky -sometimes. If one file / registry entry is left - if you uninstalled - the reinstall may fail. Just like w/ GPU drivers.
Some people the installers work for & some not, depending on system & who knows what else. When it doesn't work, HP's email support, tech articles & lots of tech guys give a few things to try, then say "completely uninstall all HP software / drivers & reinstall." Often suggesting using the "L3" uninstall (Level 3) - removes much more from the registry & possibly files loaded into Windows' system / driver folders.

I've been told to use L3 uninstall a couple times by HP support. That appears to be where I am - something "went wrong." I may even try installing from safe mode or a "clean boot."

I could try using the "Add a Device" option from full C5180 package (if installing as 2nd prtr), or only check the Photosmart All In One Driver Software for that printer, in the full installer package.
3rd party scanning software may be a necessity. Just type "problem + scanning" in their community forums search & see massive # of hits. I'm not the only one in this boat.