Has Canon changed models of the MP530 to disallow reset?

Johnny Z

Getting Fingers Dirty
Feb 22, 2008
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To follow up on this MP530 problem, I switched out the Magenta cartridge from my Pro9000 and it finally worked.

But I have to say, this MP530 disabling feature is full of bugs from all I can tell. I was reading on another online list about all the problems that users were having, and there were dozens of complaints. Even brand new cartridges were putting out the flashing amber light to disable the entire unit... even the fax and scanner, which aren't even needed for printing!

Anyhow, I'm glad that the reset button finally kicked in and began to work again...

Thanks for all the help on this issue.


Printer Guru
Mar 18, 2006
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Johnny Z said:
To follow up on this MP530 problem, I switched out the Magenta cartridge from my Pro9000 and it finally worked.

But I have to say, this MP530 disabling feature is full of bugs from all I can tell. I was reading on another online list about all the problems that users were having, and there were dozens of complaints. Even brand new cartridges were putting out the flashing amber light to disable the entire unit... even the fax and scanner, which aren't even needed for printing!

Anyhow, I'm glad that the reset button finally kicked in and began to work again...

Thanks for all the help on this issue.
Glad you got your printer working ,..............a friend in New Zealand also had similar probs with " more than 1 cart of a color inserted" and please replace carts with lights out ...etc on a 5200.
He had never overriden or used a Redsetter............perfectly legit operation. ........................ He got right again by replacing 1 of his carts and throwing the bad one ( half full and recently new)

Within 2 days I had the following errors after a Redsetter reset on a set of carts in a 4200 (which has never been overridden )-

You have more than 1 cart installed of each color
There have been ink tank errors
You have more than 1 yellow installed
Replace the tank whose lights are off.......................................These errors were 1 at a time , random and prevented printing.........I panicked and retrieved another new 4200 from storage and tried that.....................exactly same probs.................I tried a virgin set of carts................fine everything ok.

I then looked at my reset procedure. I HAD BEEN DOING IT WRONG ". I had just inserted the cart got a short flash and thought it was finished. Wrong ! Correct is short flash , leave until steady Red for 2-3secs. The re-set carts are now back in the original machine and working correctly.
What it has proved to me is that these error messages are solely due to chip malfunction regardless of whether the Printer is overridden or not.
It may be that these chips are far less robust than we thought , even in new carts , and I think Canon probably know this , So if it happens on a cart......take it back to the supplier and ask for replacement.


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Right... just an update..

It seems my original enthusiasm was misplaced but only in part...

The redsetter did indeed solve my problem for one print run but when it was asked to do another one the next day it started screaming about a cartridge it couldn't understand or something... What changed though is that the error report gave me something meaningful ie: the cartridge type and colour so I was able to ID the problem. Before the printer had just said "cartridge not lit up" so this was a big improvement.

I've swapped out the chip with another empty and accepted the warranty message for now but I'll see what happens tomorrow before I commit...

It seems my life with Canons isn't over after all... Perhaps they missed me? ;)


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I said this before, Canon has lost the battle with the introduction of these affordable chip resetter, but won the war with those chips on the cartridges. After a while the chips on the cartridges are going to malfunction and back to Canon to obtain a chipped cartridge again........

Is there a solution to disable the chips in the print head craddle and fall back again to 100 % optical ink level status detection ? Maybe some cracked firmware that can be downloaded into the printer ?


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pharmacist said:
I said this before, Canon has lost the battle with the introduction of these affordable chip resetter, but won the war with those chips on the cartridges. After a while the chips on the cartridges are going to malfunction and back to Canon to obtain a chipped cartridge again........
I think you'll find that the number of cartridges which are OEM, unrefilled and still failing is going to be where Canon come unstuck. They aren't going to care a jot about refillers but if legit customers start getting their righteous ire up it'll turn nasty. We shall see as always. Canon have always been the sensible ones about their kit though.. None of this "our way or the highway" stuff. It's only the 3rd party remanufacturers they've tried to hurt and understandably really.

Is there a solution to disable the chips in the print head craddle and fall back again to 100 % optical ink level status detection ? Maybe some cracked firmware that can be downloaded into the printer ?
None available that I've heard of and in fairness it's unlikely to happen although you never know.


Getting Fingers Dirty
Apr 22, 2007
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My son's ip4200 has done this too. It was always complaining about the magenta cartridge not being installed, or having two of the same color, etc.. It always seemed to be related to the magenta cartridge and the cartridge was the one that came with it and had never been refilled or reset. I finally pulled it and put in a refilled cartridge. It gave the empty cartridge warning, we disabled the ink monitor for that cartridge, and it's been running fine ever since. I still have the cartridge, I may play with it when I get my resetter.