Printing Ninja
The prices have come down so far!
I recently bought one of these for my kids:
... and I'm VERY tempted to get one of these:
I have seen some fairly mixed reviews of the "pen ones" - though it seems the better ones are rather good fun to play around with. As for the link to the second one - that seems an amazing price for an ASSEMBLED unit that is "ready to go".
Cracking deal and still only just over $300 delivered to the UK with customs paid into the bargain.
I wonder if some little "filament makers" will start appearing. I know a few creative folks have already made them but for others who intend to print a lot and can buy plastic "grit" for a fraction of the price, then a little feedscrew > extrusion kit that has a little hopper for plastic waste / pellets and an extruder, cooling fan and take up reel could be awesome. Even it wasn't too cheap if it was really well made, it could become enough of a micro industry (preparing inexpensive filament) as to create a substanttial drop in price.
About the only improvement I could think of on that, would be for a a 3D printer to have the equivalent of a "CISS" system, but instead of ink from tanks, plastic granules from hoppers. One hopper each for CMYKW and then just make sure you fill the little hoppers with plastic granules of the right colour and it then "melts on demand" and feeds the extruders freshly made filament which it could pulltrude from the filament making device.
I am sure it would not be super simple to make that work BUT if it can be made to work as two separate machines, I am guessing one way or another it could be made to work.
Either that or - as the filament is MUCH thicker than the finest "resolution" dots the typical printer can make, then just make the nozzles accept a MUCH thicker "slug" of plastic - perhaps not TOTALLY unlike the "solid ink" printers which seemed to take what looked like solid slabs of colour and somehow "melt
them accurately" onto paper.