Faulty black printing on MP500... why?


Newbie to Printing
Feb 27, 2013
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The PGBK in my MP500 is doing EXACTLY the same thing. My nozzle check looks exactly like the PGBK line in block 3. of the image ziggy posted. I have cleaned/soaked the print head thoroughly but have had no success. It is as if 1/2 the PGBK jet has simply stopped printing.

If I may tag on to this post and ask:
1. is this a faulty print head or is there something else wrong?
2. if it is the printhead, do you know where one can be had in the $20-30 range? I cant see putting more money than that into this old printer!
Thank you!

The Hat

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Sorry ziggy to break the bad news but your print head is fried, when the nozzles fire and there is no ink present to cool them,
from (Ink starvation or blockage) then they burn out after several prints and there is no way back.

It would be worth your while to get a new print head (More expensive) than to buy a new 5320,
your MP500 may will last another five years so its a good investment,
the newer printer looks better but is it.. :idunno


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Copenhagen Denmark
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For pigment black the picket fence pattern, the missing pigment black and the exactly half the nozzle check pattern missing are all typical symptoms of electronic printhead failure. If the failure were in the dye colors typical patterns would be all dye colors totally missing or one one or more stripes divided in two horizontally exactly at the middle and the upper or lower half missing or being significantly lighter than the other half.

Only a new printhead might help, but there is a risk that the bad printhead has damaged the logic board in the printer. The damaged logic board can damage a new printhead, so replacing the printhead is a gamble in this case. Your chances of success are best if the printhead just failed because of old age, and no water from cleaning the printhead outside the printer was left on the printhead electronics. So if you are sure the printhead was completely dry after the soaking, I think the chances are good that the logic board is not damaged, and a new printhead will help. But it is still a gamble.

It looks like I was wrong about the 24 hour waiting period, it is most likely 48 hours now. I will remember that.


Newbie to Printing
Feb 24, 2013
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Thanks The Hat and PeterBJ ... I'm glad to have your take on the problem. I've decided to not risk getting a new printhead (They are around $50 -- TheGreat48 if you find one for less, please let me know and I will buy one for backup).

Instead I have been looking for the MG5320. Really hard to find now! If others are looking also, FYI they are out of stock at Staples, Fry's, Target, and BestBuy, having been replaced by the MG5420 which has smaller carts and doesn't seem to have as many features as 5320. Amazon and Walmart still have 5320 for $89, probably not for long. It's still on Canon's website for $149.


Newbie to Printing
Feb 27, 2013
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Ziggy - I can't reply to your private message because I need 5 posts before that feature is unlocked for me. ?? :/ So I'm replying here.

I contacted Canon who had nothing of value to offer and who tried to sell me their "after warranty expires maintenance program." No thanks.

I found a refurbished print head on ebay for 32.00, free shipping (this site wont let new users post the url either -annoying- but just look on ebay). IF I decide to fiddle around with the Canon MP500 some more, I'll probably go that route. However it is also making an awful ratcheting noise as it goes through its preprint routine and over the years I must have refilled a gallon of ink in it so I'm more inclined to just let it die peacefully at the nearest electronics recycling center.

I bought an Epson XP800 to replace it. There's a 100.00 off promotion though its still going to run me 180.00. But I really wanted something with AirPrint, fax, ADF, duplex printing, decent photo printing and an option for high capacity ink tanks (cant post this url either -really annoying- but just look on the Epson site if you are interested in looking at this printer).

Good luck with your printer quest!