Printing Ninja
Newegg is the premier electronics estore in the US and very trustworthy. They are a model for up and coming esellers. Check Resellerratings as recommended before dealing with any seller unknown to you.Ruri said:Going back to page one of this thread. Ruri said he's looking for an AIO that will scan film. Will any of Canon's AIOs do that? Doesn't it require a light source behind the film or negative? Just wondering.(I'm a SHE.Yes there is: the Canon MP970 has a diafilm scanner with backlight adapter and is 7-ink tank based (CcMmYK CLI-8 + Pigment PGI-5Bk) and also has a superior CCD-scanner.) Yes, and also MP810 and MP960.
Since you have trust in Newegg in great deal, I thought maybe I misread Newegg's reply and maybe she meant, "inks and papers are included but you can purchase these items if you want some more." So I emailed again for clarification. This time, clearly I was told that they are not included (although it was from the same possibly uninformed person.) She didn't reply yesterday but did today. What do you think they did yesterday? They removed the remark,Whomever responded to your query was apparently not informed.
1. These are Canon recertifieds and Canon warranted, Newegg doesn't doesn't touch them, other than the boxes.
2. Canon is not going to release a recerified printer without inks...it would open the door for a bargain hunter to buy aftermarket ink from the start. They want to get you hooked on genuine ink.
3. If you read the customer reviews, they are reporting that these Canon recertifieds are shipping with ink.
from the page that shows the content of a box of a new MP810 probably because I said that it couldn't be called "comparable" if it doesn't come with the inks which cost as much as the printer itself. I noticed that they removed the remark from the pictures of many other printers also. Probably ones which don't have the remark now don't come with inks.The pictures shown are from the NEW version of this item. The manufacturer Recertified product may differ in packaging and accessories, but will usually be comparable with new versions. On occasion accessory items may or may not be included, and/or substituted. Accessories are shown in the pictures so that customers will know what may be missing.
It sounds to me that the Newegg respondents you've dealt with are giving you their boiler-plate response in regards to recerified goods. They are deeply discounted and usually ship "bare bones" with little or no accessory items. I received the same sort of "lowered expectations" response.
The real answer is in the customer reviews which should of course always be taken with caution.....large samplings are helpful and watch for trends.
That said, any of these owners would be screaming bloody murder if they didn't receive ink....some complain of not getting a USB cable. USB cables almost never come with printers these days!
I did see some reviews that directly reported receiving ink and that the printer looked to be NIB (new in box).
These recertified printers are coming from Canon and Canon is simply not going to release a printer, any printer, without including ink. That would make no sense at all....they would sooner destroy the printer than ship it without ink.
Canon wants you to have a positive printing experience right out of the box and they hope that you will buy genuine Canon ink when you need more.